Thursday, March 29, 2012

something i should've said a damn long time ago

alright, you know what.
I'm fucking done. okay? ya get that?
like, I get that she's made mistakes in the past, but so have you ALL. and you've done as much shit to her as she has to you.
the her in this is heather, if you hadn't guessed.
and I'm fucking TIRED of you guys bitching about her. or telling me, ME OF ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, that you have shit with her and that you don't like her. and then you say all this shit about her AND SHE'S NOT EVEN THERE TO DEFEND HERSELF!!!
You guys are assholes and I won't take it anymore, okay?
And yeah, okay, she's such a terrible person, she's only saved my life on countless occasions and kept me from doing really stupid shit to myself.
yeah okay. terrible person.
but, no.
and don't be all "oh we don't have a problem with you, just her..."
no, fuck that
you have a problem with her
then you have a problem with me, okay?
She's grown so much as a person and if you can't see that then you're fucking stupid.
leaving berea was the best decision she ever made.
because she got so much happier after she got some of you out of her life.
and i'm happy and proud of her.
so if you guys are gonna go on and bitch about her and hate her for mistakes that happened years ago, just know that i'm not gonna be around for it.
because i'm fucking done.


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