Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Big Phunk Family Hangout!

Needs to happen when Laura gets home.
I miss having all of us together.
I only see everybody at different times of the today, and then there's this whole relationship I kinda have. ;)
But yes. We need to all hang out and just vent our troubles, share jokes, laugh, and have a merry ole' Phunky time.
Who's with me? :D

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

you know what?

I really envy you guys.

Like, I don't even know, but I feel like I'm just always being left out of everything, I'm the last one to know everything. And no one TALKS to me this year.

I mean it's our fucking Senior year and after this year, we'll probably never see each other again. We'll be going our separate ways. And I just don't like it.

I'm just saying that'd it be nice for me to be invited to these little get togethers so I could actually see you guys.

No one ever checks this god damn thing so none of you will see it more than likely but whatever.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tomorrow is the last first day of high school.
We will have the best year EVER!

In other news: I submitted my online application to Berea. So I'm hoping I can complete the rest of my file the best that I can and hope I get accepted.
I'm also planning to apply to Warren Wilson for obvious reasons.

Life is finally getting exciting again!

Monday, July 25, 2011

I think it's pretty clear that we're all too busy for this blog.
Well, not necessarily busy, just kind of forgotten about it.

But anyway I'm here to tell you that I believe my time on this blog has come to an end.
I've had some good memories with it, but ally things must end.

If you want to keep up with me, then you can go through my tumblr.

farewell "blog of the phunk"


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey guys
Remember that road trip we were planning on taking after we graduate?
I think we should start thinking about that more.
we're going to Ontario, I've decided.
And if you guys don't want to go there
then you can just drop me off and I'll live with Dexter.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This is how I fell in love with him.....musically!

It also doesn't hurt to say he's gorgeous! :D

This. Guy. Rocks!


This blog slipped my mind. I'm sorry!!!!!

Posting time.

Hannah....KURT! I love you! We should hang more this summer! I don't know if you're watching The Glee Project or not, but there's a really attractive, and really talented contestant named Cameron Mitchell! Beautiful....and a great singer!

Also.....LAURA......I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!

Taylor, I hope Vermont is the shiz!

Lekey.....I saw you!

Heather.......I saw you too a little bit ago too!

So....we need to like have a Mario Kart marathon and a Sailor Moon marathon......let's all watch Cameron and his Irish BFF Damian (who's dreamy) on The Glee Project!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm never going to be good enough.
For anyone.
Not for my mom. My dad. My family.
I feel as if I'm just slipping off of everyone's radar.
Hell, I'm slipping off my own radar.
I'm useless.
Never going to be good enough.
I want more than anything to be able to look in the mirror and see someone worthwhile. I'd fucking love that.

I fucking hate my life.
Hate it.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm finding it rather difficult to find reasons to stay alive at this point in my life.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Dear Hannah,
What is even going on? We're not friends on Facebook anymore and you haven't replied to my message asking the same thing. I don't want to assume anything so I'll leave it at that and wait for an answer.

I don't want to lose you again.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Well, things are changing. I'm looking at these posts and I can't believe how much we're changing. Maybe we're drifting apart. It's kinda inevitable. But hey, look back at how far we've come! How many leaps and bounds we've made as people. It's incredible really.

I've changed a lot. Mostly for the good. However, at the moment I'm suffering from the consequences of too much change... But that will pass and I'll be all the stronger for it.

That's kinda how things work though. Bad things happen, we learn from them and become better for it. I suppose that we learn well from the good things too though.

But still.

Hannah dear, you do whatever you have to do, okay? Go and discover the world, meet new people, and you'll find more and more of those people that really care and really love you. Go out and have fun, make mistakes, and discover who you are. I know you can and I know you will.

Just know you can always contact me, even 20-50 years in the future, if ou need me, Kay?

All of us are going to be out there too, ya know. In different places, difference colleges, different jobs. Who knows? It's pretty terrifying to think about... But at the same time, invigorating.

One more year, guys. Let's make it count.

Hope to see you all soon! And again many times in the future.

Lots of love,

Monday, June 6, 2011

Like, I said.
I'm growing up.
I'm finding out who I am.
And more importantly. I'm finding out who I want in my life.
And who I don't.
Which is why I'm thinking about changing schools.
I love Berea with all my heart. And for the most part. I love the people. But I need something new. Something different.
And as much as I love you guys
Well, nowadays, I'm not sure about my feelings toward some of you.
I need change. I'm stuck in a rut. And I need out.
So hopefully you'll be supportive of this decision.


Come to me. ;)

Hannah: If you actually come to school with me like we talked about I would be the happiest person in the world.

Moving on

I may not be returning to Berea Community for senior year.

Friday, June 3, 2011



and despite what some of us may think (taylor)
we will be just as amazing as the class of 2011
we're just as talented, smart, and unique.
our class is just different.
and that's what makes us amazing.
so there.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hey moon, don't you go down.

We're growing up.
We're changing, and me especially.
This year has been a huge deal for me.
I've learned so much about myself.
I've learned who I am, and who I want to be.
Who my real friends are.
Who I should let go.
And you guys can tell me otherwise, but I know for a fact that we've grown apart.
We hang out with different people.
Friends come, and friends go. That's something I've always told myself.
You guys have stuck around with me longer than anyone has.
It hurts that we've grown apart.
But, I've learned that I don't need you guys to be happy.
That sounded bitchy-er than I had intended, but I didn't mean it that way.
I'm saying that I've learned to find happiness on my own.
And nowadays, with my family issues, school issues, and any other problems I have, I have some kind of hope that everything will turn out okay for me.
I've never known something like that before.
I've found self confidence. Or something close to that.
I'm starting to love myself. Finally.
There's nothing wrong with me, I've learned.
I've grown a lot as a person this year.
And I feel great.
We're going to be seniors next year.
It's a scary thought to me.
Starting again.
But at the same time, it's exciting.
After we graduate, we're not going to see each other that much, we're all going to go in different directions. We're going to meet new people.
We'll find new happiness.
New life.
A reason for being.
Like, I said earlier this year has been a huge deal to me, because honestly, up until these last month, I was miserable.
In fact.
April 2nd. I was going through a lot of shit. I told my parents that I had stopped believing in God. They didn't like it. Not at all. And even now they refuse to believe it. I was stressed because of school, it was awful. I was just really fucking depressed.
And I wanted it to end.
And I had planned on ending it.
April 2nd, 2011. I had every intention to end my life.
I made a post about it on tumblr. I didn't say anything specifically about killing myself. I just told them how depressed and stressed I was, and that I was just going to disappear for a while.
then I logged out. Of everything.
And I sat in my bed for about an hour, and cried. Thought everything over, and as I was about to end it, my phone started buzzing. It was Meghan.
I answered and she was freaking out.
And then everything snapped back into place for me.
I have people to live for.
I have people that love me.
What my parents think of me doesn't matter.
All that matters, is what I thought.
and that night.
I realized that I was a person that was worth while.
No matter what I've told myself in the past, or even what I tell myself now.
I'm worth while.
I'm loved.
People care.
And I saw how much people cared when I got back on tumblr and saw that I had over 60 messages from people I've never met telling me so.
Some were anonymous, others were not.
I know some of you get tired of hearing me talk about my friends on the internet.
But they honestly care about me.
And I love them just as much as I do you guys.
Now I'm losing sight of why I made this post to being with.
It was originally about us growing up. Moving on, and all that.
But now it's just me getting all this off my chest.
We've changed a lot. And there's only more change to come.
I think I'm done now.
Damn this was a long post.

and I leave you with this:

Things have changed for me
but that's okay
I'm on my way and I say
Things have changed for me.
And that's okay.

"That Green Gentleman" by Panic! at the Disco


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Yeah, well this picture hit me like a ton of bricks.

Because 1: that movie
and 2: that accuracy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello All

This is one of my favorite photos from Annie, because it was my favorite scene to act in,  so I thought I would share it with those of you who hadn't already seen it. I hate telling you all how good I'm doing because it makes me worry you all will think I don't miss you, but I really really do. I have a lot of new friends and there great, I love them, but no one could ever replace you all.

Laura: we need to chill sometime and catch up, I'd love to hear some good Gatton stories, and ask you about Prom, your dress was gorgeous. :)

Hannah: I talk to you almost everyday, so idk what to tell you, except that I love you tons.

Taylor: We really need to hang out, and I would have loved for you to have seen Annie purely for my costumes. haha I thought they were pretty perfect. I haven't seen you in a while, and we really need to catch up, and have some good talk time. Also, your Prom dress was simply stunning. :D

Braden: I talk to you pretty regularly too, but I haven't seen you since Prom, Stephanie really wants to see you, and all my friends loved you they ask me about you all the time.

Lekey: Girl I haven't talked to you in forever, How've you been? We need to chill too. I hope your road trip thing is extra awesome.

Anyway I completely 100% agree with Hannah, we need a sleepover ASAP. :D Love you all!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Field Day is Tomorrow!

Who's pumped?

I is!!!!

Who's also pumped for the season 2 finale of Glee!

I IS!!!!!!


Taylor, I'm glad you like my Youth Salute bio!

Lekey, PROM DATE! I can't wait until you come home!

Laura, :D I saw you twice this week...and I shall many more times!

Hannah, So I talked to Brendon.


So Delaney (the awesomely cute, cat loving, Quakerly one) might be in Berea this weekend. :O


Well then, looks like we need to have a sleepover!
I can't do this Friday but I could maybe do Saturday. If my mom would let me. Oh wait, there's trash pickup Sunday. NEVER MIND. :( So next weekend? Also remember Memorial Day.

I was just thinking about all this and I'm like 'Wow, if they were all there and nobody else.... I would be totally comfortable.' I know you guys won't judge me and won't have any biased views on my problems and things the way some people I hang out with sadly would. I'm honestly looking forward to this, whenever it happens. To be honest I used to get tired of hanging out with the same 4 or 5 people all the time, but now that we hardly ever hang out I kind of miss it.

And I'm so glad Laura's around. And whenever Lekey gets back I'll be happy to have her around. Yay. :)

Braden, I'm sorry you didn't get any prizes at the Youth Salute thing. I just found out I didn't win anything at the Art Expo. But Isaac got first overall, yay! Anyway, but it makes me so happy every time I see your picture out in the atrium, and read the words "Nurturer" "Quaker" and "Southern Appalachian Young Friends" on the Youth Salute board.

Laura, it's awesome that you're around. It's too bad I'll be away for like 6 weeks this summer! But that's only 6 weeks and we'll have plenty of time between now and when you go back to Gatton. I'm so glad you're having an awesome new experience but can also come home and pick up right where you left off.

Hannah, you and I both have problems with change and I know you feel left behind. I know high school has not been the best experience for you. I'm confident though that if you can get through one more year and get into Western your life will take off and fly. You may not realize it but you have grown so much since I first became your friend in seventh grade.

Lekey, I hope you're having lots of fun on your road trip! I'm so glad you came to prom. I really need to hang out with you more. I'm really super excited that you're coming back to school (I don't know how you feel about it)! I feel like you're good for me and that somehow whenever we hang out I end up baring my soul and then you pour some like antiseptic on it or something and it's all better. <3

Heather, you're all gone and stuff! I haven't seen you since like that one time at Libraraoke back in March or something. It seems like you're doing okay at Garrard and I'm really sorry that I didn't come see Annie! It was like PROM and I couldn't think about anything else except Midsummer. SORRY <3

Kaylyn, you never get on the blog.

Taylor, good job getting those five dresses finished even if you had to stay up until 11 two nights in a row. You're a hard worker if a procrastinator and now you're going to get like $80 or $100 for your efforts. :)
too many things are changing.
too many people are changing.
I've never coped well with change.
I don't like it.
not at all.
We need to have a sleep over. Soon.
I have a lot of things that I need to get off my chest.
And I'm sure you guys have some things to talk about as well.
Or maybe you don't. I'm not sure.
I don't really talk to you guys anymore.

But yeah, we should find a time when we're not all busy.
And I'm never busy. So whenever you guys are available. Let me know.


I may never sleep tonight,
As long as you're still burning bright.
If I could trade mistakes for sheep,
Count me away before you sleep.
I'll stay awake 'til I trade my mistakes,
Or they fade away.

(the song is 'Trade Mistakes' by Panic! at the Disco I've been listening to it a lot lately.)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Youth Salute

As most of you have probably seen, I'm on the bulletin board in the atrium with everybody who got selected for Youth Salute (this youth leadership program).
Today was a seminar/awards ceremony at Eastern.
The seminar was cool. We had a motivational speaker who has spoken to corporation leaders and Olympic athletes do cool stuff with us. I got to meet a few people too.
Then the awards ceremony.....it sucked.
There were 15 people that got $4000 scholarships to EKU, Georgetown, and Midway. Then 44 people got Awards Stars for being the top youth leader from the 44 schools in the program (some of which had received a $4000 scholarship already).
Then there were other $100, $500 scholarships given out (most of which went to people who were already up on stage for getting awards).
So only a handful of people actually got awards while most of everybody who showed only got a certificate....that the people passed out without any names on them.
I'm kinda pissed. I thought I would at least get a $100 scholarship.
I didn't sign up for any of the $4000 because I didn't want to go to those colleges (and Midway was females only).
There's also this national conference in St. Louis in October that 6 people got selected for. I figured it was the same weekend as SAYF, so I didn't go for it. I'm pretty sure the 6 people that got selected were already on stage.
I'm not the happiest that I usually am because I felt cheated and I felt like it couldn't been run better and that everybody could've gotten an award or at least their name announced.

So it was all dumb.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello all!

Do you realize that we have over 500 posts on this thing? And that we've been posting since 2007? Crazy, isn't it? And to think that we still use this thing! On and off throughout the years, but still pretty regularly, I think...

It's cool! And to think that it all started in 8th grade. Taylor and I in my basement and we were all "Let's make a Phunk Sister's blog!" and something awesome was born. ;)

We had the original four and our glove things, remember? I still have mine up in my dorm! And I wore it at the Rave last Semester!

And then Lekey and Kaylyn and Braden were inducted and there were 7... And it was awesome. Still is, actually.

I guess a lot has changed. And now, at the end of the Semester, I'm getting nostalgic. 'Cause I'm about to leave my new friends for the summer. And some that are graduating, I may never see again, you know?

But then I know that I still have you guys for the summer. And we'll have to do something awesome. I don't know what. Just something awesome. :)

But yeah. My life consists of laying around in the grass with friends, sex jokes, shooting guns, and lots and lots of work for the last two weeks of the semester.

So yeah. Guess what? Less than two weeks and I'm hoooooome! Expect random class visits. And we have to have a sleepover. Just us, if ya don't mind. We can have more people another time. But when I first get back home, I want to have some time with just us, kay? I feel so disconnected from most of you now. And that's pretty depressing.

A lot has happened to me in these past months. I've accumulated an awesome group of friends (Though they can't compete with you guys yet ;) ) , gotten a guy, broke up with a guy right before prom(his fault), really learned to dance a little dirty(winkwink), learned to joke a little dirtier, discovered the stress of life, discovered panic attacks(Don't wanna talk about that now. Ask me later.), learned how awful I am at keeping in touch with people, discovered more about who I am, and lost just a bit of shyness and self-consciousness.

All in all, it's been a good year. :)

So tell me about life guys!

See you in two weeks!
~Laura (always of the phunk)~

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I don't know what to say, honestly.
It's the same old, same old with.
Bringing up my grades and all that jazz.
Stressing over prom.
Which I shouldn't because I probably won't have a good time anyway.
All the important stuff that's been going on, I'd much rather talk about in person.

I miss you guys. I really do.
I feel as if we're barely friends anymore.
I talk to Heather. That's it. Well that's the only real life friend I talk to about my problems.

At this point in time Yoela and Dexter are the people that are closest to me. And that's kind of upsetting seeing as one lives in NYC and the other in Ontario.

I don't know why I don't. But.
God. We need to have a sleepover. Soon.
I would suggest a prom after party at someone's house, but we'll probably be dead after prom.

We'll think of something, I'm sure.

Peace out.


Friday, April 29, 2011


Don't make me write stuff like that too often. I'm trying to become a badass.


Hey guys!
I just got a phone call from Laura, which reminded me of my past life here with you guys. I miss you all, and those days. Life's changed so much and so often though that it's useless to be too sad about it, it just feels good to, once in a while, sift through those paper-thin memories.

Plans for the future
Threaten to move us, even
Further than right now.

Whoo bad grammar. College or other post-graduation plans only make my head hurt and my insecurities and worries soar. I'd rather just stay here and drink coffee.
The future seems interminable, my lovelies, and thinking about it is impossible because it's an experience that isn't comparable to any ones I've had before. That's how India was, right up until I left. And that turned out pretty well. I WILL get on it though, and soon. It's just not going to "look good" at first.

Heather gurl, I keep thinking about you. It sounds like life is good in Garrard, which is great. I'd never see you even if you were here anyway.

Taylor, you keep surprising me with all these beautiful things about your personality and thoughts and creations that, if I saw you more, wouldn't be a surprise at all. I lyke yew.

Well, let's see. Egypt revolutionized (which made me cry when I heard about it), Japan had disaster upon disaster, Libya and Tunisia keep on fighting, Prince William got married, there's going to be a second Hangover, people fight, people get born, people die, music is made and dances are learned, His Holiness is officially turning over his political power to the Kalon Tripa (prime minister) of the Tibetan government... Oliver! was a success, Braden's a national champion and is leaving cheer, Kinetic Expressions jumped and spun out, Midsummer is in progress, I sleep and do judo, dance and eat, and pretend to be Tibetan.

I do miss you guys. Tell us about yourselves.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Garrard Happenings

I miss yo all a lot. More then anyone can understand, the only one of you I have regular contact with is Hannah. It looked like for a long time that I was going to go back to Berea next year, but it seems less and less likely as my mom keeps talking about moving to Ashland, which is about 2 hours away. :P

I'm really excited about some stuff too though. I'm going to be on t.v! On May 4th we're doing two songs from Annie on the morning news, and the main characters are being interviewed. I'm really excited and kinda nervous to sing on the t.v live, but it'll be a lot of fun. :D

My Prom is in 2 weeks. I had a date but he was a total jerk so I got out of that as quick as I could. Apparently my friend Ernest wants to ask me, but I don't know if he will, because he told my mom he wanted to, so oh well. haha. Our theme is some Kings of Leon song. The best part will probably be the bowling my friends and I are doing afterwards, and some of the after parties that my friend Stephanie and I are going too, but I'm still looking forward to it.

I would love it if any of you could come to see Annie, I've really been pouring my soul into it, so I'd love for the people I love to come see it. :D it's May 6th 7th, and 8th.

Anyway, I love you all., and I hope everything gets better for everyone. <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Stuff about me:
~ Should hear from GSP soon about whether or not I got in.
~ Excited for Prom, except that there have been NO meetings, and NO information whatsoever, and there's less than a month to go. It takes a long time to plan a good plan. At this rate, ours' might be a joke.

That's all for now!


Hey guys, what's crackin?
Just thought I'd give this lil blog of ours a little push, since we all know that when you get on a blog where nobody's posted for a month you really don't feel like posting yourself. Got to break that cycle!

Oh my dears, we're growing apart. I suppose that's how it must be, though. We're growing up into our own selves. And none of us will ever forget anything.

So much to tell you all and I can't even begin.
This year is interesting. I've lost people and found people and felt betrayed by people only to love them again.
God I can't even write. Too much too much to say and I can't even say any of it. It's like when you're pouring the powdered milk and some comes out but then so much tries to come out from in the little hole that none comes out and you have to tip the box back and start again.

So, tipping the box back.

I've lost Heather. I've sort of lost Laura. Certainly I'm not as close to Hannah any more. Braden you're always there and Lekey I see when I can. I feel like I'm losing Terra for reasons I can't control. I've found and lost Maurice. I don't even know where Tim is in all this losing and finding but hopefully I can hold on to him. I've grown close to Madelyn although I am not so sure I can trust her. I never even saw Austin Lawson before this year. And all the Drama people I've found. Not to forget the strange relationship I now sort of have with Zack and Sebastian as Tim's friends. Everything changes!

All clogged up again.

Blog with me!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I haven't been on in a while. And I don't really have much to say. So.... Yep . I'm just rambling.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's still weird to say.....


It's just so weird that it's reality after a year of working hard for it!
It's also weird that the season is over and I get to have a life again.
I just can't tell you how I feel.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My weekend....

It was amazing!
Knoxville was so pretty...especially on Saturday.
We had a healing circle outside because somebody close to us in the community passed away and two of the grandkids are in SAYF.
It was sunny!
Knoxville has a wooden balance beam outside....so I was a happy SAYFer!
After many oreos, grapes, and cups of juice, I'm so glad I got to go.
I wrote an Epistle (which is now officially known as a Worship Journal).
I told time in Spanish.
I played an 8 hour game of Monopoly.
Can't wait to get these next three weeks over and done!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Two days!

I'm excited.
After 5 months of being deprived.....I can finally go to SAYF! Ahhhhh!
I'm so ready to see SAYFers and hug them lots-of-millions!

Monday, February 21, 2011

So angry I'm sick at my stomach

I don't want to go back to Berea, like NOW.

We put up the cast list for Annie today, and my mom was so proud of it because she thought it was perfect, but a bunch of kids were unhappy, and they did nothing but whine, and complain all day, and then after school parents started calling and harassing her like it was her fault or something. It got so bad that my mom just broke down and started crying, and now she won't do the show.

It sickens me that people are that selfish, and that some parents are that ruthless that they can insult my mommy like that.

That would never happen at Berea, people there have more respect, more decency then to hurt someone like that on purpose.

I hate knowing everything that goes on because I'm in a constant state of rage, at Berea I knew a lot, because Flara would tell me a lot, but I didn't know everything, and I didn't have to witness it.

Words just can not even express how angry I am.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I like Taylors thingy, it's quite pretty and festive, and purple!

Well I'm trying out for a musical on Thursday and Friday, it's Annie, which you all know about the plot so I won't go into further detail about it.

Andrew and I broke up, I would feel fine, if I didn't feel like a jerk. Hurting people really makes me unhappy, and now I have this constant hurting in my chest because I know that I did something bad to someone. Why do I suck so much?

I love you all to death,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of the holiday I made this!

Valentine's Wallpaper

It's a valentine wallpaper. I hope y'all like it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The post about feelings.

I think some feelings have faded.

I've just been thinking lately about how it will work out between us.

I don't want to commit to a long distance relationship because I wouldn't get to see him as much as I would like (and Facebook isn't seeing him like I would want to), and it just opens the door for somebody else to enter the picture, and I don't want that to be a problem.

I guess I've also felt some indirect pressure, I guess you would say. Yes, I am talking Homecoming. He wasn't actually my date, more of my guest and good friend. I also didn't feel like slow dancing that night. I really wanted to just fist pump all night, pretty much. So it wasn't necessary to walk off and "leave us alone." Which shouldn't have to happen anyway.

And there's more stuff that I kinda wanted to talk about in person, which is why I wanted to put together a Phunk hang out.

So yeah.

Hey All!

So I've been meaning to post something since, like... Sunday.

And then I got busy with homework and ended up staying up until 6AM and then sleeping all day the next day and... Yeah.

So everythings going great here. Classes are awesome. Friends are awesome....

Still miss you guys though. And when I'm at home, I miss my friends here... Can't win, can I? Ah well though...

So let's see... What do I have to talk about? Nothing really comes to mind right now... Got a boyfriend, but you all already know that thanks to facebook and me being home for a month... Things are going well there it seems...

Uh... So what's going on in all your lives? Gotta keep me updated on the drama, you know. ;)

I hope that I get to see most of you all soon. My family is going to be visiting for my grandma's birthday this weekend, so I won't be able to hang out much after that first Friday get together. But I'll be back for regionals next weekend.

Love you all and miss you! More than I can say...
~Laura(of the phunk)~

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A valid point

Taylor's right, we should get this thing up and running for real again. I miss you all, and would love to be more in touch with you guys.
So far for me i've been pretty good, my plays opening night is this friday and I'm stressing a little bit, but that's just how it goes.
I'm actually doing really well; I have all A's in my classes, my teachers are all very nice. My new friends are lovely (not as lovely as you all), I have a gorgeous prom dress, and I'm getting my license and a car soon (hopefully I'll see you all more once I get it.)
Love you all! <3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey guys, remember this blog that we have?

So hi guys. Remember this blog? I mean, besides Braden?
Personally I think we need this blog more than we ever have before, seeing as Heather and Laura are off on their own adventures, Lekey's homeschooled, and I hardly talk to the rest of you.
Remember when we used to have sleepovers and watch some movie, cook some food, have some deep discussion, and giggle over some funny thing?
Remember when we were The Phunk and we used to cry in front of each other?
Remember when we went out for movies, or to the Black Feather, or shopping, and we all tried on dresses we didn't even consider buying?
Remember when I hung out with you guys all the time?
Remember when we used to have fights? We don't do that anymore because we don't talk enough to disagree about anything.
Remember in 8th grade when we decided we were going to be friends for the rest of our lives and name our children after each other and stuff?
Now I'm not saying we're not still friends. I'm not saying I don't still hang out with some of you sometimes. I'm just saying we never get together as a group, we never talk about stuff together... what happened?
So let's revive the blog, yeah? I can't talk in person to Laura when she's 4 hours away but the internet exists for a reason. So let's do this. <3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Post #500

So three of our five cheer competitions have past.
The first two were flukes.
Today's was AMAZING! We had only a couple of glitches, but we hit every stunt and we won in our division!
Also I need to learn the full dance for Thriller because they played the song before awards and all of the cheerleaders were dancing on the mats and I only did three pieces that were slightly accurate. Some cheerleaders saw what I was doing and joined in....kinda. I would pause and just look around and they'd just be staring at me. They'd copied every move I did. LOL! It was funny!
Best day ever!

Monday, January 17, 2011

But then I realized how much I miss Dylan.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things that I am excited for

I haven't been all that happy with how things have been going, so to be more optimistic, I'm making a list of all the things I am excited for.

1. District Governor's Cup meet - I am confident I will make it to Regional at least one event.
2. GLEE! I'm curious as to what happens between Kurt and Blaine the second half of Season 2.
3. Possibly getting to compete at Regional for the first time in 4 years.
4. Possible Nurturer's retreat the last weekend of February - I haven't been to one yet and the calendar is mostly blank for that weekend, so yeah.
5. Last weekend in March = Asheville SAYF retreat
6. April SAYF retreat in Knoxville - Berea is planning it.
7. Chicago trip for band
8. End of school
9. SAYMA - even though awesome seniors are graduated from SAYF, I'm excited!
10. Senior year
11. Turning 18.
12. Holidays like Halloween and Christmas and stuff that can wait! LOL!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

First blog post of the year: 2011 edition!

It's 2011.

Hehe. 1/1/11

I haven't thought of a resolution as a lot of mine from last year seemed to happen.

I guess I'll start listing them off:
~ Finishing Junior Year with kick-ass grades
~ At least qualify to Regional (after 4 years)
~ SAYF it up!
~ Get into GSP (though it might not happen, and that's fine).
~ Retire from cheerleading (yes, retire)
~ Try out for All-Regional Band and hopefully make it

Oh yeah:
~ Win multiple gold medals at the Olympics! ;)