Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hey All!

So I've been meaning to post something since, like... Sunday.

And then I got busy with homework and ended up staying up until 6AM and then sleeping all day the next day and... Yeah.

So everythings going great here. Classes are awesome. Friends are awesome....

Still miss you guys though. And when I'm at home, I miss my friends here... Can't win, can I? Ah well though...

So let's see... What do I have to talk about? Nothing really comes to mind right now... Got a boyfriend, but you all already know that thanks to facebook and me being home for a month... Things are going well there it seems...

Uh... So what's going on in all your lives? Gotta keep me updated on the drama, you know. ;)

I hope that I get to see most of you all soon. My family is going to be visiting for my grandma's birthday this weekend, so I won't be able to hang out much after that first Friday get together. But I'll be back for regionals next weekend.

Love you all and miss you! More than I can say...
~Laura(of the phunk)~

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