Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hey guys, what's crackin?
Just thought I'd give this lil blog of ours a little push, since we all know that when you get on a blog where nobody's posted for a month you really don't feel like posting yourself. Got to break that cycle!

Oh my dears, we're growing apart. I suppose that's how it must be, though. We're growing up into our own selves. And none of us will ever forget anything.

So much to tell you all and I can't even begin.
This year is interesting. I've lost people and found people and felt betrayed by people only to love them again.
God I can't even write. Too much too much to say and I can't even say any of it. It's like when you're pouring the powdered milk and some comes out but then so much tries to come out from in the little hole that none comes out and you have to tip the box back and start again.

So, tipping the box back.

I've lost Heather. I've sort of lost Laura. Certainly I'm not as close to Hannah any more. Braden you're always there and Lekey I see when I can. I feel like I'm losing Terra for reasons I can't control. I've found and lost Maurice. I don't even know where Tim is in all this losing and finding but hopefully I can hold on to him. I've grown close to Madelyn although I am not so sure I can trust her. I never even saw Austin Lawson before this year. And all the Drama people I've found. Not to forget the strange relationship I now sort of have with Zack and Sebastian as Tim's friends. Everything changes!

All clogged up again.

Blog with me!

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