Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hello all!

Do you realize that we have over 500 posts on this thing? And that we've been posting since 2007? Crazy, isn't it? And to think that we still use this thing! On and off throughout the years, but still pretty regularly, I think...

It's cool! And to think that it all started in 8th grade. Taylor and I in my basement and we were all "Let's make a Phunk Sister's blog!" and something awesome was born. ;)

We had the original four and our glove things, remember? I still have mine up in my dorm! And I wore it at the Rave last Semester!

And then Lekey and Kaylyn and Braden were inducted and there were 7... And it was awesome. Still is, actually.

I guess a lot has changed. And now, at the end of the Semester, I'm getting nostalgic. 'Cause I'm about to leave my new friends for the summer. And some that are graduating, I may never see again, you know?

But then I know that I still have you guys for the summer. And we'll have to do something awesome. I don't know what. Just something awesome. :)

But yeah. My life consists of laying around in the grass with friends, sex jokes, shooting guns, and lots and lots of work for the last two weeks of the semester.

So yeah. Guess what? Less than two weeks and I'm hoooooome! Expect random class visits. And we have to have a sleepover. Just us, if ya don't mind. We can have more people another time. But when I first get back home, I want to have some time with just us, kay? I feel so disconnected from most of you now. And that's pretty depressing.

A lot has happened to me in these past months. I've accumulated an awesome group of friends (Though they can't compete with you guys yet ;) ) , gotten a guy, broke up with a guy right before prom(his fault), really learned to dance a little dirty(winkwink), learned to joke a little dirtier, discovered the stress of life, discovered panic attacks(Don't wanna talk about that now. Ask me later.), learned how awful I am at keeping in touch with people, discovered more about who I am, and lost just a bit of shyness and self-consciousness.

All in all, it's been a good year. :)

So tell me about life guys!

See you in two weeks!
~Laura (always of the phunk)~

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