Tuesday, August 3, 2010

sing it loud so I can hear you


Blehhh. I am glad to be home again, but I am NOT glad to leave behind the coolness of the North.


I just spent the whole day with Terra. We like talked, and made macaroni and fruit salad, and then we talked, and then we colored in coloring books. There was this Roman coloring book, and we colored the Roman lady like a scene kid, and the guy all emo. It was friggin awesome. Also we played in the creek. All these little fishies came up and bit our legs! :D

Aaaand that's all I've done since I've been home, other than exchange a few outpourings of emotion with a certain person via Facebook.

I'm not terribly excited for school to start, but I really feel that this year will be better than the last. For me at least. I've no more required electives, so I actually get to do what I want! (Like Art, and Foods, and Drama. Wheeeee!)

Yeah that's about it. I'm really looking forward to Thursday.

PS Yes Hannah, I've missed McLennon and IKYBH as well. I suppose I really should reread it. And "the one where he's anorexic." Whatever its real title is.

PPS Also I changed the layout. It's pretty basic but I thought it was nice and summery!

PPPS I've been reading the archives. Let me say, the most creative spelling of a swear word goes to Lekey, with "PHUQQ."

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