Had so much fun at the beach. 9 hour drive, but still. It was fun and highly needed.
Went to Downtown Charleston and walked around.
Ate supper at Sticky Fingers. Kind of a Southern chain. It was good.
Did a little shopping. Got a Charleston T-shirt. It was the word "Trip" and a hippie van on it. It was trippy! LOL!
Went to a cool riverside park called The Battery and saw a jellyfish.
Various beach visits.
Ate at a cool seafood place called Gilligan's. We all sang the theme song to Gilligan's Island. Yes, I know. It's cheesy and lame. LOL!
Went to Fort Sumter. Took an awesome boat ride. Saw more dolphins!
Then we came home. Ta da!
This is the blog of the former and current Phunk Siblings. Here we discuss among ourselves our lives and emotions. You may not get any of it if you're not one of us!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I rediscovered my love for this pairing. SO I found the fic I read it AND I CRIED MORE THAN I DID THE FIRST TIME.
Anyway. I though that I'd bring this you your attention. (Laura and Taylor.)
I'm totally gonna go see Inception with Meghan on Saturdayyyy. :D
I rediscovered my love for this pairing. SO I found the fic I read it AND I CRIED MORE THAN I DID THE FIRST TIME.
Anyway. I though that I'd bring this you your attention. (Laura and Taylor.)
I'm totally gonna go see Inception with Meghan on Saturdayyyy. :D
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
How the beach trip is going...
Pretty damn well!
The beach is really hot. I'm not as burned as I thought I'd be.
Been going to bed at 3am and have been waking up just before noon.
Went to a cool submarine museum in Charleston and saw an actual Civil War submarine. It's still being cleaned up and it was lifted out of the ocean either in 1995 or 2000.
Went to Piggly Wiggly twice.
There is SO MUCH eye candy....even at Piggly Wiggly.
Now if only one came up and talked to me....I'd be happy. LOL!
SO we have two more days of this awesomeness and we come home on Friday.
Cya then.
BTW, I agree. A sleepover is perfect for a personal, face-to-face talk. It's needed. I have some things to say. I'll ask my mom if I can sleepover. I'm sure I can.
The beach is really hot. I'm not as burned as I thought I'd be.
Been going to bed at 3am and have been waking up just before noon.
Went to a cool submarine museum in Charleston and saw an actual Civil War submarine. It's still being cleaned up and it was lifted out of the ocean either in 1995 or 2000.
Went to Piggly Wiggly twice.
There is SO MUCH eye candy....even at Piggly Wiggly.
Now if only one came up and talked to me....I'd be happy. LOL!
SO we have two more days of this awesomeness and we come home on Friday.
Cya then.
BTW, I agree. A sleepover is perfect for a personal, face-to-face talk. It's needed. I have some things to say. I'll ask my mom if I can sleepover. I'm sure I can.
Monday, July 26, 2010
a little advice
Don't let your life pass you by,
Weep not for the memories
(I wanted this quote to be an actual post. I don't remember who sings the song...)
Weep not for the memories
(I wanted this quote to be an actual post. I don't remember who sings the song...)
You ain't alone in this ugly town.
Reading your guys' heart felt posts made my day 10% better.
Now my day is at... 10%
You see, my Great Granny died today.
But what's awful, is that I'm not all that upset about it, unlike the rest of my family.
What's really made my day shitty is that I finally realized that I'm just wasting my time, I need to give up on Dylan. But, I don't know how to give up on him, and I don't want to give up on him. I want more than anything to be his friend. But I can't do that, because those feelings will never leave me unless I cut him out entirely. And I want to know, how I can do that. I've never cut anyone out completely before. And I don't think I can. But seriously, this whole damn thing has gone on long enough. I mean it's been over a year, and I should've cut him out after the huge spat we had last May. But, no. He had to text me toward the end of June confessing his love for me. Then I'm all "Hey, if he cares enough to do this, maybe I should take him back!" But, if you guys know Dylan, he doesn't just throw those kinds of things around. Then during this past school year, we became really chummy again. Which made me happy, and then I've been talking to him a lot during this summer. Which is a pretty damn great thing. But, he has another girlfriend now as well, and he's happier than I've seen him in a long, long time. And it kills me, because I'm not the reason he's happy. So, today, I thought "I'm tired of wasting my time".
And so here I am ranting to you all about something I should've realized a year ago. And, god, I wish all of you were around. But Taylor is in vermont, Laura and Braden are in South Carolina (I think). So it's just me and Heather, and as much as I love her. I'd like more people around. And no offense Heather, but you're not very good at letting people go.
But anyway. I'm going to leave you all alone, if you actually chose to read this.
Now my day is at... 10%
You see, my Great Granny died today.
But what's awful, is that I'm not all that upset about it, unlike the rest of my family.
What's really made my day shitty is that I finally realized that I'm just wasting my time, I need to give up on Dylan. But, I don't know how to give up on him, and I don't want to give up on him. I want more than anything to be his friend. But I can't do that, because those feelings will never leave me unless I cut him out entirely. And I want to know, how I can do that. I've never cut anyone out completely before. And I don't think I can. But seriously, this whole damn thing has gone on long enough. I mean it's been over a year, and I should've cut him out after the huge spat we had last May. But, no. He had to text me toward the end of June confessing his love for me. Then I'm all "Hey, if he cares enough to do this, maybe I should take him back!" But, if you guys know Dylan, he doesn't just throw those kinds of things around. Then during this past school year, we became really chummy again. Which made me happy, and then I've been talking to him a lot during this summer. Which is a pretty damn great thing. But, he has another girlfriend now as well, and he's happier than I've seen him in a long, long time. And it kills me, because I'm not the reason he's happy. So, today, I thought "I'm tired of wasting my time".
And so here I am ranting to you all about something I should've realized a year ago. And, god, I wish all of you were around. But Taylor is in vermont, Laura and Braden are in South Carolina (I think). So it's just me and Heather, and as much as I love her. I'd like more people around. And no offense Heather, but you're not very good at letting people go.
But anyway. I'm going to leave you all alone, if you actually chose to read this.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am going to host a sleepover at my mom's house either next Thursday (August 5th), it's soul purpose will be for us all to have a talk, and afterwards make some energy drink moonshine (a seminar taught by Laura) I think this will be good for us, and allow much needed time as just our original group (sadly Lekey won't be able to come) Any way it'll rock, and be sad, bring a movie if you want because we'll do some of that as well, and bring anything elese you want.
Braden you may come and you can leave whenever your mother wants you too, lol. :)
Anyway let me know when is best for you, and we'll work it out, also, if possible bring an energy drink over with you. :)
Love ya all,
Braden you may come and you can leave whenever your mother wants you too, lol. :)
Anyway let me know when is best for you, and we'll work it out, also, if possible bring an energy drink over with you. :)
Love ya all,
Friday, July 23, 2010
I guess it's my turn now....
Since we're all doing this, I might as well. It seems appropriate before I go on a beach adventure.
First off...to all of you....I love you all so much. You have been my closest friends. I do have a lot of close friends, but I don't have to hide around any of you. I can truly be myself.
Laura...I'm about to spend the ENTIRE week with you, but I'll still say something..you were one of the first three people I came out to...you have been my let's-try-out-a-new-religion buddy. We both wanted to see how Quakerism was, and we know now. We also cast our first circle together...with Lekey too. It seems like you've been the one that was as interested in...other certain religions....as much as I have. You were one of the ones who got me interested in Wicca and Paganism. You're mainly my book buddy too. I've borrowed SO MANY books from you (well, who hasn't)...it's crazy. I commend you for them too! :D We've clashed before in so many ways, but never really let that get in the way of what we had. You are just an all-around strong individual who isn't afraid of being a non-normal nerd (try saying that three times fast). I love you!
Lekey...you are also one of the first three people I came out to.....you're in India...AWESOME....you were in the same picture as the Dalai Lama.....AWESOMER. You are pretty much my music buddy. We've shared a lot of music together. I thank you for that. I would've never known the awesomeness of Everything Goes Numb. I have to introduce you to Band of Horses if you haven't heard them before. You have also been my adventure buddy as well...though Laura is too. We saw Conrad with Therese, went to a wildlife reserve with the KITTIES, and I've eaten so much of your mom's food that she loves me SO MUCH. You are such an awesome girl...one of a kind! We have so many hang out memories...like various Black Feather Fridays and hippie parties and SAYF's. I love you!
Taylor is my OMG HOT GUY buddy. You are the third of the first three people I came out to. We talk so much about that. That's how we connect. You also love Mariah Carey and other various magazine smells. You also love purple and you...for the time being...have the longest red hair I've seen. We also have a lot of fun memories at parties, the Feather, and SAYF. You're a dancer with beautiful lines and you win a lot of medals. I regret never even asking you what was wrong when you laid your head down at lunch. I always thought, for some reason, that you just wanted to be left alone. But now I know better. You want somebody to listen. We're all here for you. Oh yeah.........SKYLER!
Heather...you're my first wife and clarinet buddy. You've also helped me learn some things about Wicca. You've been fun and just crazy loud...and I love that about you....sometimes too loud, but oh well! We have also had our clashes, but we know better. We know we're all different and no two people are going to see the world the exact same way, but that's what draws all of us together. We are unique individuals. You, my wife, are amazing to hang out with. We always seem to have fun somehow.
Kaylyn...we don't hang as much, but we still love each other.....even though you may love me a little too much, but who cares? LOL! We are different people, but we don't care. We are who we are. I love you, you know that. I don't really like clinginess, but I'll try to limit my pushing away. Even before we really knew each other, we liked each other as friends...now we love each other. We may different views, but that's okay. You're not hateful. You accept me for who I am and love me the same way and I love you for that because I know there are a lot of people who wouldn't. We'll see each other soon.
Hannah....you seem to be the one I've had most conflicts with, but we always manage to get past them...especially all of the dumb ones we've had. But even with the most recent serious one, we are still friends and I know we're still close. Arguing brings out the worst in people. I know I've said a hell of a lot of really stupid things to you and I am so sorry. We'll never forget what's in the past, but that's okay. That's what the future is for. To learn to really, really think before we say and I will try to remember that. Virtual arguing is so easy to do, but I've learned we really need to think if we'd really say those things to our faces. It would be hard to do that because we love each other too much to even think about doing that. You are also like Heather: loud, fun, awesome, and YOU! ;) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a really good movie btw!
We all are friends. We might have our future arguments, but friends aren't the people you get along with the most...but they're the ones you still have a hold on. You still want them in your lives. You worry about when you'll be as close. I know I have worried about that. I regret being horribly stupid to you all. I'm sorry if I've hurt you in some way.
Just like the very last words of Bea Arthur on The Golden Girls:
"You'll always be my sisters.....always."
First off...to all of you....I love you all so much. You have been my closest friends. I do have a lot of close friends, but I don't have to hide around any of you. I can truly be myself.
Laura...I'm about to spend the ENTIRE week with you, but I'll still say something..you were one of the first three people I came out to...you have been my let's-try-out-a-new-religion buddy. We both wanted to see how Quakerism was, and we know now. We also cast our first circle together...with Lekey too. It seems like you've been the one that was as interested in...other certain religions....as much as I have. You were one of the ones who got me interested in Wicca and Paganism. You're mainly my book buddy too. I've borrowed SO MANY books from you (well, who hasn't)...it's crazy. I commend you for them too! :D We've clashed before in so many ways, but never really let that get in the way of what we had. You are just an all-around strong individual who isn't afraid of being a non-normal nerd (try saying that three times fast). I love you!
Lekey...you are also one of the first three people I came out to.....you're in India...AWESOME....you were in the same picture as the Dalai Lama.....AWESOMER. You are pretty much my music buddy. We've shared a lot of music together. I thank you for that. I would've never known the awesomeness of Everything Goes Numb. I have to introduce you to Band of Horses if you haven't heard them before. You have also been my adventure buddy as well...though Laura is too. We saw Conrad with Therese, went to a wildlife reserve with the KITTIES, and I've eaten so much of your mom's food that she loves me SO MUCH. You are such an awesome girl...one of a kind! We have so many hang out memories...like various Black Feather Fridays and hippie parties and SAYF's. I love you!
Taylor is my OMG HOT GUY buddy. You are the third of the first three people I came out to. We talk so much about that. That's how we connect. You also love Mariah Carey and other various magazine smells. You also love purple and you...for the time being...have the longest red hair I've seen. We also have a lot of fun memories at parties, the Feather, and SAYF. You're a dancer with beautiful lines and you win a lot of medals. I regret never even asking you what was wrong when you laid your head down at lunch. I always thought, for some reason, that you just wanted to be left alone. But now I know better. You want somebody to listen. We're all here for you. Oh yeah.........SKYLER!
Heather...you're my first wife and clarinet buddy. You've also helped me learn some things about Wicca. You've been fun and just crazy loud...and I love that about you....sometimes too loud, but oh well! We have also had our clashes, but we know better. We know we're all different and no two people are going to see the world the exact same way, but that's what draws all of us together. We are unique individuals. You, my wife, are amazing to hang out with. We always seem to have fun somehow.
Kaylyn...we don't hang as much, but we still love each other.....even though you may love me a little too much, but who cares? LOL! We are different people, but we don't care. We are who we are. I love you, you know that. I don't really like clinginess, but I'll try to limit my pushing away. Even before we really knew each other, we liked each other as friends...now we love each other. We may different views, but that's okay. You're not hateful. You accept me for who I am and love me the same way and I love you for that because I know there are a lot of people who wouldn't. We'll see each other soon.
Hannah....you seem to be the one I've had most conflicts with, but we always manage to get past them...especially all of the dumb ones we've had. But even with the most recent serious one, we are still friends and I know we're still close. Arguing brings out the worst in people. I know I've said a hell of a lot of really stupid things to you and I am so sorry. We'll never forget what's in the past, but that's okay. That's what the future is for. To learn to really, really think before we say and I will try to remember that. Virtual arguing is so easy to do, but I've learned we really need to think if we'd really say those things to our faces. It would be hard to do that because we love each other too much to even think about doing that. You are also like Heather: loud, fun, awesome, and YOU! ;) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a really good movie btw!
We all are friends. We might have our future arguments, but friends aren't the people you get along with the most...but they're the ones you still have a hold on. You still want them in your lives. You worry about when you'll be as close. I know I have worried about that. I regret being horribly stupid to you all. I'm sorry if I've hurt you in some way.
Just like the very last words of Bea Arthur on The Golden Girls:
"You'll always be my sisters.....always."
Yet another heartfelt post!
Oh, we're all so heartfelt aren't we. That's why we're friends I suppose. As much as we put up our little "normal" exteriors we see the deeper things. None of us is "normal" or "average." And I like that about us. It might take us months to realize but we love each other. That's never going to change permanently. Can we stop pretending that's not true?
So. First, to all of you. I want to tell you everything. I want to gather all of you 'round and tell you about my last six months and cry and be comforted and loved. It's been too long since someone other than my mom has held me while I cry. There are things I haven't told anyone in the world that I want to tell you all. I'll do it, but only if we're all there. I want you to know what's going on in my head because it gets awful lonely in here. And I think if I tell you, I'll be certain about it. I'm sorry for being so cryptic. But it's something I have to tell you in person.
To Hannah, who I seem to be the most wishy-washy about.
We can't seem to stay away from each other, can we? We're kind of bad at being friends sometimes but we laugh at the same things and cry at the same things and sometimes we think the same way. There are plenty of things we don't like about each other but even if we both decided we never want to see each other again it wouldn't be possible because we have mostly the same friends. I know I said some things that I regret and a lot of things that I don't, but I'm glad we can still be friendly toward each other after all this time. Someday I will say these things to you in person but for now this will have to suffice.
To Heather, the one who shares my stupidity :)
You, my friend, are a really fun person. I love being absolutely dumb with you and not caring who sees. We have a hell of a lot of fun together and I love that. You're also on my level when it comes to the important things. We've felt the same way about the world, if it was at different times in our respective lives. But I can't help thinking there are a lot of things you aren't telling us, and some things that you exaggerate on. I wish you felt like you could be totally truthful with your closest friends. You know we wouldn't love you any less for it. There is so much I want to ask you and so many things I want to tell you, not to mention all the fun and silly things I want to do with you. Stay with me.
To Laura, the one who got me through high school math.
I honestly don't think I would have 4 math credits right now if it weren't for you. You know so much, and not just about academic things. You've taught me about the extrasensory and helped me believe in things. You're quietly strong and nobody can make you do stuff you don't want to do. I admit that sometimes I think you're stubborn, or somehow artificial, although I know that's just your outer facade. You're a real person on the inside, not a robot like we used to joke, and I wish you'd let it show more often. I can count the people who've held me while I cried on one hand, and that includes you (also Kaylyn). You don't need to hold yourself inside so much; we want to know who you are.
To Kaylyn, the one who is my optimist.
I never tire of your company. Sure, we don't have the same views on much, but that doesn't matter. You're always around making people happy with your cute little voice and helpful nature. I know there is a lot going on in your life that would bring most people down, but you don't seem to know it. You're a hard worker and a hopeless romantic! One day you will find someone who realizes that under the bubblehead exterior, you're the most loving person ever. Stay true to yourself, and you can open up to us.
To Braden, the best guy friend a girl could wish for.
You are such a wonderful person! I love being able to chat you like "OMG HOT GUY" and then having an entire conversation. We have some good times, man. You're such an extrovert and you don't hold anything back. You say exactly what you think, and although that sometimes makes me cringe, it's you and I kind of envy that ability. You're going to be really important one day because of how you're a people person and you speak from your heart. You're one of the few people who I don't ever feel like I'm being fake with. If you ever have a problem, talk to us, because you know we don't judge you.
To Lekey, the one who I have many heart-to-hearts with.
Darling you have gotten me through so much. There have been times when I'm absolutely full of hatred and anger toward the entire world, and then you're there for me to vent to, and I feel better. Don't underestimate your importance in other people's lives. I know I've heard you say your biggest challenge is being authentic. Honestly, you are one of the most real people I've ever met. Sometimes I get a little jealous of how easily you exist in this world that I'm so afraid of. I hope you never lose that ability, to identify with anyone and lessen others' pain just by listening.
Sheww. I'm surprising myself how honest I'm being. It's much easier over the internet, with a keyboard rather than a voicebox. I really really want to be able to just talk to you, all of you, late into the night. I want you to ask me, "What's wrong?" And listen, give me time to voice it. I miss you all so much. I think we should keep this blog like it used to be. We used to talk so much more about our feelings and not all this superficial 'what-did-you-do-today' stuff.
And I love every one of you, even if you can't always tell. You don't know how much you impact me.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
This is the post i was talking about so PLEASE READ THIS POST, EVERYONE.
Hannah's note made me cry, and it was a lot of different kinds of tears, I cried of happiness because what she said touched my heart in a deep way, and I cried tears of sorrow and sadness longing for what used to be. Hannah has inspired me to type a post that is full of words I've wanted to say for so long, so thank you so very much Hannah.
Laura, I love you like a sister and a friend, and I miss you more then you could ever imagine, I made a horrible mistake that was never worth a friend like you, and I can never change that, and it kills me inside. I want what we used to have so bad that I cry for it often. You and I were so close and I ruined everything for a REALLY stupid reason. I constantly want it to be like it once was, all the sleepovers and how we could tell each other anything and how we seemed to get each other so well. I remember how at one point when I wanted to talk to someone about a problem you were one of the first I turned to. (Hannah, too) You really were like my sister, and it's been really hard going on without you this past year or so. I hope that someday we can at least come close to what we used to have, but until then I'll keep hoping.
Taylor, I really worry about you a lot, and I miss how happy go lucky you used to be. I really wish there was something I could do, if you ever need someone to really talk to I will always be here for you, just let me know and I'll listen and tell you whatever it is I can to help, and if i can't I'll still be there to support you.
Hannah, I know you feel lost, unwanted and like you can't succeed at anything but I promise you, you can, I understand school work doesn't come easy to you, but I promise if you put your mind on something you can accomplish it. Also, love will find it's way, you are a really wonderful girl, your gorgeous, and witty, but we all know that Berea has an over abundance of completely retarded boys
My mother is now forcing me to go to sleep, so I will end this post, oh and I love you Lekey, and Kaylyn <3
I love you all to death
~ Heather (of the phunk) <3
Hannah's note made me cry, and it was a lot of different kinds of tears, I cried of happiness because what she said touched my heart in a deep way, and I cried tears of sorrow and sadness longing for what used to be. Hannah has inspired me to type a post that is full of words I've wanted to say for so long, so thank you so very much Hannah.
Laura, I love you like a sister and a friend, and I miss you more then you could ever imagine, I made a horrible mistake that was never worth a friend like you, and I can never change that, and it kills me inside. I want what we used to have so bad that I cry for it often. You and I were so close and I ruined everything for a REALLY stupid reason. I constantly want it to be like it once was, all the sleepovers and how we could tell each other anything and how we seemed to get each other so well. I remember how at one point when I wanted to talk to someone about a problem you were one of the first I turned to. (Hannah, too) You really were like my sister, and it's been really hard going on without you this past year or so. I hope that someday we can at least come close to what we used to have, but until then I'll keep hoping.
Taylor, I really worry about you a lot, and I miss how happy go lucky you used to be. I really wish there was something I could do, if you ever need someone to really talk to I will always be here for you, just let me know and I'll listen and tell you whatever it is I can to help, and if i can't I'll still be there to support you.
Hannah, I know you feel lost, unwanted and like you can't succeed at anything but I promise you, you can, I understand school work doesn't come easy to you, but I promise if you put your mind on something you can accomplish it. Also, love will find it's way, you are a really wonderful girl, your gorgeous, and witty, but we all know that Berea has an over abundance of completely retarded boys
My mother is now forcing me to go to sleep, so I will end this post, oh and I love you Lekey, and Kaylyn <3
I love you all to death
~ Heather (of the phunk) <3
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
An earlier post
Okay so, earlier this month I typed a very heart felt post, but before the person the post was about could read it, it got hidden by other stuff, it really makes me happy that everyone is so into posting on the blog, but that post was REALLY important to me. I would really like everyone to read it if possible, so please, please, please, go and read my post, or maybe I'll just repost it, but I really did pour my heart out into it so please take the time to read.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Good evening all! This is....
5: JERRY MAGUIRE (1996) "You had me at 'Hello'."
4: WAYNE'S WORLD (1992) Wayne and Garth meet Alice Cooper**
3: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) Harry Tosses Perry's gun in the lake.
2: TOMMY (1974) "I'm Free"
1: Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) Whistle*
**What's amazing is that Alice is actually THAT smart.
*Originally This was just going to be an honorable mention because I had to choose between it and the scene from IWTV where Louis sets his house on fire... But I couldn't find that clip on Youtube... :P
5: JERRY MAGUIRE (1996) "You had me at 'Hello'."
4: WAYNE'S WORLD (1992) Wayne and Garth meet Alice Cooper**
3: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) Harry Tosses Perry's gun in the lake.
2: TOMMY (1974) "I'm Free"
1: Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) Whistle*
**What's amazing is that Alice is actually THAT smart.
*Originally This was just going to be an honorable mention because I had to choose between it and the scene from IWTV where Louis sets his house on fire... But I couldn't find that clip on Youtube... :P
Sunday, July 18, 2010
POST 400!!!!!
Ah, the legacy of the blog. 400 posts guys! :D
Well, I have returned to the real world (aka: Home). And I'm kinda ready to go back... Idk. I can't really describe VAMPY to anyone who hasn't been there... But just think of a place where everyone's a nerd and everyone is odd... 'Tis a world where weird becomes normal. And it's just amazing.
There, it's not odd to see someone walking around dressed up in some outfit or people running around in a gorilla suit... 'Tis fun, tis fun....
I guess I'm all sentimental this year because it's my last year going to VAMPY, and though I can keep in touch with my friends, there aren't many that I'll see again. You really get close to people when you live with them for three weeks.
Every year, after the Talent show (which consists of clever songs and thinly-veiled sex jokes) there's this thing called "Cryfest" where everyone says their goodbyes, and yes, many cry. See, I've never actually cried at one of these because, as you know, I don't cry in public places... At all, really.
But this year, I was crying. Like, really crying. Not the teary-eyed crying from watching a sad movie. Practically bawling. And hugging everyone I knew as well.
That camp's just like a home away from home for a lot of people. People that, unlike me, don't have a whole ton of nerdy friends back home to hang with and feel like they fit in.
Thankfully though, I have you guys here. ~hugs digitally~ So I'm alright. I had a lot of fun, but I'm glad to be home for a bit. I'll hang out, then go off the SC with Braden! ~high fives~ And then I'm home again until Aug 22nd, when I move out for good.
Kinda. I mean, I'll be back to visit you all and you'll be up to visit me. But times are changing...
Oh yes they are...
On a brighter note, I learned something amazing at nerd camp that I'm going to have to share with you guys at some point. Not at my house, since my mom doesn't like energy drinks... And essentially, this stuff is energy drink moonshine. ~grins widely~ And that's all the hints that you're getting...
Here's a conversation I had with someone after a couple of us had had a few glasses. TOTALLY UNEDITED IN ANY WAY! (except for the first part where I set the scene and don't really remember exactly what was said...)
Miriah: Athena gave me a drunk test!
Me: And you're not drunk? ~giggle~
Davey: What'd she have you do?
Miriah: I am not drunk!!! She just had me say my ABCs and stuff-
Me: ~starts singing loudly~ ABCDEFG!!!!
~breaks off laughing~
Me: OH CRAP! What comes next!?!?!?
I wasn't even kidding... T'was hilarious. To the "drunk" me, at least. Even though there was no alcohol involved... (okay, so that's another hint)
Anyways, I LOVE VAMPY! And I hope that Gatton will kinda be like VAMPY in a way... But with more of you guys around.
Hopefully, we can get together as soon as possible. I get the feeling that we all need to talk. Sleepover, anyone? I is planning a party in the coming month... So we shall see what we can get away with, no?
Love you all!
Well, I have returned to the real world (aka: Home). And I'm kinda ready to go back... Idk. I can't really describe VAMPY to anyone who hasn't been there... But just think of a place where everyone's a nerd and everyone is odd... 'Tis a world where weird becomes normal. And it's just amazing.
There, it's not odd to see someone walking around dressed up in some outfit or people running around in a gorilla suit... 'Tis fun, tis fun....
I guess I'm all sentimental this year because it's my last year going to VAMPY, and though I can keep in touch with my friends, there aren't many that I'll see again. You really get close to people when you live with them for three weeks.
Every year, after the Talent show (which consists of clever songs and thinly-veiled sex jokes) there's this thing called "Cryfest" where everyone says their goodbyes, and yes, many cry. See, I've never actually cried at one of these because, as you know, I don't cry in public places... At all, really.
But this year, I was crying. Like, really crying. Not the teary-eyed crying from watching a sad movie. Practically bawling. And hugging everyone I knew as well.
That camp's just like a home away from home for a lot of people. People that, unlike me, don't have a whole ton of nerdy friends back home to hang with and feel like they fit in.
Thankfully though, I have you guys here. ~hugs digitally~ So I'm alright. I had a lot of fun, but I'm glad to be home for a bit. I'll hang out, then go off the SC with Braden! ~high fives~ And then I'm home again until Aug 22nd, when I move out for good.
Kinda. I mean, I'll be back to visit you all and you'll be up to visit me. But times are changing...
Oh yes they are...
On a brighter note, I learned something amazing at nerd camp that I'm going to have to share with you guys at some point. Not at my house, since my mom doesn't like energy drinks... And essentially, this stuff is energy drink moonshine. ~grins widely~ And that's all the hints that you're getting...
Here's a conversation I had with someone after a couple of us had had a few glasses. TOTALLY UNEDITED IN ANY WAY! (except for the first part where I set the scene and don't really remember exactly what was said...)
Miriah: Athena gave me a drunk test!
Me: And you're not drunk? ~giggle~
Davey: What'd she have you do?
Miriah: I am not drunk!!! She just had me say my ABCs and stuff-
Me: ~starts singing loudly~ ABCDEFG!!!!
~breaks off laughing~
Me: OH CRAP! What comes next!?!?!?
I wasn't even kidding... T'was hilarious. To the "drunk" me, at least. Even though there was no alcohol involved... (okay, so that's another hint)
Anyways, I LOVE VAMPY! And I hope that Gatton will kinda be like VAMPY in a way... But with more of you guys around.
Hopefully, we can get together as soon as possible. I get the feeling that we all need to talk. Sleepover, anyone? I is planning a party in the coming month... So we shall see what we can get away with, no?
Love you all!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Now you don't have to feel like you're talking to yourself, Hannah. :P
So. I
a) Saw Braden at the park and we talked about random stuff for like two hours. It was great.
b)Slept over at Heather's. Which involved the Shannon Johnson playground and also playing the Sims. And that's really about it. But it was great nonetheless.
c) Finally get to start putting my room back together. I have my books back on my shelf, although the shelf is now blue and yellow rather than white. Also I have a plastic drawer thingy that rolls!
So. I think I actually like this summer. I'm not ridiculously bored, it's a comfortable temperature in my house, and I'm reasonably happy. Not like last summer, when I was kind of either depressed or having some sort of breakdown which was only fixed by going to Colorado. No, this is a good summer.
I haven't done the little personal messages for a while so I thought I would.
Braden: Let's hang some more before Thursday, and with other peeps too. Yes?
Heather: Like I told you, I don't know anyone else who I would be standing in the kitchen at 11 pm, eating tomato-cucumber salad and fried zuchinni, and discussing why tomatoes and cucumbers go together so well. Or you know, giving ourselves pop-tart tattoos.
Hannah: I'm sorry the Last Airbender isn't good. The only experience I have with the series is the abridged series... :P But it looked like it had potential and... failed. Oh well.
Laura: I wish wish wish I could've been around to visit you at camp!!!! But let's hang out when I get back at the end of July.
Lekey: You're in India. But in case you for some weird reason check the blog before you get back, I LOVE YOUUUU!
Kaylyn: I hope you can figure out posting pretty soon because I miss you and I haven't seen you since the end of school. :O
First off because I found this comic:

OH. And someone gave me a link to a site where you can watch EVERY POKEMON EPISODE EVER MADE.
Imma watch moar pokemanz nao.

OH. And someone gave me a link to a site where you can watch EVERY POKEMON EPISODE EVER MADE.
Imma watch moar pokemanz nao.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I guess that this will just have to do...
So, for the past hour or so I've been talking to HIM on Facebook.
And honestly, I don't think I've ever been happier.
So maybe we'll never be together, but if we can have a conversation that lasts an hour, and have him care about what's going on in my life, well maybe I can have some hope, right?
And if we can't be together, I would love more than anything to just be his friend.
But no matter what, I can't stop loving him.
It doesn't matter how much I try.
God, I've missed him so much.
How we talked tonight, it was like conversations we had last year. You guys will never understand how extremely happy I am right now, but in a way it's... bittersweet? I guess I could say that.
Tonight, I realized that there was never any animosity between us. And I can finally leave that aweful past behind me.
"High Enough" By Damn Yankees
And the song posted below.
And honestly, I don't think I've ever been happier.
So maybe we'll never be together, but if we can have a conversation that lasts an hour, and have him care about what's going on in my life, well maybe I can have some hope, right?
And if we can't be together, I would love more than anything to just be his friend.
But no matter what, I can't stop loving him.
It doesn't matter how much I try.
God, I've missed him so much.
How we talked tonight, it was like conversations we had last year. You guys will never understand how extremely happy I am right now, but in a way it's... bittersweet? I guess I could say that.
Tonight, I realized that there was never any animosity between us. And I can finally leave that aweful past behind me.
"High Enough" By Damn Yankees
And the song posted below.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
But when the world needed him most... He vanished.
So this is my "Hannah needs to rant" post.
So tonight I saw The Last Airbender tonight. And it was THE WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN.
Anywho, let me start off by making a list of people who AREN'T in the movie but they really should have been.

This lovable old man is King Bumi. Who is a key character in the series. DID NOT APPEAR. He is an Earth Bending King, and a good friend to Aang. But he's apparently not important enough to be in the movie.

This is a Kiyoshi warrior named Suki. In fact there weren't any Kiyoshi warriors in the movie PERIOD. She doesn't really have a big role in the first season. But she becomes more key later on. BUT SHE NEEDED TO BE INTRODUCED IN THIS MOVIE. BECAUSE NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND WHO THE HELL SHE IS IF THEY INTRODUCE HER ANY LATER.
Next I would like to talk about how the movie was casted.
Prince Zuko is the fire nation prince. Who was banished by his father, so now he can't return until he finds the Avatar.

Zuko as you can see is very white. (As is everyone else in the firse nation) And he's not very tall. So, who better to play him than Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionare). Whom is pretty tall, and obviously very tan. Very poorly casted. But, he was the only good actor in the movie. All of the Fire nation were played by indian people. When they are all fairly pasty.
Sokka and Katara are natives to the Southern Water tribe, the water tribe was intended to be Inuit. But here's The original characters, then who played them in the movie...

These are not the first people I would consider to play them.
The movie was horribly written, and the acting sucked.
It was rushed, and people who had never seen the series wouldn't have known what the hell was going on. And I was very surprised about this, Shaymalan is probably my favorite writer/director, but this was just horrible.
And I thought the fight sequences were gonna be awesome, but no. There was one good fight scene and it was whe Zuko freed Aang from Zhao and at the end when the fire nation attacked the Northen Water tribe.
But I don't want this to be a completely negative post... So I'll go ahead and say the the people who played Zuko and Aang were okay actors, and Aang was actually casted pretty well.
And the lighting was okay. I guess.
I'm out guys.
So tonight I saw The Last Airbender tonight. And it was THE WORST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN.
Anywho, let me start off by making a list of people who AREN'T in the movie but they really should have been.

This lovable old man is King Bumi. Who is a key character in the series. DID NOT APPEAR. He is an Earth Bending King, and a good friend to Aang. But he's apparently not important enough to be in the movie.

This is a Kiyoshi warrior named Suki. In fact there weren't any Kiyoshi warriors in the movie PERIOD. She doesn't really have a big role in the first season. But she becomes more key later on. BUT SHE NEEDED TO BE INTRODUCED IN THIS MOVIE. BECAUSE NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND WHO THE HELL SHE IS IF THEY INTRODUCE HER ANY LATER.
Next I would like to talk about how the movie was casted.
Prince Zuko is the fire nation prince. Who was banished by his father, so now he can't return until he finds the Avatar.

Zuko as you can see is very white. (As is everyone else in the firse nation) And he's not very tall. So, who better to play him than Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionare). Whom is pretty tall, and obviously very tan. Very poorly casted. But, he was the only good actor in the movie. All of the Fire nation were played by indian people. When they are all fairly pasty.
Sokka and Katara are natives to the Southern Water tribe, the water tribe was intended to be Inuit. But here's The original characters, then who played them in the movie...

These are not the first people I would consider to play them.
The movie was horribly written, and the acting sucked.
It was rushed, and people who had never seen the series wouldn't have known what the hell was going on. And I was very surprised about this, Shaymalan is probably my favorite writer/director, but this was just horrible.
And I thought the fight sequences were gonna be awesome, but no. There was one good fight scene and it was whe Zuko freed Aang from Zhao and at the end when the fire nation attacked the Northen Water tribe.
But I don't want this to be a completely negative post... So I'll go ahead and say the the people who played Zuko and Aang were okay actors, and Aang was actually casted pretty well.
And the lighting was okay. I guess.
I'm out guys.
She's waiting like an iceberg, waiting to change
Well, well. Nothing much has changed in my little hiatus. That's okay I suppose.
I'm home from Oregon. Yaaay. Really I'd much rather be up there still because it's about 1,000,000 times less humid. Because of the ocean, you know.
So here are my plans:
July 15- Leave for Vermont
The end. Seriously, I have nothing else to do between now and then. Except putting things back in my room at night when it's not quite as sauna-like. Right now I'm thanking heaven for oscillating fans. And Dave Barry. You guys should seriously read some of his books. He's HILARIOUS.
In other news, I recieved 48 Prismacolor pencils for my birthday. I'm very very excited. Also I got an eyelet setter for when I get around to making a real corset. :)
I'm home from Oregon. Yaaay. Really I'd much rather be up there still because it's about 1,000,000 times less humid. Because of the ocean, you know.
So here are my plans:
July 15- Leave for Vermont
The end. Seriously, I have nothing else to do between now and then. Except putting things back in my room at night when it's not quite as sauna-like. Right now I'm thanking heaven for oscillating fans. And Dave Barry. You guys should seriously read some of his books. He's HILARIOUS.
In other news, I recieved 48 Prismacolor pencils for my birthday. I'm very very excited. Also I got an eyelet setter for when I get around to making a real corset. :)
Everyone, please go into the drafts and delete ones THAT YOU WROTE that you no longer have need of. Thank you very much.
I bought the Eclipse soundtrack at Hot Topic today (and got a Gay Pride peace sign button for $2 and a frequent buyer's gift card for free)!
I love all of the songs on it.
Top 3 Favorites:
1. Life on Earth - Band of Horses
2. Eclipse (All Yours) - Metric
3. Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) - Muse
Life on Earth is SO PRETTY! Look it up.
The other two are cool. Of course since it's Muse. Haha!
But anywho, I can't wait for Breaking Dawn. It's sad that it's almost over. The soundtracks have probably been the best of the series. There's awesome music on all of them.
I love all of the songs on it.
Top 3 Favorites:
1. Life on Earth - Band of Horses
2. Eclipse (All Yours) - Metric
3. Neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) - Muse
Life on Earth is SO PRETTY! Look it up.
The other two are cool. Of course since it's Muse. Haha!
But anywho, I can't wait for Breaking Dawn. It's sad that it's almost over. The soundtracks have probably been the best of the series. There's awesome music on all of them.
My mom bought me Tropic Thunder the other day.
Just kidding, I'll never be able to dance like that...
Anyway, this is what goin down for the next week or so:
Tonight: Gonna go see the Last Airbender (FINALLY) with my uncle and brother. (It's gonna suck, I've read everything people have had to say about it. AND I DO NOT APPROVE OF THESE THINGS.)
Tomorrow: Gonna have a movie night wiff Meghan, Charlsa, and Liz.
Sat&Sun: Nothing
Yeah, that's about it...
My mom bought me Tropic Thunder the other day.
Just kidding, I'll never be able to dance like that...
Anyway, this is what goin down for the next week or so:
Tonight: Gonna go see the Last Airbender (FINALLY) with my uncle and brother. (It's gonna suck, I've read everything people have had to say about it. AND I DO NOT APPROVE OF THESE THINGS.)
Tomorrow: Gonna have a movie night wiff Meghan, Charlsa, and Liz.
Sat&Sun: Nothing
Yeah, that's about it...
Violence in Nashville...
Doug was violently assaulted at a place he used to work at on Monday night. It was a racial/gay bashing attack.
He was thrown on the ground by the neck and was called the N word and faggot.
He's in a neck brace and a foot brace because a table fell on it.
This was encouraged by the owner. The place was established for the purpose of equality.
Fellow Quakers who read this, hold him in the Light.
When will some people learn this is NOT okay?
He was thrown on the ground by the neck and was called the N word and faggot.
He's in a neck brace and a foot brace because a table fell on it.
This was encouraged by the owner. The place was established for the purpose of equality.
Fellow Quakers who read this, hold him in the Light.
When will some people learn this is NOT okay?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rest of July
So I'm actually going to be doing stuff soon.
Tomorrow: Going to see Eclipse again tomorrow. Heather had nobody here willing to go see it, so I'm going with her. To those who this may concern, you're welcome. You don't have to suffer. ;D
Thursday: Hangin' at the Florence Mall with long-time family friends who are moving to Florida.
Next weekend (the 16th): My brother might have a gig at the Black Feather and after that, we're going to West Virginia for mom's family reunion.
Last week of July: Beach trip with Laura to Isle of Palms, South Carolina. "Twill be awesome!
So yeah, dead period ends on Friday. Sigh. My shoulder isn't completely healed yet, so I'm still doubtful I would want to tumble on it on Thursday after Florence. I'm just taking precautions in case I might injure it. I wouldn't mind being injured. It'd hurt and suck like hell, but my schedule would be free and I'd be able to go to the SAYF retreats I would have to miss (August, October, and March....as far as I know).
Band camp tonight was okay. Semi-productive.
But yeah. That's me for now.
Tomorrow: Going to see Eclipse again tomorrow. Heather had nobody here willing to go see it, so I'm going with her. To those who this may concern, you're welcome. You don't have to suffer. ;D
Thursday: Hangin' at the Florence Mall with long-time family friends who are moving to Florida.
Next weekend (the 16th): My brother might have a gig at the Black Feather and after that, we're going to West Virginia for mom's family reunion.
Last week of July: Beach trip with Laura to Isle of Palms, South Carolina. "Twill be awesome!
So yeah, dead period ends on Friday. Sigh. My shoulder isn't completely healed yet, so I'm still doubtful I would want to tumble on it on Thursday after Florence. I'm just taking precautions in case I might injure it. I wouldn't mind being injured. It'd hurt and suck like hell, but my schedule would be free and I'd be able to go to the SAYF retreats I would have to miss (August, October, and March....as far as I know).
Band camp tonight was okay. Semi-productive.
But yeah. That's me for now.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Let's do some living after we die.
I fell in love today.
With horses.
I loved horses when I was really little.
And I went to a friends farm today. And their horses were BEAUTIFUL.
When the weather isn't REALLY HORRIBLY HOT I get to go back and ride one.
I'm so excited about that.
My five year old self is so happy.
I'm done.
With horses.
I loved horses when I was really little.
And I went to a friends farm today. And their horses were BEAUTIFUL.
When the weather isn't REALLY HORRIBLY HOT I get to go back and ride one.
I'm so excited about that.
My five year old self is so happy.
I'm done.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I'm done obsessing now.
I'm done obsessing now.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
What I'm feeling....
I was told that I should respect peoples' opinions, and that's true. I should.
But there are exceptions.
I know we have some different tastes in things, but one of mine doesn't suck when I actually know everything about it, and base a deep opinion off of the knowledge from it. Yet, people still sit there, dissing it, when they hardly know anything about it and/or they haven't even seen/read it yet. They just judge it like they know everything about it, like they know more than the person who has more experience with it.
It gets annoying after a while, doesn't it? Makes people pissed off when it continuously occurs, right?
Another exception is when I look back on the majority of the opinions I shared and every single one of them brought either a shocked/disbelief reaction or a pissed off reaction. I even got a "FUCK NO!"
So how can I respect somebody's opinion when mine haven't been respected all along?
It's like I can't even share my OWN opinions anymore.
It's always when they're not somebody else's that they're automatically wrong.
This is how I feel. I'm not trying to make anybody mad......again.
But there are exceptions.
I know we have some different tastes in things, but one of mine doesn't suck when I actually know everything about it, and base a deep opinion off of the knowledge from it. Yet, people still sit there, dissing it, when they hardly know anything about it and/or they haven't even seen/read it yet. They just judge it like they know everything about it, like they know more than the person who has more experience with it.
It gets annoying after a while, doesn't it? Makes people pissed off when it continuously occurs, right?
Another exception is when I look back on the majority of the opinions I shared and every single one of them brought either a shocked/disbelief reaction or a pissed off reaction. I even got a "FUCK NO!"
So how can I respect somebody's opinion when mine haven't been respected all along?
It's like I can't even share my OWN opinions anymore.
It's always when they're not somebody else's that they're automatically wrong.
This is how I feel. I'm not trying to make anybody mad......again.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind. For me it happens all the time...
God, why?
I guess I should learn how to control my emotions.
I can't keep making the same mistake.
I can't keep falling for him.
I just... can't.
Who I'm referring to in this post is so obvious that it's obvious.
Anyway, I'm going shopping with Laura tomorrow (or today however you want to look at it.)
That should my mind off of this.
I guess I should learn how to control my emotions.
I can't keep making the same mistake.
I can't keep falling for him.
I just... can't.
Who I'm referring to in this post is so obvious that it's obvious.
Anyway, I'm going shopping with Laura tomorrow (or today however you want to look at it.)
That should my mind off of this.
This one's Untitled for a change
I don't know where I stand in all this and I have no idea what the last few posts are about and I don't even know if I care because right now it all seems so far away and if you'd like to fill me in when I get home go ahead but I'm not dealing with it right now.
No more blog for me until July 8. Okay? If you wanna talk, there's Facebook and telephones and email, which I'm checking regularly.
I recommend The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
I don't know where I stand in all this and I have no idea what the last few posts are about and I don't even know if I care because right now it all seems so far away and if you'd like to fill me in when I get home go ahead but I'm not dealing with it right now.
No more blog for me until July 8. Okay? If you wanna talk, there's Facebook and telephones and email, which I'm checking regularly.
I recommend The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
Bob Marley quote....
This stood out to me.
"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
All of you are people worth suffering for because I love you all.
"Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."
All of you are people worth suffering for because I love you all.
Okay so....

I am sorry that I have hurt anybody. It wasn't on my agenda. I guess I need to think a little bit more before I say things. I thought it was a small joke, but it wasn't interpreted as that.
I know being judged sucks. I've been there before and I ignored it, but that still doesn't mean that it wasn't there.
I wasn't even close to hinting judgment. I just thought friends could joke and it not be a big deal, but other people in the world, however, it's a different story. They try to hurt people.
I still feel bad about saying it even though it was only meant it as a joke, but it still hurt a loved one, so I apologize and take it back.
It's not bad to find certain people attractive. We're all different. I find those same people a bit attractive myself.
And the thing is I think I would still be judged like a hundred times more around here for liking one guy. That's also sad.
Again I'm sorry. Now I'm done talking.
Friday, July 2, 2010
The Adventures of Hannah and Meghan!
So, today was pretty awesome.
Meghan and I went to see Toy Story 3.
We Laughed.
We Cried.
We screamed like idiots when that goddamned monkey screeched.
Oh, and we made fun of people going to see Eclipse. We got so mean death stares. LOL.
Then after the movie we hung out at Hastings.
She bought The Big Lebowski.

Yeah. That's going on the wall that's right next to my pillow.
I love hanging out with Meghan. I'm sad that I've only seen her like, three times over the summer...
Anyway, going to Nerd Camp to visit Laura on Sunday.
Meghan and I went to see Toy Story 3.
We Laughed.
We Cried.
We screamed like idiots when that goddamned monkey screeched.
Oh, and we made fun of people going to see Eclipse. We got so mean death stares. LOL.
Then after the movie we hung out at Hastings.
She bought The Big Lebowski.

Yeah. That's going on the wall that's right next to my pillow.
I love hanging out with Meghan. I'm sad that I've only seen her like, three times over the summer...
Anyway, going to Nerd Camp to visit Laura on Sunday.

Well, I saw Eclipse!
It was amazing! They just keep getting better and better.....unlike the books.
So yeah. I loved it! Saw the HP7 trailer again and I'm pumped!
One of the vampire newborns in the movie is SO HOT!!!! He's in the picture above.
Hannah: There was a vampire in the movie that reminded me of somebody you know very well. ;) Starts with an L.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
You're the closest to heaven that I've ever been...
I've had an okay day, watched some movies with my dad, y'know the usual.
And first happened today.
I got a comment on my picture on facebook saying that I was a Cutie Pie.
(It was from a guy, that's why it's a first.)
But I'm so confuzzled. Because it was from the guy I've been having problems with for the past year. And I know it's bad, but ever since he started even having small conversations with him, I've realized how much I've missed him... Which is bad. I can't be falling for him again, we all know where that got me.
Anyway, sorry to waste your guys time with that.
Tomorrow, I get some Meghan & Hannah time. Those times are awesome.
Then sunday I'm visiting Laura at nerd camp.
I need all this friend time. Maybe it will get all this stuff off my mind for a little while.
I'm out, I talk to you guys later!
And first happened today.
I got a comment on my picture on facebook saying that I was a Cutie Pie.
(It was from a guy, that's why it's a first.)
But I'm so confuzzled. Because it was from the guy I've been having problems with for the past year. And I know it's bad, but ever since he started even having small conversations with him, I've realized how much I've missed him... Which is bad. I can't be falling for him again, we all know where that got me.
Anyway, sorry to waste your guys time with that.
Tomorrow, I get some Meghan & Hannah time. Those times are awesome.
Then sunday I'm visiting Laura at nerd camp.
I need all this friend time. Maybe it will get all this stuff off my mind for a little while.
I'm out, I talk to you guys later!
Just a quick one while I'm busy.
I have a long heartfelt post in the works but I haven't been able to snatch much time to work on it, so who knows when it's coming. But it's coming :)
I'd like to remind everyone that when you publish a draft, it inserts itself in the place it was when you started it. So if you start a draft today and publish it on Saturday, it'll be posted on today. Which makes things confusing. So, please copy+paste into a new post if you wait very long to publish. Yayyyy
Luv you all! ~heart~
Lestat must have wept when he made you...
Title translation:
I'm like, high on life right now.
I'm writing my first fanfic.
I saw Knight and Day again today.
It still rocks.
And I'm watching IWTV. (What else is new? But can you blame me? It's like, the sexiest movie ever. ngl.)
Oh yes, I understand that you guys have been pretty busy, but if you're reading this I assume that you have enough time to scroll down and read my heart filled post that is heart filled.
Yeah, I'm off now.
I'm like, high on life right now.
I'm writing my first fanfic.
I saw Knight and Day again today.
It still rocks.
And I'm watching IWTV. (What else is new? But can you blame me? It's like, the sexiest movie ever. ngl.)
Oh yes, I understand that you guys have been pretty busy, but if you're reading this I assume that you have enough time to scroll down and read my heart filled post that is heart filled.
Yeah, I'm off now.
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