Thursday, July 1, 2010

You're the closest to heaven that I've ever been...

I've had an okay day, watched some movies with my dad, y'know the usual.
And first happened today.
I got a comment on my picture on facebook saying that I was a Cutie Pie.
(It was from a guy, that's why it's a first.)

But I'm so confuzzled. Because it was from the guy I've been having problems with for the past year. And I know it's bad, but ever since he started even having small conversations with him, I've realized how much I've missed him... Which is bad. I can't be falling for him again, we all know where that got me.

Anyway, sorry to waste your guys time with that.

Tomorrow, I get some Meghan & Hannah time. Those times are awesome.
Then sunday I'm visiting Laura at nerd camp.
I need all this friend time. Maybe it will get all this stuff off my mind for a little while.

I'm out, I talk to you guys later!


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