Friday, July 23, 2010

I guess it's my turn now....

Since we're all doing this, I might as well. It seems appropriate before I go on a beach adventure.

First all of you....I love you all so much. You have been my closest friends. I do have a lot of close friends, but I don't have to hide around any of you. I can truly be myself.

Laura...I'm about to spend the ENTIRE week with you, but I'll still say were one of the first three people I came out have been my let's-try-out-a-new-religion buddy. We both wanted to see how Quakerism was, and we know now. We also cast our first circle together...with Lekey too. It seems like you've been the one that was as interested in...other certain much as I have. You were one of the ones who got me interested in Wicca and Paganism. You're mainly my book buddy too. I've borrowed SO MANY books from you (well, who hasn't)'s crazy. I commend you for them too! :D We've clashed before in so many ways, but never really let that get in the way of what we had. You are just an all-around strong individual who isn't afraid of being a non-normal nerd (try saying that three times fast). I love you! are also one of the first three people I came out're in were in the same picture as the Dalai Lama.....AWESOMER. You are pretty much my music buddy. We've shared a lot of music together. I thank you for that. I would've never known the awesomeness of Everything Goes Numb. I have to introduce you to Band of Horses if you haven't heard them before. You have also been my adventure buddy as well...though Laura is too. We saw Conrad with Therese, went to a wildlife reserve with the KITTIES, and I've eaten so much of your mom's food that she loves me SO MUCH. You are such an awesome of a kind! We have so many hang out various Black Feather Fridays and hippie parties and SAYF's. I love you!

Taylor is my OMG HOT GUY buddy. You are the third of the first three people I came out to. We talk so much about that. That's how we connect. You also love Mariah Carey and other various magazine smells. You also love purple and you...for the time being...have the longest red hair I've seen. We also have a lot of fun memories at parties, the Feather, and SAYF. You're a dancer with beautiful lines and you win a lot of medals. I regret never even asking you what was wrong when you laid your head down at lunch. I always thought, for some reason, that you just wanted to be left alone. But now I know better. You want somebody to listen. We're all here for you. Oh yeah.........SKYLER!'re my first wife and clarinet buddy. You've also helped me learn some things about Wicca. You've been fun and just crazy loud...and I love that about you....sometimes too loud, but oh well! We have also had our clashes, but we know better. We know we're all different and no two people are going to see the world the exact same way, but that's what draws all of us together. We are unique individuals. You, my wife, are amazing to hang out with. We always seem to have fun somehow.

Kaylyn...we don't hang as much, but we still love each other.....even though you may love me a little too much, but who cares? LOL! We are different people, but we don't care. We are who we are. I love you, you know that. I don't really like clinginess, but I'll try to limit my pushing away. Even before we really knew each other, we liked each other as we love each other. We may different views, but that's okay. You're not hateful. You accept me for who I am and love me the same way and I love you for that because I know there are a lot of people who wouldn't. We'll see each other soon. seem to be the one I've had most conflicts with, but we always manage to get past them...especially all of the dumb ones we've had. But even with the most recent serious one, we are still friends and I know we're still close. Arguing brings out the worst in people. I know I've said a hell of a lot of really stupid things to you and I am so sorry. We'll never forget what's in the past, but that's okay. That's what the future is for. To learn to really, really think before we say and I will try to remember that. Virtual arguing is so easy to do, but I've learned we really need to think if we'd really say those things to our faces. It would be hard to do that because we love each other too much to even think about doing that. You are also like Heather: loud, fun, awesome, and YOU! ;) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a really good movie btw!

We all are friends. We might have our future arguments, but friends aren't the people you get along with the most...but they're the ones you still have a hold on. You still want them in your lives. You worry about when you'll be as close. I know I have worried about that. I regret being horribly stupid to you all. I'm sorry if I've hurt you in some way.

Just like the very last words of Bea Arthur on The Golden Girls:

"You'll always be my sisters.....always."

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