Monday, October 13, 2008

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same..

Okay guys there's been some things bothering me lately... The main thing is that about 2 weeks ago, Terry told me that Tory said there were reasons he wouldn't date me... I would very well like to know what they are, So I could change them, but then again I also start to think of something Shyla told me on her last visit... she told me that if Tory didn't accept me at my worst he sure as hell didn't deserve me at my best. So I don't know what to do now, Should I just keep faith and go on with the operation, or just give up on him once and for all. So after those thoughts ran through my head I decided to make TWO lists the first list are lists of thing BAD things tory has done to me the second list are GOOD things he'd done to me...


~ He's dated two while he knew I liked him
~ He's Insulted so many times
~ He ignored me most of last year
~ He takes advantage of the fact that I like him (not nice)
~He broke my heart

Good list:
~He fixed taco's eye
~He Made me stop doing bad things to myself
~ He used to be the only person I could turn to if there was something wrong
~He convinced me that No one hated me, some people just don't see eye to eye with me.
~He was one of the only people in 6th grade who acknowledged my exsistance in 6th
~He was my one true friend in part 6&7th grade


Okay so there's more stuff on the good list but the bad things left a bigger impact.
So I think I've made my desicion on what I'm going to do. ~sigh~ guys I'm sorry you worked so hard on it but... ~rips up MTLH paper~ you can try to change my mind but I doubt you'll change it.

I'm letting go.

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