Thursday, October 16, 2008

I love you guys!

I seriously do love you guys, and hopefully this Tory thing will blow by soon. (may God smite him).


So I guess we're watching 3 movies. Napoleon Dynamite (funny) Made of honor (aww, that movie is so cute!) and Superbad (haven't seen it).
Is that list right?

Now for indevidual notes!

Taylor: Don't worry I won't clam up on our glorious movie night. ILY!!!

Lekey: Um, Ily2. But, We all can't be as happy as you. (is referring to your name thing)

Laura: I'm looking up more fanfiction!! ;)

Heather: I was talking to Shyla's parents, and they found those letters (and your birthday present!) :) they said they should be here by next week.

Okay (song(s) of the moment)

Kerosene-- Miranda Lambert (My idol)

Cold as you-- Taylor Swift (has fit for almost 4 years)

Warwick Avenue-- Duffy (doesn't fit my situation but it's awesome)

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