Okay, so there's two things that I want to touch on here. One is Hannah's issue, and the other is political views. (Which aren't all about McCain and Obama, they're some issues that have been coming up lately with them.) Before I say anything though, I'm warning you that I WILL get off track every so often in this blog because I've been working on some introspection lately, and I'm determined to figure out why I do the things I do, which is NOT easy at all...
So yeah. First off, I didn't vote in Hannah's poll because, as usual, my opinion can't be summed up by one of two words, 'cause I have way more behind it than just a simple yes or no. For some reason, they're all maybes... I don't get it myself, but there's never just one answer in my brain for anything... So yeah, back on subject.
Hannah, I think that you made the right decision to break off your ties with him. He's not ready for the serious relationship that you seem to want from him, and if it's not serious, then you'll probably break up with him within a few weeks or months.
But the thing is, can you really just force yourself to stop liking someone? I know that I've been able to do it, but I also know that it's not easy. The reason I came up with the Full MTHL operation was to help you realize that you didn't need him, and I hoped that if you had him, you could finally realize that it wasn't as great as you thought it would be. I saw it as a way for you to finally allow your heart to move on.
Fortune cookie quote of the day: "Sometimes, you work so hard for something you desire, only to discover that what you were looking for is somewhere else." (I came up with this one on my own!)
So, if you really think that you can get over Tory on your own here, then, by all means, go for it. But if you find that you can't let go of him, then maybe what you really need is to try out the relationship and find out if it's really what you need, okay?
Well, now that my fortune cookie moment is over, I want to discuss this whole political thing. I hope you all know how absolutely frustrating it is to have all your friends (Except for the awesome Switzerland people!) against you in such an important matter.(Not that we really have much of a say in it, but still!)
But really! All you guys do around me is go all anti-McCain/Palin. "McCain's awful 'cause of this." "Palin's so freakin' horrible." That's all I hear! I TRY to respect your opinions by not bashing Obama in front of you, and try to focus on why I think my pick is good, but you all just go on and on about why they're awful! Is that supposed to change my opinion on them? All it does is put me on the defensive. It's an automatic turn-off.
Please, if you're going to try and debate with me, tell me why Obama's so great, okay? I'm really tired of getting shouted down by ALL of you whenever I try and voice my opinions. (Again, except for the awesome Team Switzerland. You guys are quickly becoming my favorite party at this rate...) All I want is a little respect for my opinions, that way I can respect yours.
*Sighs* Glad that's out of the way... I've really needed to address that for awhile now... So lets go back to normal teenage things, as in, we all need to get together! We haven't done that in too long... So, I propose a movie night this weekend! All in favor say "Aye!"
Right... So, I guess we'll have to discuss it at school... Anybody have any good movies? I'd really like to see Jumper again... Or any random movie works, so long as it has action and a good romance plot woven in. Talk to me about it peeps! (Which is ghetto for people, just FYI.)
And... I'm done. Here's my random stuffs!
I like these... Anyways, talk to you guys later!
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