Thursday, October 9, 2008

*Is sad and angry*

*sigh* Zack and Tory need to give it a rest, it really makes me upset when they say and do the things they do. I can't believe they can actually be that mean, and not one of them has said a word to me this year that wasn't something negative about me.

Tory really hit a sore subject with me today and strangely enough it mad me want to cry. We were walking in the school parking lot towards the school and we saw Sebastian's mom he sort of introduced me to her. kind of. Anyway, she said hello and so did I and that was pretty much it, of course once we are out of his mothers ear shot Tory says she doesn't like you I can already tell, and it hurt. I want her to like me, I don't know why but I do. I think I want her to think I'm good enough for him, and not think I'm going to break his heart which is what she thinks at the moment I'm sure.

I want to be good enough for him but I feel like I never will be, because all anyone ever does is point out how Sebastian has supposedly gone soft, and how he doesn't have to do anything for himself anymore because I can just do it for him. It makes me feel like I'm bad for him and don't give anything positive to him I just take away from who he used to be.

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