Also, I am an admin, which means that I can change other's posts. But I promise that I won't change your posts except for those minor details that are revealing too much about someone's life. And I'll always tell you what I change when I do have to change them. I'm not sure who else on here are admins, but I hope that you'll follow these rules too...
So now that my little tirade is over... (But you guys had better hope that I fixed that before anyone read it, or there'll be hell to pay.) I really don't have much to talk about... I'm pretty sure that most everything that needs to be has been talked about... (Except for the topic about myself, which will be carefully avoided until I can figure it out.)
Okay, I'll put whatever things that I can think of on a list...
1.) I want details on Lekey's little event this Saturday. *wink, wink*
2.) I'm glad that Heather seems to be a little happier... I assume that she's figured a few things out. If not, then hopefully she's accepting things better. And if not again, then you need to talk to me!
3.) Tay-Tay is learning the fortune cookie life very well, and in turn, taught me how to knit! I still can't believe that they'll actually let us do that in class... Knitting needles can be lethal, you know...
4.) Hannah, I can never tell you enough that things will always work out in the end. Life has it's ups and downs, and you seems to be stuck in a trench at the moment. But I promise that one day, you'll find yourself on top of a mountain. (Yays! Another fortune cookie moment!)
5.) Kaylyn really needs to get on this blog. And we HAVE invited her. Multiple times... She just hasn't responded yet...
6.) We had an awesome movie night! Even if there were a few bad parts... But really, for us, it was pretty good.
7.) Test on Monday! And I still haven't studied, nor have I finished my study guide... Not that that has been a problem in the past, but it still worries me...
8.) I'm sick. And I absolutely loathe cold weather. Cool weather is fine, but the cold is really starting to bug me...
9.) Yay odd numbers and imperfection! And you OCD friends of mine aren't allowed to change this post!
Okay, so that's about it... So here's the random pics!
1 comment:
Some of your pics had their bandwidth expired or whatever, so I deleted them. I hope that's OK!
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