Thursday, September 17, 2009

And what you are is beautiful

Why does everything have to go wrong on the same day and why the FUCK can't I do anything about it!

Don't make me cry. Don't do it.
You think we don't care, when we just have no idea what to do?
You think we're choosing SAYF over you? I can't speak for everyone else, but honestly I'm only going to SAYF because I feel like it's expected of me.
I don't know what to say. I can't believe you could even imagine we don't care.

Not caring is the most frightening thing that has happened to me recently.
I don't know why, but on Sunday I was completely apathetic to everything. That's why none of you saw me that day. Because I didn't care.
Luckily I woke up on Monday caring. Then I discovered not caring is so much easier. But it's a human thing, to care. That's probably why life is hard: because we care.

Please don't accuse me of not caring. I don't want to go back there.
Do you really think you've never broken anyone's heart?

Whatever I did, I'm sorry. There's only one thing worse than someone you love being sad, and that is feeling like it's your fault.

I don't want anyone else to feel as isolated as I do sometimes. I don't ever want people I love to doubt that I do.

God, I really don't know what to do about this and I hate that.

Just remember this: There isn't a single one of you that I could live without.

We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder.

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