Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Well, it's been awhile...

I haven't posted in a loooong time... Wow. There's really not much for me to say though... That might be mainly 'cause I'm tired...

So anyways, I'm making a new rule for the blog. NO POLITICS! I may be the only one who actually uses this thing that doesn't like Obama, but honestly! I'm really sick of hearing about how great he is, okay? It only serves to get under my skin and bug me. And I now anything I say against him bugs you. So let's agree to disagree and not talk about it on the blog please, unless it's something really important. Not a random speech that I'm not going to talk about. Because it really did promote socialist values a little...

Hm... Did anyone hear that? I didn't... But seriously. No more. I'm sick of hearing how great it is. And I'm also even sick of my Republican friends who just make things harder for me by providing ridiculous defenses like "He's the Antichrist!" or "He's gonna send us all to Communism!" or etc. Those are not true, and just give us republicans a bad name...

Alright. I'm stopping now. I just needed to get that off my chest... And now...

So anyways, how's school going for everybody? Not like I don't know... But I've run out of things to talk about... There's really not much going on at my end... Social-wise, at least...

I've got the ACT this weekend... And maybe I'll celebrate finishing it by going somewhere... Or maybe I'll just sleep. That option is sounding better and better lately.

So anyways, I'm gonna go finish my book... Which is DreamHunter, by Elizabeth Knox, btw. It's about a dreamy, 15-year-old girl named Laura! Sound familiar?

Lol. So anyways, I'll see ya later!


P.S. Vote for Laura!
P.P.S. Vote Braden too!

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