Well, this is my last post of the year. I will miss 2008, I think. Ah, even numbers. But anyways, here’s the other list! So, farewell to 2008 and Happy New Year!
The Ten Best Things That Happened in 2008
1. Tim and I got together! (Self explanatory)
2. Obama was elected! After this happened, I discovered that I might actually be proud to be an American. Is that weird at all?
3. I discovered t.A.T.u. and I love them! This is to my teenage self what the Beatles was to my child self. (Not that I don’t love the Beatles still.)
4. We finished Middle School and put it behind us, but we still have the memories.
5. I was forgiven for certain things I did earlier in the year. Obviously, this is a good
thing, and that’s why it’s high on the list. I’m pretty sure y’all know what I mean here.
6. Breaking Dawn came out, completing a saga that I’ll get my children to read.
7. SAYF retreats happened. I only went to 2 last year, so I guess this counts as a 2008 event?
8. I had my best birthday party yet, in which we did nothing but hang out. It was fun!
9. We had awesome sleepovers at Hannah’s Mamaw’s. The best two sleepovers I’ve ever been to. I mean, who could go wrong with Dr. Pepper ice cubes, staying up until 4 in the morning, ghost stories, and really random music?
10. The Twilight movie came out. Now this is a very political placing. Low on the list, for those who object, but still on the list for those who would kill me otherwise. :D
Well, my brother found live streaming of the ball drop, so I'ma go watch that... Happy 2009! Happy 200 posts! Bye!
This is the blog of the former and current Phunk Siblings. Here we discuss among ourselves our lives and emotions. You may not get any of it if you're not one of us!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 list 1: Music
I have TWO lists! But there's only one in this post! And it's the MUSIC list!
I love you all! Bye!
There's 15 of them! They're not in countdown form... sorry... but they DO have links to YouTube videos of them! Just click on the title, if you want! Most of the videos are the official video! Yay! Ummm Here we go!
1. Hot ‘N Cold – Katy Perry
I LOVE this song. I would never NOT want to listen to it. When it comes on the radio, I won’t leave the room until it’s over. It’s got a hyper beat and it’s great to dance to! It’s got simple lyrics that sound really great with the music and I just LOVE it!
2. I Kissed a Girl – Katy Perry
Yes, another by Katy Perry! But we all love this song. Ten years ago, this song would have been shunned. I think it’s great that, even though she’s not really lesbian, that a song about un-straight goings on can be so popular. And besides that, it’s another one of those hyper dance songs that I love so much… And it’s easy to parody! (I kissed a squirrel, anyone?)
3. The Show – Lenka
SUCH a cute song. It’s one of those songs where it would be annoying if they overplayed it, but I’ve only heard it on the radio once, so it’s OK. Lenka has a cute voice, and the lyrics are cute, and the tune is cute, it’s just CUTE! And the music video is adorable. It has dancing tomatoes. You can’t go wrong with dancing tomatoes!
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
This song is a happy song! We all need some cheering up at times, and this is just the song. It is vaguely reminiscent of reggae, but not overly so. And you can almost hear Jason Mraz smiling as he sings it. When I was listening to the radio when we got home, I heard this song and I couldn’t help smiling. This is definitely a song I’ll make my kids listen to. :D
5. 220 – t.A.T.u.
You know I had to put a t.A.T.u. song on this list, and quite handily they came out with a new album this year! The English version, “Happy Smiles,” isn’t coming out until sometime in 2009, but I’m okay with Russian! There are, of course, several other songs on that album (which is called “Veselye Ulybki,” by the way) like Beliy Plaschik, but I didn’t like it as much as 220. As with most of their songs, you can vaguely grasp the meaning but it’s kind of… vague… to me. But the music and beat is great, and the lyrics (although I can’t understand them) sound good with the music. The music video is kind of strange, but whatever. I love this song! (I just listened to it like, 10 times in a row lol)
6. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
Even though I fail at understanding the lyrics, I love the tune and music to this song. The start, where it sounds like an orchestra, is incredible. I don’t really have much to say about this one, except that I love it!
7. Angels on the Moon – Thriving Ivory
I heard this song a couple times, and I remembered it from the fact that one line was, “Don’t tell me if I’m dying, ‘cause I don’t wanna know,” which I liked, and the fact that I couldn’t tell if the singer was male or female. Eventually I looked it up and found out that the singer was in fact male. (I also saw them in one of Mrs. Flynn’s music magazines.) Anyways, then I found out Hannah likes that song too. It’s a good song, although not the type I usually listen to :D
8. Bleeding Love – Leona Lewis
This is one of the most popular songs of the year, but I still like it! Nobody calls it “Bleeding Love,” or at least I don’t, I call it the keep bleeding song. It’s just on the edge of being too R&B for me to like it, but the lyrics are great, and Leona Lewis’ voice is really beautiful. Even though the lyrics don’t make that much sense, the music is beautiful.
9. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
This is a nice song, a feel good song! There is, of course, the inside-joke thing with the butterflies, and Loveless, and all that. But ANYWAYS. I don’t know, I can’t say why I like this song, I just do!
10. Fall For You – Secondhand Serenade
When I first heard this one, it sounded like some band I’d heard, or maybe not, or…? But I found out that it wasn’t. The singer sounds a little to heartfelt for my tastes, but the words are good and so is the music. And he pronounces the words funny! For example: he says, “ouuver again” in a weird kind of… accent… Um… I like this song?
11. Paper Planes – M.I.A.
Haha! I like this song! It’s like, ALMOST rap but not quite and it’s REALLY fun to sing (especially when you’re on the escalator at the Cleveland airport and there are these big steel plate models of paper planes…). But yeah. Once Lekey showed me this song on the way to a SAYF retreat, and I was like, whatever. But then I started listening to it more, and it grew on me…. heheh.
12. Love Lockdown – Kanye West
I KNOW, you’re like, What? She likes Kanye West? TAYLOR likes Kanye West? The answer is: not really. I just like this song. It’s kinda spooky, and the vocal effects are cool. Except the end is creepy because it’s just like, drum…drum…drum… and I always have to change the station when it gets to that part ☺ But it’s a good song!
13. Love Song – Sarah Barriels
GREAT piano song. There was this girl at camp who could play the whole thing AND sing along with it! But yeah. The music video is cute, where she’s in the little machine… anyways. Good song, great lyrics, GREAT piano. :D
14. Shake It – Metro Station
Yeah. This song is NOT about dancing. But it’s still a good song! Especially when you want Italian dressing, and you have to shake shake, a shake shake, a shake it!
15. So What – Pink
Not my favorite, but still a good song! There are two parts I really like: the “uh, check my flow, ouh” part, and the very end where she goes “badadadada” to end the song. Me likey. Haha. But yeah. This was Time magazine’s top song of the year, and I can see why! (Love Lockdown was number 2, FYI)
Okay, there are my lists! Now I’m off to waste time until it gets relatively close to Midnight, at which time I will post my last post! Okay!
1. Hot ‘N Cold – Katy Perry
I LOVE this song. I would never NOT want to listen to it. When it comes on the radio, I won’t leave the room until it’s over. It’s got a hyper beat and it’s great to dance to! It’s got simple lyrics that sound really great with the music and I just LOVE it!
2. I Kissed a Girl – Katy Perry
Yes, another by Katy Perry! But we all love this song. Ten years ago, this song would have been shunned. I think it’s great that, even though she’s not really lesbian, that a song about un-straight goings on can be so popular. And besides that, it’s another one of those hyper dance songs that I love so much… And it’s easy to parody! (I kissed a squirrel, anyone?)
3. The Show – Lenka
SUCH a cute song. It’s one of those songs where it would be annoying if they overplayed it, but I’ve only heard it on the radio once, so it’s OK. Lenka has a cute voice, and the lyrics are cute, and the tune is cute, it’s just CUTE! And the music video is adorable. It has dancing tomatoes. You can’t go wrong with dancing tomatoes!
4. I’m Yours – Jason Mraz
This song is a happy song! We all need some cheering up at times, and this is just the song. It is vaguely reminiscent of reggae, but not overly so. And you can almost hear Jason Mraz smiling as he sings it. When I was listening to the radio when we got home, I heard this song and I couldn’t help smiling. This is definitely a song I’ll make my kids listen to. :D
5. 220 – t.A.T.u.
You know I had to put a t.A.T.u. song on this list, and quite handily they came out with a new album this year! The English version, “Happy Smiles,” isn’t coming out until sometime in 2009, but I’m okay with Russian! There are, of course, several other songs on that album (which is called “Veselye Ulybki,” by the way) like Beliy Plaschik, but I didn’t like it as much as 220. As with most of their songs, you can vaguely grasp the meaning but it’s kind of… vague… to me. But the music and beat is great, and the lyrics (although I can’t understand them) sound good with the music. The music video is kind of strange, but whatever. I love this song! (I just listened to it like, 10 times in a row lol)
6. Viva La Vida – Coldplay
Even though I fail at understanding the lyrics, I love the tune and music to this song. The start, where it sounds like an orchestra, is incredible. I don’t really have much to say about this one, except that I love it!
7. Angels on the Moon – Thriving Ivory
I heard this song a couple times, and I remembered it from the fact that one line was, “Don’t tell me if I’m dying, ‘cause I don’t wanna know,” which I liked, and the fact that I couldn’t tell if the singer was male or female. Eventually I looked it up and found out that the singer was in fact male. (I also saw them in one of Mrs. Flynn’s music magazines.) Anyways, then I found out Hannah likes that song too. It’s a good song, although not the type I usually listen to :D
8. Bleeding Love – Leona Lewis
This is one of the most popular songs of the year, but I still like it! Nobody calls it “Bleeding Love,” or at least I don’t, I call it the keep bleeding song. It’s just on the edge of being too R&B for me to like it, but the lyrics are great, and Leona Lewis’ voice is really beautiful. Even though the lyrics don’t make that much sense, the music is beautiful.
9. Pocketful of Sunshine – Natasha Bedingfield
This is a nice song, a feel good song! There is, of course, the inside-joke thing with the butterflies, and Loveless, and all that. But ANYWAYS. I don’t know, I can’t say why I like this song, I just do!
10. Fall For You – Secondhand Serenade
When I first heard this one, it sounded like some band I’d heard, or maybe not, or…? But I found out that it wasn’t. The singer sounds a little to heartfelt for my tastes, but the words are good and so is the music. And he pronounces the words funny! For example: he says, “ouuver again” in a weird kind of… accent… Um… I like this song?
11. Paper Planes – M.I.A.
Haha! I like this song! It’s like, ALMOST rap but not quite and it’s REALLY fun to sing (especially when you’re on the escalator at the Cleveland airport and there are these big steel plate models of paper planes…). But yeah. Once Lekey showed me this song on the way to a SAYF retreat, and I was like, whatever. But then I started listening to it more, and it grew on me…. heheh.
12. Love Lockdown – Kanye West
I KNOW, you’re like, What? She likes Kanye West? TAYLOR likes Kanye West? The answer is: not really. I just like this song. It’s kinda spooky, and the vocal effects are cool. Except the end is creepy because it’s just like, drum…drum…drum… and I always have to change the station when it gets to that part ☺ But it’s a good song!
13. Love Song – Sarah Barriels
GREAT piano song. There was this girl at camp who could play the whole thing AND sing along with it! But yeah. The music video is cute, where she’s in the little machine… anyways. Good song, great lyrics, GREAT piano. :D
14. Shake It – Metro Station
Yeah. This song is NOT about dancing. But it’s still a good song! Especially when you want Italian dressing, and you have to shake shake, a shake shake, a shake it!
15. So What – Pink
Not my favorite, but still a good song! There are two parts I really like: the “uh, check my flow, ouh” part, and the very end where she goes “badadadada” to end the song. Me likey. Haha. But yeah. This was Time magazine’s top song of the year, and I can see why! (Love Lockdown was number 2, FYI)
Okay, there are my lists! Now I’m off to waste time until it gets relatively close to Midnight, at which time I will post my last post! Okay!
I love you all! Bye!
Nobody Posted D:
Well, so much for that plan. You guys are probably partying your butts off....
Wellllllllllll uh.....
I've got 2 more posts to ... post before I've got all 4 so.... um....
Bye for now....
I love you!
Wellllllllllll uh.....
I've got 2 more posts to ... post before I've got all 4 so.... um....
Bye for now....
I love you!
Post the first!
OKAY so we had 196 posts before this one! That means 4 MORE until 200! So, I'm going to post 4 times! Except I'll only post one right now. Then I'll wait until oh, 8:30 and post again! Unless someone else already posted! No wait. Uhhhhh.... I'll post this and one later. Then at 11:30 if there are no more posts, two more happen! RAAAAHH! So in other words, nobody post more than 2, okay! I HAVE A GRAND SCHEME AND IT WILL WORK! MUHAHA!1!
Day 366!
So anyway it is the 366th day of the year meaning that 2008 was a leap year. Speaking of "leap", I read that 2009 will be delayed by a second, a "leap" second the be exact. I don't know, but it sounds cool. So what are you guys doing tonight to ring in the last semester as freshmen.
Laura: Can't wait to see you tonight at Jon-Jon's! I'll bring my camera!
Taylor: Where is my snow? Are you going to make it into a snow ball and throw it in my face like Laura said? LOL!
Lekey: Have fun on TV tonight! It'll be hilarious if the camera catches you guys. Make sure it's Dick Clark's New Years Eve Bash and not Miley Slutrus's sex party at her house. LOL!
Hannah: Go with Frankie! IDC! Stay with Gerard! Don't give up. Celebrity couples almost always end in divorce.
So anywho! Happy 366th! See you guys next year, except Laura, though I'll see her next year while we're at the party! :D
Laura: Can't wait to see you tonight at Jon-Jon's! I'll bring my camera!
Taylor: Where is my snow? Are you going to make it into a snow ball and throw it in my face like Laura said? LOL!
Lekey: Have fun on TV tonight! It'll be hilarious if the camera catches you guys. Make sure it's Dick Clark's New Years Eve Bash and not Miley Slutrus's sex party at her house. LOL!
Hannah: Go with Frankie! IDC! Stay with Gerard! Don't give up. Celebrity couples almost always end in divorce.
So anywho! Happy 366th! See you guys next year, except Laura, though I'll see her next year while we're at the party! :D
I found my awesome post. It's posted. Just below some of the other ones... And the other long one I posted is basically all the same stuff. Sorry. Laallllalaaalala....
I love John Frusciante. He is sooooo frickkkkkiiinnnnggg ammmmaaazzzzinnnnggg.....
(the guitarist from RHCP.) I don't know how to post pictures, otherwise there would be like a million in this area.
Bye. -L
I love John Frusciante. He is sooooo frickkkkkiiinnnnggg ammmmaaazzzzinnnnggg.....
(the guitarist from RHCP.) I don't know how to post pictures, otherwise there would be like a million in this area.
Bye. -L
I'm home!
Not posting much, and it isn't the second I got homeeee....
But I'm going to post my lists later.
Here's a post then!
I'm glad you like peeps laura.
Now you have to read the next one, it's called The Last Days.
And, did you watch my Eddie Izzard video?????
Ok, well, Be back later!
But I'm going to post my lists later.
Here's a post then!
I'm glad you like peeps laura.
Now you have to read the next one, it's called The Last Days.
And, did you watch my Eddie Izzard video?????
Ok, well, Be back later!
I attempted to post yesterday... and somehow this stupid website lost it!!!
It was a really good one too! So instead of my really cool planned post, you guys get a lame-o list.
What Lekey Has Done in NYC:
1. Visited Chinatown, Little Italy, SoHo, Greenwich Village and all sortsa cool places in Queens (where my family's apartment is).
2. Eaten good food. Italian, Sichuan (Spicy!!) Tibetan... New York is the friggin victual capital of the world. There's good food on every corner, no matter where you are. Mmm..
3. Seen originals from:
and a lot more. The best part was, we happened across the gallery (in SoHo) completely by accident, and IT WAS FREE.
4. Bought all of you Chinese candy. Its kinda odd. but yummy.
Things Lekey will not do in NYC:
1. Find a cute guy to ctj with while the ball drops. No thank you. In Berea I'd do it, but here there are way too many creepy people who have god-knows-what STDs. :P Not to mention my parents would MURDER me... that hasn't stopped me in the past though, has it?
2. Get any more presents. (sorry!!!, I'm trying to save money for the House dvd boxed set... I'm addicted.)
Random stuff:
-I think communicating with God can happen through movement as well as sitting still. Dance, running, anything where you are aware of a higher power...
-I got purple jeans. Holllyyy crap.
-I'm glad your mind is still liberated, Laura. We'll work on liberating the world when I get back.
I'm out. Love y'all. Lots.
It was a really good one too! So instead of my really cool planned post, you guys get a lame-o list.
What Lekey Has Done in NYC:
1. Visited Chinatown, Little Italy, SoHo, Greenwich Village and all sortsa cool places in Queens (where my family's apartment is).
2. Eaten good food. Italian, Sichuan (Spicy!!) Tibetan... New York is the friggin victual capital of the world. There's good food on every corner, no matter where you are. Mmm..
3. Seen originals from:
and a lot more. The best part was, we happened across the gallery (in SoHo) completely by accident, and IT WAS FREE.
4. Bought all of you Chinese candy. Its kinda odd. but yummy.
Things Lekey will not do in NYC:
1. Find a cute guy to ctj with while the ball drops. No thank you. In Berea I'd do it, but here there are way too many creepy people who have god-knows-what STDs. :P Not to mention my parents would MURDER me... that hasn't stopped me in the past though, has it?
2. Get any more presents. (sorry!!!, I'm trying to save money for the House dvd boxed set... I'm addicted.)
Random stuff:
-I think communicating with God can happen through movement as well as sitting still. Dance, running, anything where you are aware of a higher power...
-I got purple jeans. Holllyyy crap.
-I'm glad your mind is still liberated, Laura. We'll work on liberating the world when I get back.
I'm out. Love y'all. Lots.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Post! (again)
Hey guys! Sounds like everyone's doing well... Not much going on over here. I got enough money over Christmas to pay off my library fine though! Finally...
Remember: Book-lover + Procrastinator = Extremely high library fines
I may as well have bought the books for all the money I spent on fines... Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but still... It wasn't pretty... And then, I find out that I can renew books over the internet!! If they'd told me that earlier, I'd have been able to save myself some money... Seriously, I think it's a conspiracy. They see me coming in the door and go, "Yes! Let's put out all the new fantasy books on display and see how many we can get her to check out! She'll never remember to return them all and we shall get lots of money!!! Muhaha!"
Seriously though, I always find the books that I've been looking for on display... They're never on the shelves, but always right out there, waiting for me to pick them up. Curious, isn't it? But no more! I shall now renew them over the internet! And My fine will never become that huge again! I'll go right now... On second thought, I leave that 'till tomorrow...
So anyway, now that I'm done with my little rant, what's up with you guys?
Tay- Post the second you get home, okay? We totally need to hang out! Oh! I finally read Peeps by Scott Westerfeild, and it was totally awesome! Though the parasite references kinda creeped me out, especially since I had a stomach ache earlier... And to make it worse, some guys are drilling a hole down on the area between our land and the neighbors, and the drill keeps making the ground shake a bit... It's kinda scaring me... What with that big, gaping hole in my backyard... *shudders* Oh well, I guess.... I've read much worse. But still...
Braden- I'm glad things seems to be going a little better. At least you can go every so often, right? Better than not at all. And as soon as you get your license, you can go all the time. And I'm texting you while I'm writing this! Though I probably won't be once you read it...
Hannah- We absolutely must spring you so we can take you shopping. One of my gifts was a shopping spree so I must absolutely spring you and we must go shopping with you, and Tay, and Braden, and Lekey, okay? Absolute must.
Lekey- How's New York? Miss you lots! Did you get us awesome Canadian stuff from Chinatown? What are you doing for New Year's? Find some cute guy to see the jacket with as the ball drops!!! Especially if you're there as it drops... Maybe you'll get on TV and we'll see you! Heehee!
Hmm... If you couldn't tell yet, I'm extremely hyper right now for no apparent reason... Though I did eat a few too many butterscotch candies while stuck in my parents office this afternoon... That must be it...
Hey, has anyone talked to Kaylyn recently? I haven't heard anything from her... Maybe I'll call her later...
So... Yeah... That's all I really have to talk about right now....
.... Yup... All I can think of for the moment... Call or text me!
Remember: Book-lover + Procrastinator = Extremely high library fines
I may as well have bought the books for all the money I spent on fines... Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but still... It wasn't pretty... And then, I find out that I can renew books over the internet!! If they'd told me that earlier, I'd have been able to save myself some money... Seriously, I think it's a conspiracy. They see me coming in the door and go, "Yes! Let's put out all the new fantasy books on display and see how many we can get her to check out! She'll never remember to return them all and we shall get lots of money!!! Muhaha!"
Seriously though, I always find the books that I've been looking for on display... They're never on the shelves, but always right out there, waiting for me to pick them up. Curious, isn't it? But no more! I shall now renew them over the internet! And My fine will never become that huge again! I'll go right now... On second thought, I leave that 'till tomorrow...
So anyway, now that I'm done with my little rant, what's up with you guys?
Tay- Post the second you get home, okay? We totally need to hang out! Oh! I finally read Peeps by Scott Westerfeild, and it was totally awesome! Though the parasite references kinda creeped me out, especially since I had a stomach ache earlier... And to make it worse, some guys are drilling a hole down on the area between our land and the neighbors, and the drill keeps making the ground shake a bit... It's kinda scaring me... What with that big, gaping hole in my backyard... *shudders* Oh well, I guess.... I've read much worse. But still...
Braden- I'm glad things seems to be going a little better. At least you can go every so often, right? Better than not at all. And as soon as you get your license, you can go all the time. And I'm texting you while I'm writing this! Though I probably won't be once you read it...
Hannah- We absolutely must spring you so we can take you shopping. One of my gifts was a shopping spree so I must absolutely spring you and we must go shopping with you, and Tay, and Braden, and Lekey, okay? Absolute must.
Lekey- How's New York? Miss you lots! Did you get us awesome Canadian stuff from Chinatown? What are you doing for New Year's? Find some cute guy to see the jacket with as the ball drops!!! Especially if you're there as it drops... Maybe you'll get on TV and we'll see you! Heehee!
Hmm... If you couldn't tell yet, I'm extremely hyper right now for no apparent reason... Though I did eat a few too many butterscotch candies while stuck in my parents office this afternoon... That must be it...
Hey, has anyone talked to Kaylyn recently? I haven't heard anything from her... Maybe I'll call her later...
So... Yeah... That's all I really have to talk about right now....
.... Yup... All I can think of for the moment... Call or text me!
Monday, December 29, 2008
I don't know what I'm doing for New Years, but there better be a party!
Taylor, I actually thought bowing your head and closing your eyes was because the devil is down underneath the Earth's surface. Oh well. The reason for wanting to go to the Quaker house is because I feel better there. At my church (hopefully former soon) I feel something in my chest that is almost physically hurting. I can't describe it, but I didn't feel that when I went to Berea Friends last Sunday. I liked the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. The no music part I could handle. Better than country twang, death, and slow organ (Union's organ is AWESOME!) Our organ is just ugh. There's my reasons for changing. I absolutely do not like my current church.
Laura - Sorry we couldn't get together today. Tomorrow I have friends coming, but Wednesday we need to party the night off and ring in 2009! November 20th!! July 17th!!!!!!
Lekey - Can't wait to get together with the others. I say shopping on Saturday in Lexington? I have a Best Buy and an Express gift card and they are both in Lexington. We can also go to Culver's for lunch/dinner-ish! WHEE!
Hannah - Is it possible to clone yourself, turn yourself invisible and sneak out? LOL!
Taylor, I actually thought bowing your head and closing your eyes was because the devil is down underneath the Earth's surface. Oh well. The reason for wanting to go to the Quaker house is because I feel better there. At my church (hopefully former soon) I feel something in my chest that is almost physically hurting. I can't describe it, but I didn't feel that when I went to Berea Friends last Sunday. I liked the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. The no music part I could handle. Better than country twang, death, and slow organ (Union's organ is AWESOME!) Our organ is just ugh. There's my reasons for changing. I absolutely do not like my current church.
Laura - Sorry we couldn't get together today. Tomorrow I have friends coming, but Wednesday we need to party the night off and ring in 2009! November 20th!! July 17th!!!!!!
Lekey - Can't wait to get together with the others. I say shopping on Saturday in Lexington? I have a Best Buy and an Express gift card and they are both in Lexington. We can also go to Culver's for lunch/dinner-ish! WHEE!
Hannah - Is it possible to clone yourself, turn yourself invisible and sneak out? LOL!
I'm still in Vermont!
Yes! A post! From your friend Taylor!
The guys at the airport STOLE my LOTION.
The one that smells like awesome. I HATE THEM.
This was a while ago. Like when we first came up.
So if anyone goes to Victoria's Secret (not for socks) get me some love spell lotion, k?
We went to a store! And they had SPARKLIES! YAY!
The day before we left I got an mp3 player, so that's cool.
Except, being an off-brand one, it doesn't play the songs you can buy from the iTunes store, because they're m4p format.
Which wouldn't matter EXCEPT that my half brother got me and my brother iTunes gift cards for X-mas. 30 DOLLARS!
So I guess I have to burn the songs to a CD and then rip them back or something.
On the bright side, both the t.A.T.u. songs Hannah gave me and all our Eddie Izzard stuff are mp3's! YAY!
Okay. Let's see. Braden, I would be happy to bring you some snow, except the freakin' airport security would probably take it away if it was more than 3 ounces. Grrrr....
Hannah, read the comment I posted on your post! (That was confusing) Or not, because it might depress you.... I'm going to post another one too... YAY! Um. I found out that if you type "M" on the iTunes store, the box underneath includes My Chemical Romance. JSYK. :DDDD
Lekey! I love you! Especially since me, you and Tim are apparently a threesome? Uhhhhhh... But yeah. Apparently you're in New York. Therefore, I miss you. Except you're the closest one to me! Hey! How about that?
Braden! Wait never mind. Except, you are a Quaker at heart, so there's no reason you shouldn't go to Quaker meeting! Gaaah! At the very least, sit in church and block out the sermon and listen to God for yourself. And, I don't know if Baptists do the thing where they're like, "Let us pray" and you have to bow your head? (The only experience I have is from my Gram's church) Well when they did that on Xmas eve, I looked up, not down. My personal belief is that God is not up/down but everywhere, and that God probably has no reason for us to humble ourselves before him/her/it. So the head-bowing thing, I believe, is unnecessary. In actual fact, the general Quaker belief (that God is in everyone) would then imply that you would look inside yourself to find God, which you can't do physically, but mentally. So, in conclusion, it shouldn't matter where you look, I just think looking up seems more... spiritual? Looking up has always seemed joyful/confident/spiritual to me. Besides, why should you look down, which seems kind of mournful, when the minister is talking about how happy we are that Jesus was born? Well, I just wrote a novel. Maybe we should talk in person? Yes.
Laura! My dear! I misssss you! Congratulations on organizing something! YAY! Um. So there's that certain black fuzzy thing we made. What are we going to do about that? Hmmm. So there's this book by Meg Cabot, called Airhead, which you would like. I have it right now from the library :D But you should read it next. Me and you need to talk, girl. Me and you and Lekey should get together with some pizza rolls again. And, you should watch this video on Youtube. Eddie Izzard on supermarkets and fruit. I like the Satsuma part. And the "squeezy squeezy" part. (It didn't take me long to say, "if you know what I mean.")
Heather! If you don't start talking to me again/posting on the blog, YOU WON'T GET SHOUTOUTS ANY MORE!
(Just a gentle warning.)
Okay! I'll see you guys at the soonest on Wednesday! Is anyone having a New Year's party?
Yes! A post! From your friend Taylor!
The guys at the airport STOLE my LOTION.
The one that smells like awesome. I HATE THEM.
This was a while ago. Like when we first came up.
So if anyone goes to Victoria's Secret (not for socks) get me some love spell lotion, k?
We went to a store! And they had SPARKLIES! YAY!
The day before we left I got an mp3 player, so that's cool.
Except, being an off-brand one, it doesn't play the songs you can buy from the iTunes store, because they're m4p format.
Which wouldn't matter EXCEPT that my half brother got me and my brother iTunes gift cards for X-mas. 30 DOLLARS!
So I guess I have to burn the songs to a CD and then rip them back or something.
On the bright side, both the t.A.T.u. songs Hannah gave me and all our Eddie Izzard stuff are mp3's! YAY!
Okay. Let's see. Braden, I would be happy to bring you some snow, except the freakin' airport security would probably take it away if it was more than 3 ounces. Grrrr....
Hannah, read the comment I posted on your post! (That was confusing) Or not, because it might depress you.... I'm going to post another one too... YAY! Um. I found out that if you type "M" on the iTunes store, the box underneath includes My Chemical Romance. JSYK. :DDDD
Lekey! I love you! Especially since me, you and Tim are apparently a threesome? Uhhhhhh... But yeah. Apparently you're in New York. Therefore, I miss you. Except you're the closest one to me! Hey! How about that?
Braden! Wait never mind. Except, you are a Quaker at heart, so there's no reason you shouldn't go to Quaker meeting! Gaaah! At the very least, sit in church and block out the sermon and listen to God for yourself. And, I don't know if Baptists do the thing where they're like, "Let us pray" and you have to bow your head? (The only experience I have is from my Gram's church) Well when they did that on Xmas eve, I looked up, not down. My personal belief is that God is not up/down but everywhere, and that God probably has no reason for us to humble ourselves before him/her/it. So the head-bowing thing, I believe, is unnecessary. In actual fact, the general Quaker belief (that God is in everyone) would then imply that you would look inside yourself to find God, which you can't do physically, but mentally. So, in conclusion, it shouldn't matter where you look, I just think looking up seems more... spiritual? Looking up has always seemed joyful/confident/spiritual to me. Besides, why should you look down, which seems kind of mournful, when the minister is talking about how happy we are that Jesus was born? Well, I just wrote a novel. Maybe we should talk in person? Yes.
Laura! My dear! I misssss you! Congratulations on organizing something! YAY! Um. So there's that certain black fuzzy thing we made. What are we going to do about that? Hmmm. So there's this book by Meg Cabot, called Airhead, which you would like. I have it right now from the library :D But you should read it next. Me and you need to talk, girl. Me and you and Lekey should get together with some pizza rolls again. And, you should watch this video on Youtube. Eddie Izzard on supermarkets and fruit. I like the Satsuma part. And the "squeezy squeezy" part. (It didn't take me long to say, "if you know what I mean.")
Heather! If you don't start talking to me again/posting on the blog, YOU WON'T GET SHOUTOUTS ANY MORE!
(Just a gentle warning.)
Okay! I'll see you guys at the soonest on Wednesday! Is anyone having a New Year's party?
And now, coming at you live from New York City, your host(ess)/post(ess): LEEEKKKKEEYYYY LLLEEIIIDECKERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*applause from studio/digital audience*
Well, folks I'm in NYC and will be here for a few days more. It is the most glorious city on this earth, or so it seems. Mr. Baldwin always talks about diversity not working: he needs to come here. So far I've visited SoHo, Greenwich Village, Chinatown, Little Italy, and all sortsa little places around Queens, where my grandparent's apartment is.
Its amazing. There is sooooo much to see and do. But as much as I love it here, I can't wait to come back and see all of you!
OHMIGOD, I've seen original artwork from the following artists:
-Dali (one of my FAAAVES)
and more. The best part was, we happened across the gallery by complete chance, and IT WAS FREE! In SoHo.
The subway is lame. Its dark and unstable and smelly. But an excellent cheap transportation. I haven't set foot in a car since the day we got here.
Tay: I loooove all the stuff you said about spirituality! I have a little bit to add. It seems like looking inside to communicate with a higher power (God if you so prefer) can happen whether you are looking up, down, not at all, whatever. I think moving can be very spiritual. Dance especially, which you'd understand. You got me addicted to Eddie Izzard! I watched like 4 of his vids just now. Hahahaha! He's adorable. Oh, and I got purple jeans. :) You be my threesome partner, apparently.
Laura: I'm glad your mind is still liberated! Sounds like your break has been a good start to doing the stuff you want to do. Even though its all reading. Secret: that's almost ALL I did my first year of homeschooling.
Hannah: I miiiissss youuuuu! We should pretend to be Gerard Way, and file for divorce from Lyndsey. Hahaha, clever plans.
Braden: Hopefully you can mold the Baptist church into your own worship time until you can drive yourself to meeting... um..... TWILIGHT!
I got you all Chinese candy. That's all, I guess. Bye!
*applause from studio/digital audience*
Well, folks I'm in NYC and will be here for a few days more. It is the most glorious city on this earth, or so it seems. Mr. Baldwin always talks about diversity not working: he needs to come here. So far I've visited SoHo, Greenwich Village, Chinatown, Little Italy, and all sortsa little places around Queens, where my grandparent's apartment is.
Its amazing. There is sooooo much to see and do. But as much as I love it here, I can't wait to come back and see all of you!
OHMIGOD, I've seen original artwork from the following artists:
-Dali (one of my FAAAVES)
and more. The best part was, we happened across the gallery by complete chance, and IT WAS FREE! In SoHo.
The subway is lame. Its dark and unstable and smelly. But an excellent cheap transportation. I haven't set foot in a car since the day we got here.
Tay: I loooove all the stuff you said about spirituality! I have a little bit to add. It seems like looking inside to communicate with a higher power (God if you so prefer) can happen whether you are looking up, down, not at all, whatever. I think moving can be very spiritual. Dance especially, which you'd understand. You got me addicted to Eddie Izzard! I watched like 4 of his vids just now. Hahahaha! He's adorable. Oh, and I got purple jeans. :) You be my threesome partner, apparently.
Laura: I'm glad your mind is still liberated! Sounds like your break has been a good start to doing the stuff you want to do. Even though its all reading. Secret: that's almost ALL I did my first year of homeschooling.
Hannah: I miiiissss youuuuu! We should pretend to be Gerard Way, and file for divorce from Lyndsey. Hahaha, clever plans.
Braden: Hopefully you can mold the Baptist church into your own worship time until you can drive yourself to meeting... um..... TWILIGHT!
I got you all Chinese candy. That's all, I guess. Bye!
RE: Life!
Laura - We've had talks before and Mother says that since she grew up at a non-denomination church that is Union and my dad grew up at a Nazarene church (which is worse than Southern Baptist), I guess they decided together when they were married that it will be a Baptist church that they will go to. I'll get my license in 1 year and 3 months and I'll just drive myself to the Quaker meeting, but I think I'll try to convince her to take me earlier than that. I'll try to talk to her. Thanks.
Lekey - I bet you're getting us Canadian objects from Chinatown! LOL! JK! I like oriental objects. So multicultural! Can't wait until you get back. Then we can get a group and go shopping and dinner and maybe a movie too. ;D
Hannah - Don't kill yourself. Gerard Way is too old for you! Settle for FRANKIE!
Taylor - Can't wait until you get back tomorrow too. Whee! Bring us maple syrup! Hehe! Oh yeah, will it be possible to have 300 large aircraft to transport some snow to Berea? THey can just drop it in a trillion snowflakes and not a large mound of snow that will kill anything in it's path! Thank you!
Lekey - I bet you're getting us Canadian objects from Chinatown! LOL! JK! I like oriental objects. So multicultural! Can't wait until you get back. Then we can get a group and go shopping and dinner and maybe a movie too. ;D
Hannah - Don't kill yourself. Gerard Way is too old for you! Settle for FRANKIE!
Taylor - Can't wait until you get back tomorrow too. Whee! Bring us maple syrup! Hehe! Oh yeah, will it be possible to have 300 large aircraft to transport some snow to Berea? THey can just drop it in a trillion snowflakes and not a large mound of snow that will kill anything in it's path! Thank you!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Oh my...
Oh. My. God. I can't believe that you actually found videos of our classmates on YouTube... That's hillarious!!! I mean, it was hillarious anyway, but just the fact that they're people we know makes it even funnier... Seriously guys, check out those videos Braden posted. You will laugh like crazy, I promise. It's just our classmates, acting like idiots as usual... But definitly funny.
So anyway, it looks like break is half over... Already... I don't wanna go back to the mind-numbing, state-mandated torture called school... If it weren't for you guys and my other friends there, I would run away and never look back... Though I may leave school at some point anyway...
I've looked into things, and I'll definitly stay through my sophomore year. After that, it will hopefully be that academy I'm looking at, but if not, I'm so homeschooling myself. I can't stand staying in school any longer than absolutely necessary. And I learn better by myself anyway.
So, here's what I have to say to individuals.
Braden- Sounds like you really need to talk to your parents about this. Calmly tell them how you feel. You can't snap or yell or whine. Those are immediate turn-offs for dealing with parents. Just tell them how you feel about it and suggest compromises. If your mom wants family time, then try and convince her to have it after church. You could all go out to lunch or something like that. Make sure to counter any concerns with compromises like this, and you should be okay... Make sure that they know that it really is hurting you spiritually to worship in an environment that you're not comfortable in. They're your parents, so they only want what's best for you. It's your job to convince them that this IS what's best for you. I hope this helps and good luck!
Hannah- We really need to get you on parole somehow... Maybe if we meet somewhere semi-educational... We could always meet at the library under the excuse that we're trying to make some headway on our research paper that we'll probably never completely finish they way things are going... Or tutoring... The whole reason you're grounded is because of grades anyway... Or we could always go for the classic begging and pleading method, complete with puppy-dog faces... That always works well for girls, especially on dads. Anyway, we'll figure something out as soon as everyone comes back from wherever they are. So I'll talk to you soon Hannah... And remember, if you ever need anything, especially if you just want to talk, you can come to me, kay? I am the group fortune cookie, remember?
Taylor- You'll be back soon, won't you? Yays! Can't wait to see you again! We shall get together someday soon, kay? *starts singing* Someday, somehow. I'm gonna make it alright, but not a'right now... *stops* Sorry about that... I'm pretty sure that between you and I, we can find a song for pretty much anything... Oh! Btw, I organized my bookshelf! They're all organized by personal preference, then author. Aren't you proud of me? Though I'll probably never get anything else anywhere near organized... Still...
Lekey- Hope you're enjoying New York!! Have lots of fun for me, kay? I love the books you lent me, btw. They've really helped me to liberate my mind. How are you doing, anyway? I've only sent a couple of texts to you recently, so we haven't had a decent convorsation since I spent the night at your house, I don't think... So call me, kay?
So... That's that for today... See you all later!
So anyway, it looks like break is half over... Already... I don't wanna go back to the mind-numbing, state-mandated torture called school... If it weren't for you guys and my other friends there, I would run away and never look back... Though I may leave school at some point anyway...
I've looked into things, and I'll definitly stay through my sophomore year. After that, it will hopefully be that academy I'm looking at, but if not, I'm so homeschooling myself. I can't stand staying in school any longer than absolutely necessary. And I learn better by myself anyway.
So, here's what I have to say to individuals.
Braden- Sounds like you really need to talk to your parents about this. Calmly tell them how you feel. You can't snap or yell or whine. Those are immediate turn-offs for dealing with parents. Just tell them how you feel about it and suggest compromises. If your mom wants family time, then try and convince her to have it after church. You could all go out to lunch or something like that. Make sure to counter any concerns with compromises like this, and you should be okay... Make sure that they know that it really is hurting you spiritually to worship in an environment that you're not comfortable in. They're your parents, so they only want what's best for you. It's your job to convince them that this IS what's best for you. I hope this helps and good luck!
Hannah- We really need to get you on parole somehow... Maybe if we meet somewhere semi-educational... We could always meet at the library under the excuse that we're trying to make some headway on our research paper that we'll probably never completely finish they way things are going... Or tutoring... The whole reason you're grounded is because of grades anyway... Or we could always go for the classic begging and pleading method, complete with puppy-dog faces... That always works well for girls, especially on dads. Anyway, we'll figure something out as soon as everyone comes back from wherever they are. So I'll talk to you soon Hannah... And remember, if you ever need anything, especially if you just want to talk, you can come to me, kay? I am the group fortune cookie, remember?
Taylor- You'll be back soon, won't you? Yays! Can't wait to see you again! We shall get together someday soon, kay? *starts singing* Someday, somehow. I'm gonna make it alright, but not a'right now... *stops* Sorry about that... I'm pretty sure that between you and I, we can find a song for pretty much anything... Oh! Btw, I organized my bookshelf! They're all organized by personal preference, then author. Aren't you proud of me? Though I'll probably never get anything else anywhere near organized... Still...
Lekey- Hope you're enjoying New York!! Have lots of fun for me, kay? I love the books you lent me, btw. They've really helped me to liberate my mind. How are you doing, anyway? I've only sent a couple of texts to you recently, so we haven't had a decent convorsation since I spent the night at your house, I don't think... So call me, kay?
So... That's that for today... See you all later!
Hilarious Twilight Spoofs!
This one is in the form of I Kissed A Girl.
This one is in the form of I Kissed A Girl.
Today I went to Silver Creek Baptist again and I still feel like I don't belong. Every time I enter the building, I feel something in my heart (or around there and it's physical) and I hate it. I wish I could just be a Quaker and always go to Berea Friends. My mom said that it really couldn't be a regular thing because she wants to family together, but I am just a blank human being every Sunday when I go there and there's always boring music and improper grammar, I can't take it. Today the choir sang a song from the Christmas cantata they did, and the harmony was on tape. It was ridiculous.
I really like the idea of Quakers being non-evangalistic. It gives people a chance to be interested instead of being tracked down and having religion shoved down their throats.
Speaking of tracking, when I went to Mexico (El Rio Grande) for lunch, I saw the foreign exchange lady again. At first I was nebulous if it was her or not, but it was.
She came in looking around at everybody and walked around the whole dining area and then went to the restroom, came back and circled the restaurant again and left. Each time she past me, I was scared. Yes, she scares me now after Christmas Eve.
Tell me your thoughts please. I hope to see you guys's soon!
I really like the idea of Quakers being non-evangalistic. It gives people a chance to be interested instead of being tracked down and having religion shoved down their throats.
Speaking of tracking, when I went to Mexico (El Rio Grande) for lunch, I saw the foreign exchange lady again. At first I was nebulous if it was her or not, but it was.
She came in looking around at everybody and walked around the whole dining area and then went to the restroom, came back and circled the restaurant again and left. Each time she past me, I was scared. Yes, she scares me now after Christmas Eve.
Tell me your thoughts please. I hope to see you guys's soon!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wassup My home skillets?
It sounds like Christmas was pretty awesome for you guys. It was pretty awesome for me too.
Uh lets see.. list of things I got.
-Aeropostle Jacket.
- Jack Skellington shirt (which I'm wearing BTW.)
-Aeropostle t-shirts
-Guitar Hero World Tour.
- MCR poster.
- Welcome to the Black Parade CD
- Black Ice CD
- MCR jacket.
- Hot Topic Gift card.
- Wal-mart gift card.
- Sweaters.
- Some Bad ass Pajamas
Added info about my day:
I got called a "Jacket Slut" several times.
It sounds like Christmas was pretty awesome for you guys. It was pretty awesome for me too.
Uh lets see.. list of things I got.
-Aeropostle Jacket.
- Jack Skellington shirt (which I'm wearing BTW.)
-Aeropostle t-shirts
-Guitar Hero World Tour.
- MCR poster.
- Welcome to the Black Parade CD
- Black Ice CD
- MCR jacket.
- Hot Topic Gift card.
- Wal-mart gift card.
- Sweaters.
- Some Bad ass Pajamas
Added info about my day:
I got called a "Jacket Slut" several times.
More about Christmas!
I have nothing to do until 6:30-ish (that's when supper at my aunt Linda's is).
I know a tiebreaker to Laura and Taylor's greeting battle........
I call for a HAIKU BATTLE!
I know a tiebreaker to Laura and Taylor's greeting battle........
I call for a HAIKU BATTLE!
On the contrary, Taylor, it may say 11:55 on the bottom of my post, but that was when I started the post. I didn't publish it until 12:05. Therefore, I WAS the first to wish you guys Merry Christmas!
So anyway, I didn't ask for much this Christmas... My family (and "Santa") just got me random things, including Guitar Hero, chocolate, random gift cards, and a shopping spree at any clothing store of my choice. So we're gonna have to go shopping guys!
Braden- Wow, you racked up a good haul there.... Not to mention sweet tickets!!! And Greg says you're awesome for remembering him and Merry Christmas.
Tay- Grr... I wish there wasn't a bubble aroung Berea! I want snow too... But anyway, have fun for me in the snow, kay?
Lekey- Umm... Post! Tell me what you got! Oh, and my dad tried to trick me when he got me Guitar Hero by first just getting me and extra guitar for it and telling me that you and I were going to share the game. He said that I got the guitar and you got the disk... I don't think it works that way, do you?
Hannah- Please help us scheme to spring you! We need to find some way to get you to hang out with us...
So... I think that's it for now... Have an awesome Christmas you guys!!
So anyway, I didn't ask for much this Christmas... My family (and "Santa") just got me random things, including Guitar Hero, chocolate, random gift cards, and a shopping spree at any clothing store of my choice. So we're gonna have to go shopping guys!
Braden- Wow, you racked up a good haul there.... Not to mention sweet tickets!!! And Greg says you're awesome for remembering him and Merry Christmas.
Tay- Grr... I wish there wasn't a bubble aroung Berea! I want snow too... But anyway, have fun for me in the snow, kay?
Lekey- Umm... Post! Tell me what you got! Oh, and my dad tried to trick me when he got me Guitar Hero by first just getting me and extra guitar for it and telling me that you and I were going to share the game. He said that I got the guitar and you got the disk... I don't think it works that way, do you?
Hannah- Please help us scheme to spring you! We need to find some way to get you to hang out with us...
So... I think that's it for now... Have an awesome Christmas you guys!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!
I say Merry Christmas to you all! Here is a list of the things I got:
~ 2 long-sleeved shirts
~ Prince Caspian (not 3 disk, but I understand that Mom couldn't find one and I love the movie anyway.)
~ The Dark Knight 2-disk (The case is Jokerfied.)
~ A camera (My mom's old one because she got a new one.)
~ An awesome 51-piece art set.
~ Peanut Butter pretzels!
~ Some coal candy (I was bad!)
~ The new edition of Trivial Pursuit.
~ A black toboggan.
~ A Dog Beanie Baby with MORE candy!
~ Some starbursts, Orbit, dark chocolate, and stuff.
~ A gift card to Express (which apparently is a nice clothing store.)
~ Some popcorn from Leah (Her mom is in Florida so she's at our house on Christmas.)
~ $15 iTunes.
~ The best present of all that I got and would make Laura jelaous is..............................
a ticket to go see Wicked in Louisville on Sunday January 11, 2009 @ 1 pm. It was $50. Balcony, Row F, Seat 53!
So there you have it!
Individual conversations:
Laura: She just saw me and came over and talked to me. She wasn't inviting people to my house. Just needed a family in our district to sign them in our school and they can go live with their permanent family. Anyways, what did you get?
Taylor: Even if it's not snowing, it's still very pretty sunny outside, but you're lucky still! Ooh! Gingerbread! What did you get?
Hannah: We're breaking you out! What did you get?
Lekey: I can't wait for another shopping trip. The last one was interrupted by Laura's singing lessons. Hehe. What did you get?
You all have to tell me what you all got!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!
~ 2 long-sleeved shirts
~ Prince Caspian (not 3 disk, but I understand that Mom couldn't find one and I love the movie anyway.)
~ The Dark Knight 2-disk (The case is Jokerfied.)
~ A camera (My mom's old one because she got a new one.)
~ An awesome 51-piece art set.
~ Peanut Butter pretzels!
~ Some coal candy (I was bad!)
~ The new edition of Trivial Pursuit.
~ A black toboggan.
~ A Dog Beanie Baby with MORE candy!
~ Some starbursts, Orbit, dark chocolate, and stuff.
~ A gift card to Express (which apparently is a nice clothing store.)
~ Some popcorn from Leah (Her mom is in Florida so she's at our house on Christmas.)
~ $15 iTunes.
~ The best present of all that I got and would make Laura jelaous is..............................
a ticket to go see Wicked in Louisville on Sunday January 11, 2009 @ 1 pm. It was $50. Balcony, Row F, Seat 53!
So there you have it!
Individual conversations:
Laura: She just saw me and came over and talked to me. She wasn't inviting people to my house. Just needed a family in our district to sign them in our school and they can go live with their permanent family. Anyways, what did you get?
Taylor: Even if it's not snowing, it's still very pretty sunny outside, but you're lucky still! Ooh! Gingerbread! What did you get?
Hannah: We're breaking you out! What did you get?
Lekey: I can't wait for another shopping trip. The last one was interrupted by Laura's singing lessons. Hehe. What did you get?
You all have to tell me what you all got!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!
I'm in Vermont, and you aren't!
Hey guys!
I'm in good old two-feet-of-snow Vermont!
(That part was just to make you all jealous.)
And IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! So Ha! I get to be the first one to say Merry Christmas on ACTUAL CHRISTMAS!
Because you'll note that on Laura's post IT SAYS 11:55 AT THE BOTTOM! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Whatever. What's all this about a secret? Do I know it? This is soconfusing.
Errr... I'm getting back on the 30th. An as far as parties, we plan to have our annual gingerbread house party sometime after New Year's, like the 3rd or 4th. Or 2nd, for all I care! This basically entails people coming over and eating SUGARSUGARSUGAR and then the teens go hang out in my room so we don't have to listen to the adults and their boring chatter. I'll invite all y'all, even though Hannah+Sugar=Hyper. Come to think of it, that's true for most of us... :D
So.... My brother went back to sleep, so I don't know how long it'll be before presentage happens. But yeah.
We dug out a big snowpile and made a fort. It's quite awesome! Yeahhh....
I'm out of words. Bye! Email me! I would say call me but you would have to call my dad's phone... :DDDD NVM.
Love all around... BYE!!!
I'm in good old two-feet-of-snow Vermont!
(That part was just to make you all jealous.)
And IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!! So Ha! I get to be the first one to say Merry Christmas on ACTUAL CHRISTMAS!
Because you'll note that on Laura's post IT SAYS 11:55 AT THE BOTTOM! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Whatever. What's all this about a secret? Do I know it? This is soconfusing.
Errr... I'm getting back on the 30th. An as far as parties, we plan to have our annual gingerbread house party sometime after New Year's, like the 3rd or 4th. Or 2nd, for all I care! This basically entails people coming over and eating SUGARSUGARSUGAR and then the teens go hang out in my room so we don't have to listen to the adults and their boring chatter. I'll invite all y'all, even though Hannah+Sugar=Hyper. Come to think of it, that's true for most of us... :D
So.... My brother went back to sleep, so I don't know how long it'll be before presentage happens. But yeah.
We dug out a big snowpile and made a fort. It's quite awesome! Yeahhh....
I'm out of words. Bye! Email me! I would say call me but you would have to call my dad's phone... :DDDD NVM.
Love all around... BYE!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
And it is Christmas... NOW! I hope I'm the first one to wish you guys Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays, if you so prefer... As we've discussed, that's so not worth arguing over...
So anyway... I'm still awake, as per usual on break... Or well, any time really... But I've never really been able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour on Christmas eve... Must be because I'm so excited to get presents from Santa!!! Jk.
So anyway, I guess I'll talk to you undividually. (Well, kinda...)
Braden- Weird... How'd the lady end up talking to you anyway? Did she single you out somehow... Really odd... Not to mention uncomfortable, as she was inviting people out to your house...
Lekey- Thx for the book, it's awesome! And I need to see you sometime after christmas so we can hang out.
Hannah- We need to get you on parole somehow... I haven't hung out with you in forever! Sweet icon btw... I love it! Though not as much and you probably do.
Tay- Hope you're loving Vermont! And don't forget to stay in contact with us, kay?
Okay... So Merry Christmas and see you guys later!!
So anyway... I'm still awake, as per usual on break... Or well, any time really... But I've never really been able to fall asleep at a reasonable hour on Christmas eve... Must be because I'm so excited to get presents from Santa!!! Jk.
So anyway, I guess I'll talk to you undividually. (Well, kinda...)
Braden- Weird... How'd the lady end up talking to you anyway? Did she single you out somehow... Really odd... Not to mention uncomfortable, as she was inviting people out to your house...
Lekey- Thx for the book, it's awesome! And I need to see you sometime after christmas so we can hang out.
Hannah- We need to get you on parole somehow... I haven't hung out with you in forever! Sweet icon btw... I love it! Though not as much and you probably do.
Tay- Hope you're loving Vermont! And don't forget to stay in contact with us, kay?
Okay... So Merry Christmas and see you guys later!!
Okay, so anyways, I was sitting in the fellowship hall in Union Church with my cousins Emily and Lauren and my grandmother after the candlelight service and after Lekey and Laura left, and the foreign exchange lady came to talk to me about two FES's (A German and a Brazilian) that needed to be signed to Berea.
Their permanent family is in Southern's district and she needed an arrival family in our school's district to sign them in to our school. I was completely caught off guard and she asked for my number and my cousin Lauren gave me her old home phone number when she lived in Berea and my grandmother came to the rescue and distracted that lady.
It was weird and creepy. I like FES's and all, but not hosting them or even keeping them temporarily. My brother is home from college and we only have 3 bedrooms in our house. Not very good. I texted mother because the lady was right there and I knew my mom's answer. I should've said, "We're going to have the pass on it, sorry." or something like that. I was just ugh! It was at a church service on Christmas Eve.
Their permanent family is in Southern's district and she needed an arrival family in our school's district to sign them in to our school. I was completely caught off guard and she asked for my number and my cousin Lauren gave me her old home phone number when she lived in Berea and my grandmother came to the rescue and distracted that lady.
It was weird and creepy. I like FES's and all, but not hosting them or even keeping them temporarily. My brother is home from college and we only have 3 bedrooms in our house. Not very good. I texted mother because the lady was right there and I knew my mom's answer. I should've said, "We're going to have the pass on it, sorry." or something like that. I was just ugh! It was at a church service on Christmas Eve.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Isn't boredom just great? Sitting in your room... With nothing to do... Even on your laptop 'cause you've caught up on all your manga and fanfic... Okay, so I might be the only one with that last one... Except Hannah, of course.
So yeah, I'm bored. The roads are all iced over apparently and we're stuck at home... Not that I really have anywhere to go at 10 pm on a weekday anyway... I finished Christmas shopping for my family, and have hidden all their presents. You have to in this house or they won't stay a secret for long...
Speaking of secrets... Hmm... I think most of you know where I'm going here... Or rather, everyone who actually reads this thing... *sighs* This is one of the times I wish that the phunk rules included telling everyone whats up rather than just two people...
But then again, that could also be a big problem, especially if it's not their secret to tell, which I'm assuming this is here... It had better be not your secret to tell, cause I really dislike not knowing things unless there's a good reason I don't know. Kinda hypocritical though, seeing as I'm a pretty secretive person... Though you guys know pretty much everything about me that's kept secret anyway...
So, getting off that subject... Tay-Tay! I'm gonna miss you! Post often and come back soon, okay? When are you getting back anyway? Maybe we can work out some sort of post-christmas party once everyone's back from wherever they're going... I have nothing to do next week...
Though my cousin Austin from Virginia may come out sometime next week... You all know who he is... And if you don't, he's one of my top friends on MySpace, so check that out. There's another reason to have a post-christmas party! You guys can meet him! Assuming he comes out of course, and at a time when you're all back in town...
But anyway, that could be fun... Um... What else is new? Um... The book I read yesterday made me cry? It's the most recent one in the Vampire Academy books... And it had a sad ending... I'm not gonna tell you what happens, seeing as I'm making Tay read those books... I get way too into those books though, you know? Or, well, any book... Or manga... Or anime... Or plot or story of any kind... Wow this is kinda sad...
So... What else... Um... Lekey is working on liberating my mind! In other words, she's made me want to quit school and homeschool, much to the displeasure of my parents... Don't worry though. If I do, it probably won't be until junior year 'cause I'm still working on maybe going to that school up at Western... But we'll see how things turn out...
So, I think I'll end it here today... I really don't have much else to talk about here that I'm comfortable putting on the internet... I miss not seeing you guys every day like I'm used to... Though the introvert part of me is loving the peace and quiet...
That is, until my dad burst into my room singing Christmas carols... Off tune, I might add... Grr...
Please call me! I miss you guys! (Not to mention I really need an excuse to stay away from my family... jk) Anyway, see ya later!
P.S. Two days 'till Christmas!
P.P.S. Check this out:

Doesn't it fit our group so well? Jk. See ya!
So yeah, I'm bored. The roads are all iced over apparently and we're stuck at home... Not that I really have anywhere to go at 10 pm on a weekday anyway... I finished Christmas shopping for my family, and have hidden all their presents. You have to in this house or they won't stay a secret for long...
Speaking of secrets... Hmm... I think most of you know where I'm going here... Or rather, everyone who actually reads this thing... *sighs* This is one of the times I wish that the phunk rules included telling everyone whats up rather than just two people...
But then again, that could also be a big problem, especially if it's not their secret to tell, which I'm assuming this is here... It had better be not your secret to tell, cause I really dislike not knowing things unless there's a good reason I don't know. Kinda hypocritical though, seeing as I'm a pretty secretive person... Though you guys know pretty much everything about me that's kept secret anyway...
So, getting off that subject... Tay-Tay! I'm gonna miss you! Post often and come back soon, okay? When are you getting back anyway? Maybe we can work out some sort of post-christmas party once everyone's back from wherever they're going... I have nothing to do next week...
Though my cousin Austin from Virginia may come out sometime next week... You all know who he is... And if you don't, he's one of my top friends on MySpace, so check that out. There's another reason to have a post-christmas party! You guys can meet him! Assuming he comes out of course, and at a time when you're all back in town...
But anyway, that could be fun... Um... What else is new? Um... The book I read yesterday made me cry? It's the most recent one in the Vampire Academy books... And it had a sad ending... I'm not gonna tell you what happens, seeing as I'm making Tay read those books... I get way too into those books though, you know? Or, well, any book... Or manga... Or anime... Or plot or story of any kind... Wow this is kinda sad...
So... What else... Um... Lekey is working on liberating my mind! In other words, she's made me want to quit school and homeschool, much to the displeasure of my parents... Don't worry though. If I do, it probably won't be until junior year 'cause I'm still working on maybe going to that school up at Western... But we'll see how things turn out...
So, I think I'll end it here today... I really don't have much else to talk about here that I'm comfortable putting on the internet... I miss not seeing you guys every day like I'm used to... Though the introvert part of me is loving the peace and quiet...
That is, until my dad burst into my room singing Christmas carols... Off tune, I might add... Grr...
Please call me! I miss you guys! (Not to mention I really need an excuse to stay away from my family... jk) Anyway, see ya later!
P.S. Two days 'till Christmas!
P.P.S. Check this out:
Doesn't it fit our group so well? Jk. See ya!
So I'm leaving for the Louisville airport in about half an hour...
I'll be gone until... Next Monday or so...
I'll miss y'all and your craziness!
I'll read/post on the blog while I'm up there so no worries there...
*sobsob* I miss you already!!!!
Uh... That's all. I gotta go see If my mom will French-braid my hair... Gotta love those high-back airplane seats. It's worse than hat-hair.... Airplane-hair. Haha!
I got about 4 hours of sleep. Yumyumyum.
I'll be gone until... Next Monday or so...
I'll miss y'all and your craziness!
I'll read/post on the blog while I'm up there so no worries there...
*sobsob* I miss you already!!!!
Uh... That's all. I gotta go see If my mom will French-braid my hair... Gotta love those high-back airplane seats. It's worse than hat-hair.... Airplane-hair. Haha!
I got about 4 hours of sleep. Yumyumyum.
Monday, December 22, 2008
My day.
Today was cool. I went to the Quaker meeting with Taylor, Lekey, and Laura. It was fun and a relief from the Southern Conservative Baptist scene. It was nice being in a quiet, peaceful place to think and I actually felt like I could pray. It was different, but in a good way. More liberal style. I like that.
After that I went to Lekey's house (where Laura once again spilled her Ale8) and then I went to Laura's with Lekey and we cooked our lunch. So yummy! I went to Papaleno's for supper and I played the rest of the bonus songs on Guiter Hero 3. Lots of good ones. I hope I get World Tour.
I'm sad our hangout is gone. Lekey, Jacob said he didn't care it was gone. He's retarded. Haha. But we gotta love him still.
I'm frustrated as well with our G-FES. Almost every single conversation I start with them on MySpace and Facebook (I admit I'm nervous at school) they just read it and don't reply. They are so nice especially when I haven't done anything to them. Ugh! Me and Tiffany Combs were having this pointless arguement on Max's status on his FB profile and he was online on MySpace and I typed him an apology message for arguing on his site, and no reply. I really don't care, but it's still just not nice to ignore other people. Do you get what I'm saying?
After that I went to Lekey's house (where Laura once again spilled her Ale8) and then I went to Laura's with Lekey and we cooked our lunch. So yummy! I went to Papaleno's for supper and I played the rest of the bonus songs on Guiter Hero 3. Lots of good ones. I hope I get World Tour.
I'm sad our hangout is gone. Lekey, Jacob said he didn't care it was gone. He's retarded. Haha. But we gotta love him still.
I'm frustrated as well with our G-FES. Almost every single conversation I start with them on MySpace and Facebook (I admit I'm nervous at school) they just read it and don't reply. They are so nice especially when I haven't done anything to them. Ugh! Me and Tiffany Combs were having this pointless arguement on Max's status on his FB profile and he was online on MySpace and I typed him an apology message for arguing on his site, and no reply. I really don't care, but it's still just not nice to ignore other people. Do you get what I'm saying?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ground Effects: 2005 - December 20, 2008
There will never be another coffee shop like Ground Effects ever again. Starbucks is okay, but I still find it highly overrated.
Greg: HI!
Laura: I agree with you that I have to get out of my church. It doesn't help me at all to keep going there until I know what my comfort zone is, which is pretty obvious to why I want to leave.
Lekey: I hope this all will drain from your system. You'll be okay. You already are. We're here for you.
Hannah: We're for you too with your imprisonment until report cards come out. Hope you do well!
Taylor: PURPLE! Hehe. Hope your voice is better!
You guys are amazing! Thank you for existing even if we have arguements and debates, we still manage to just get over it and continue being friends.
Plus we need a new hangout. Black Feather sounds cool. BC&T I can understand why not. It's a little more expensive, but I would still go there, but Black Feather sounds interesting. If it's so awesome, I hope I get a job there for after school and I can walk there. We should all get a job there and work at the same time. I need money for hangouts and such. I have $80, but only $20 in cash. The $60 is in check form. I need to get that fixed and trade my millions of change for dollars.
Well I guess I'm done for now. See you all hopefully over break again, which I know I will.
Greg: HI!
Laura: I agree with you that I have to get out of my church. It doesn't help me at all to keep going there until I know what my comfort zone is, which is pretty obvious to why I want to leave.
Lekey: I hope this all will drain from your system. You'll be okay. You already are. We're here for you.
Hannah: We're for you too with your imprisonment until report cards come out. Hope you do well!
Taylor: PURPLE! Hehe. Hope your voice is better!
You guys are amazing! Thank you for existing even if we have arguements and debates, we still manage to just get over it and continue being friends.
Plus we need a new hangout. Black Feather sounds cool. BC&T I can understand why not. It's a little more expensive, but I would still go there, but Black Feather sounds interesting. If it's so awesome, I hope I get a job there for after school and I can walk there. We should all get a job there and work at the same time. I need money for hangouts and such. I have $80, but only $20 in cash. The $60 is in check form. I need to get that fixed and trade my millions of change for dollars.
Well I guess I'm done for now. See you all hopefully over break again, which I know I will.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
The worlds sexiest vegitarian.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Umm... Yeah.
Well, I haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd put something up... Then I realized that I have nothing to talk about... So yeah...
Umm... *thinking* Eh... Story ideas? Right! I need story ideas... I can't think of what should happen next in the story I'm writting about you guys. And I mean like, in Tim and Tay's story part. I already have Hannah's planned, but I really need ideas for the others, k? Just some sort of big main event that I can plan around... That'd be good...
I've got a plan for your story Braden, but I need to know what you want your "significant other" to be like... I have to be able to capture her personality.
As for Lekey... Um... I have a main event, but I need some other things to go on too... (I'm keeping it a secret so you have something to look forward to.) I'd say we need something more than just that idea though...
Tay-Tay, your story is the very beginning part, so it kinda has to start out a bit slow as I introduce all the characters. I need to figure out a way to get you and Tim away from the other ten people... Oh! Got an idea, but I'm not gonna tell you what so it can be a surprise. (Still, don't expect it until after christmas break...)
You've already told me what you want your story to be, Hannah... any other ideas would be apreciated though.
And as for Kaylyn, I have absolutely no idea... Help me people!
So yeah... Looks like I did have something to talk about after all! Sorry if I've been kinda distant lately guys... I've been lost in story planning and other... *Coughs* ...significant...*coughs*...um...plans... *cough, cough*
So anyway! Yum, yeah! Well... Oh yeah! Hannah! My phone didn't register your call... It didn't ring or anything, just told me you left a message. And then wouldn't tell me what your number was... Grr... Stupid phone... Anyway, I'll just have to talk to you tomorrow, kay?
And I'm sorry you had to listen to Hannah Montana in ballet, Tay-Tay... And we missed you at the party! But you really didn't miss too much, so don't feel bad, kay?
Braden- Must you still bring up politics? The elections over, and I really don't want to hear about the results again until the inaguration comes up and I'm forced to accept reality... But glad you're happy anyway! When one phunk member is happy, they all (or well, most) are happy!
And... Now I have nothing to talk about... So... See ya!
Umm... *thinking* Eh... Story ideas? Right! I need story ideas... I can't think of what should happen next in the story I'm writting about you guys. And I mean like, in Tim and Tay's story part. I already have Hannah's planned, but I really need ideas for the others, k? Just some sort of big main event that I can plan around... That'd be good...
I've got a plan for your story Braden, but I need to know what you want your "significant other" to be like... I have to be able to capture her personality.
As for Lekey... Um... I have a main event, but I need some other things to go on too... (I'm keeping it a secret so you have something to look forward to.) I'd say we need something more than just that idea though...
Tay-Tay, your story is the very beginning part, so it kinda has to start out a bit slow as I introduce all the characters. I need to figure out a way to get you and Tim away from the other ten people... Oh! Got an idea, but I'm not gonna tell you what so it can be a surprise. (Still, don't expect it until after christmas break...)
You've already told me what you want your story to be, Hannah... any other ideas would be apreciated though.
And as for Kaylyn, I have absolutely no idea... Help me people!
So yeah... Looks like I did have something to talk about after all! Sorry if I've been kinda distant lately guys... I've been lost in story planning and other... *Coughs* ...significant...*coughs*...um...plans... *cough, cough*
So anyway! Yum, yeah! Well... Oh yeah! Hannah! My phone didn't register your call... It didn't ring or anything, just told me you left a message. And then wouldn't tell me what your number was... Grr... Stupid phone... Anyway, I'll just have to talk to you tomorrow, kay?
And I'm sorry you had to listen to Hannah Montana in ballet, Tay-Tay... And we missed you at the party! But you really didn't miss too much, so don't feel bad, kay?
Braden- Must you still bring up politics? The elections over, and I really don't want to hear about the results again until the inaguration comes up and I'm forced to accept reality... But glad you're happy anyway! When one phunk member is happy, they all (or well, most) are happy!
And... Now I have nothing to talk about... So... See ya!
Ballet+Hannah Montana=GAAAAAHHH
So there's this weird and annoying thing.
That I did tonight.
Not of my own will, of course.
And it's called......
Doing ballet to HANNAH MONTANA!
Yeah, there were only 5 peeps in my class tonight, so they decided it was a good idea to use Hannah Montana music for our barre exercises.
Anyways, yeah.
It's my fault I didn't come to Autumn's party. Some crap happened that is so stupid I don't want to talk about it. Whatever. I cried for you guys, because I knew you'd miss me. Yeah, that sounds egotistical, but it was more that than me missing the party. It was you missing me. And, me missing you.
So, I was a sunset. In a play. It was fun.
I'm going to make a few top 10 lists, but I have to get my songs all sorted out... it's taking me a while... :DD
So, Mary "has a tapeworm" and Mrs. McCay is gross. And I got to go in the storeroom! (Oh, the simple pleasures of life) And I wore a twirly skirt today. WATCH ME SPIN!!!!!!!
Um........... dot dot dot...
I s'pose I have no more to say. *gasp*
That I did tonight.
Not of my own will, of course.
And it's called......
Doing ballet to HANNAH MONTANA!
Yeah, there were only 5 peeps in my class tonight, so they decided it was a good idea to use Hannah Montana music for our barre exercises.
Anyways, yeah.
It's my fault I didn't come to Autumn's party. Some crap happened that is so stupid I don't want to talk about it. Whatever. I cried for you guys, because I knew you'd miss me. Yeah, that sounds egotistical, but it was more that than me missing the party. It was you missing me. And, me missing you.
So, I was a sunset. In a play. It was fun.
I'm going to make a few top 10 lists, but I have to get my songs all sorted out... it's taking me a while... :DD
So, Mary "has a tapeworm" and Mrs. McCay is gross. And I got to go in the storeroom! (Oh, the simple pleasures of life) And I wore a twirly skirt today. WATCH ME SPIN!!!!!!!
Um........... dot dot dot...
I s'pose I have no more to say. *gasp*
4 more days!
I am happy.
1. Four more days of school!
2. I have the best coat ever!
3. Obama rocks!
4. Christmas is in 10 days, Yule is in 6 (for Heather).
5. I want to go to the Quaker church one Sunday.
6. I am only taking 3 finals.
7. They are all easy.
8. Twilight is still in theaters (we need to go see it one more time. Me anyways!)
9. My white elephant present for Jon-Jon's NYE party is awesome and it all fits together.
10. I watched Prancer yesterday. The finale rocked as usual!
11. I felt like Edward today in my new coat and sweater (I'm wearing my Twilight shirt under it.) 12. Spotlight was in my head all day.
13. My chucks have new laces in them, so I'll wear those tomorrow with my awesome coat!
14. It's close to snowing-ish.
15. I love life and my friends and my Phunky sisters!
Twilight Gross Revenue update:
As of December 14, 2008, the film has received $184,686,536 worldwide.
1. Four more days of school!
2. I have the best coat ever!
3. Obama rocks!
4. Christmas is in 10 days, Yule is in 6 (for Heather).
5. I want to go to the Quaker church one Sunday.
6. I am only taking 3 finals.
7. They are all easy.
8. Twilight is still in theaters (we need to go see it one more time. Me anyways!)
9. My white elephant present for Jon-Jon's NYE party is awesome and it all fits together.
10. I watched Prancer yesterday. The finale rocked as usual!
11. I felt like Edward today in my new coat and sweater (I'm wearing my Twilight shirt under it.) 12. Spotlight was in my head all day.
13. My chucks have new laces in them, so I'll wear those tomorrow with my awesome coat!
14. It's close to snowing-ish.
15. I love life and my friends and my Phunky sisters!
Twilight Gross Revenue update:
As of December 14, 2008, the film has received $184,686,536 worldwide.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
(Insert title here)
Okay, I'm changing the font size. Too small anyway.
Greg: HI GREG!!!!!
Laura: Twilight is #2 at the box office again, still behind stupid Four Christmases. I'm surprised that Cadillac Records didn't get #1. Hmm.
Twilight Gross Revenue update:
As of December 9, 2008, the film has received $173,632,402 worldwide.
Isn't that AWESOME?!?!?!?
Hannah: You are seriously crazy for stitching your finger. ER risk!
Lekey: Jasper! That's all I have to say.
Taylor: Purple t.A.t.U! WHEE!
Greg: HI GREG!!!!!
Laura: Twilight is #2 at the box office again, still behind stupid Four Christmases. I'm surprised that Cadillac Records didn't get #1. Hmm.
Twilight Gross Revenue update:
As of December 9, 2008, the film has received $173,632,402 worldwide.
Isn't that AWESOME?!?!?!?
Hannah: You are seriously crazy for stitching your finger. ER risk!
Lekey: Jasper! That's all I have to say.
Taylor: Purple t.A.t.U! WHEE!
(Insert Interesting Title Here)
Yeah, I was too lazy to think of a title... And my cousin won't shut up beside me... Yes, he's the one you and Tim met, Hannah. Speaking of which, he got in trouble when his parents read all the text messages about Tim saying he loves him... Heehee. Apparently they think he's some kind of stalker... And he still won't shut up.
So anyway, I don't really have much to talk about... Well, not that I want my annoying cousin to read over my shoulder anyway.... So I'll just put in my individual messages to people like usual.
Hannah, we need to go to the Nickelback concert! That'd be so awesome if we could go! And I'm not lazy just because I haven't finished a story. You try writing an incredibly long story about your friends that always requires a happy tone. You can't write a happy story when you aren't happy. And though I'm pretty happy right now, I can't be happy 24/7. Which makes it hard to write all the time...
So anyway... Lekey, we missed you today! You're not allowed to miss school even to go to the doctor anymore. jk.
Tay, I'm worried about you lately... For reasons I'm not going to write with my cousin here... Who still won't shut up already... But anyway, talk to me girl!
Braden, lets see... I don't really know what to say... so... TWILIGHT!!!
And yeah... That's it. Don't have much else to say right now... Again, mostly because of my cousin who still won't shut up... And I have to leave for choir practice anyway... So see ya!
So anyway, I don't really have much to talk about... Well, not that I want my annoying cousin to read over my shoulder anyway.... So I'll just put in my individual messages to people like usual.
Hannah, we need to go to the Nickelback concert! That'd be so awesome if we could go! And I'm not lazy just because I haven't finished a story. You try writing an incredibly long story about your friends that always requires a happy tone. You can't write a happy story when you aren't happy. And though I'm pretty happy right now, I can't be happy 24/7. Which makes it hard to write all the time...
So anyway... Lekey, we missed you today! You're not allowed to miss school even to go to the doctor anymore. jk.
Tay, I'm worried about you lately... For reasons I'm not going to write with my cousin here... Who still won't shut up already... But anyway, talk to me girl!
Braden, lets see... I don't really know what to say... so... TWILIGHT!!!
And yeah... That's it. Don't have much else to say right now... Again, mostly because of my cousin who still won't shut up... And I have to leave for choir practice anyway... So see ya!
Monday, December 8, 2008
More about life!
(In alphabetical order!)
Greg - HI!
Hannah - One word: Gerard.
Heather - COME BACK!!!!!
Laura - Catherine Hardwicke isn't directing New Moon due to rocky relationship with Summit Entertainment at the moment. STEPHENIE MEYER SHOULD BE THE DIRECTOR! Then New Moon will be #1 for like ever!
Lekey - You are dazzled by Ethan. It's an Edward and Bella relationship you two have, though you're not vampires or married. Hehe.
The parade was Hell frozen over, but the food afterward rocked! My dad's cheesy sausage dip! Mmmmm! I had Papaleno's for supper! YAY!
Okay, at the moment on Facebook, I am in this arguement with this really retarded Twilight-hater who claims that the Twilight vampires don't have any flaws. *cough cough* I told him about Jasper almost killing Bella in New Moon, but he denies that is proof (that bitch!) and he's just really shitty about this. I just tell him that you have to read ALL of the books to know what's up. He is just grr.
Plus, my first period sucks! There's Kenneth, Shawn C. and Ronald who are all just really loud and annoying. Then there's Taylor Egner who gets her usual everyday bitch attitude towards Mrs. Williams. Today Mrs. Williams had us do a Bellringer activity out of the textbooks and there was a section assessment that was due Wednesday and she told us about that and Taylor blurted out, "That's not due until Wednesday!" in a tone that was just *rolls eyes* and she was talking and laughing the entire period, had to flip a card ("HAHA!") and she just got really nasty!
This is why I am switching to McCay's 2nd period next semester. Plus I'll be with Heather and Sebastian in first period Life Skills.
Greg - HI!
Hannah - One word: Gerard.
Heather - COME BACK!!!!!
Laura - Catherine Hardwicke isn't directing New Moon due to rocky relationship with Summit Entertainment at the moment. STEPHENIE MEYER SHOULD BE THE DIRECTOR! Then New Moon will be #1 for like ever!
Lekey - You are dazzled by Ethan. It's an Edward and Bella relationship you two have, though you're not vampires or married. Hehe.
The parade was Hell frozen over, but the food afterward rocked! My dad's cheesy sausage dip! Mmmmm! I had Papaleno's for supper! YAY!
Okay, at the moment on Facebook, I am in this arguement with this really retarded Twilight-hater who claims that the Twilight vampires don't have any flaws. *cough cough* I told him about Jasper almost killing Bella in New Moon, but he denies that is proof (that bitch!) and he's just really shitty about this. I just tell him that you have to read ALL of the books to know what's up. He is just grr.
Plus, my first period sucks! There's Kenneth, Shawn C. and Ronald who are all just really loud and annoying. Then there's Taylor Egner who gets her usual everyday bitch attitude towards Mrs. Williams. Today Mrs. Williams had us do a Bellringer activity out of the textbooks and there was a section assessment that was due Wednesday and she told us about that and Taylor blurted out, "That's not due until Wednesday!" in a tone that was just *rolls eyes* and she was talking and laughing the entire period, had to flip a card ("HAHA!") and she just got really nasty!
This is why I am switching to McCay's 2nd period next semester. Plus I'll be with Heather and Sebastian in first period Life Skills.
Things that made me smile today. ~Smiles~
1. Jordan (as in the guy I currently like NOT my brother) called me pretty today. :D
2. I was watching an interview w/ Gerard Way and My parents yelled for me so obviously I paused it, when I went back to the computer and I burst into laughter, this happened because the when I paused it froze while he was making the strangest face,lucky for you I got a picture of this strange face.
"Remember kids, drugs are bad."
Yeah, I think that's it...
How are you all?
That is all.
2. I was watching an interview w/ Gerard Way and My parents yelled for me so obviously I paused it, when I went back to the computer and I burst into laughter, this happened because the when I paused it froze while he was making the strangest face,lucky for you I got a picture of this strange face.
"Remember kids, drugs are bad."
Yeah, I think that's it...
How are you all?
That is all.
Why I'm happy. (lots of lists)
1. Your MOM!!! Not really, that's just really fun to say.
2. Winter has been a better time than it usually is for me.
3. Ethan. Nuff said.
4. You guys, and all of the crazy inside jokes, good music, bad music, political arguments, church shopping, etc that comes with you.
5. I'm listenin to Snow!!!
Why I think this might be love:
1. I couldn't get to sleep last night because I was so excited about seeing him the next day. (This may sound pathetic, but it really happened. Do with it what you will.)
2. He makes me laugh when he's not even there.
3. He knows me. And understands, and appreciates. Outside of you all there aren't that many that do.
4. It makes me happy to be with him, and I get excited just anticipating such.
5. He tells me he does, and I know I do. What more do you need, right?
Sorry if that's the last thing some of y'all wanted to hear right now. It's just what is weighing on my mind at the moment.
Church shopping Phunkers: BFM (Berea Friends Meeting) is always open. Not open, but you get the idea. And Quakerism is an extremely flexible faith, it doesn't seem like any 2 people experience it the same way. Maybe that's why I like it so much.
Laura: She really did say that. You have your brother to thank for that... (sorry in advance, Neil.) That's pretty sad, the whole 'otaku' thingy. Really.
Taylor and Hannah: Contrary to any other evidence, I maintain that the coveted German boy's hair is BLEEEEAAACCCCHHHHEEEDDDDD! It actually seems to be getting darker... hmm.
This is random and pointless. I'm rambling. Sorry if u didn't get a personalized note. I'm out.
2. Winter has been a better time than it usually is for me.
3. Ethan. Nuff said.
4. You guys, and all of the crazy inside jokes, good music, bad music, political arguments, church shopping, etc that comes with you.
5. I'm listenin to Snow!!!
Why I think this might be love:
1. I couldn't get to sleep last night because I was so excited about seeing him the next day. (This may sound pathetic, but it really happened. Do with it what you will.)
2. He makes me laugh when he's not even there.
3. He knows me. And understands, and appreciates. Outside of you all there aren't that many that do.
4. It makes me happy to be with him, and I get excited just anticipating such.
5. He tells me he does, and I know I do. What more do you need, right?
Sorry if that's the last thing some of y'all wanted to hear right now. It's just what is weighing on my mind at the moment.
Church shopping Phunkers: BFM (Berea Friends Meeting) is always open. Not open, but you get the idea. And Quakerism is an extremely flexible faith, it doesn't seem like any 2 people experience it the same way. Maybe that's why I like it so much.
Laura: She really did say that. You have your brother to thank for that... (sorry in advance, Neil.) That's pretty sad, the whole 'otaku' thingy. Really.
Taylor and Hannah: Contrary to any other evidence, I maintain that the coveted German boy's hair is BLEEEEAAACCCCHHHHEEEDDDDD! It actually seems to be getting darker... hmm.
This is random and pointless. I'm rambling. Sorry if u didn't get a personalized note. I'm out.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
You know what's sad? When you're watching an anime that randomly plays a song from another anime, and when you hear that song, you can place exactly what anime and season it's from... Yeah. I was watching Lucky Star, and though I don't expect you to know that anime, one of the main characters is an otaku (Someone who's obsessed with anime/manga.) And she turned on the TV to watch anime and I recognized the theme song from Strawberry Panic, season 2. Yeah. It's really sad... I watch/read too much of this stuff...
So yeah, that realization kinda depressed me earlier... But whatever, you know? If you like it... So anyway...
Lekey, did my mom really say that? She didn't say a thing to me later!! Grr... I bet she was laughing about that for awhile... But yes, I enjoyed the play. Though you'll never get an exact answer from me if you ask me why.
Tay-Tay, I was trying to get ahold of you. We haven't hung out in like, forever! You need to come over sometime soon. Maybe next weekend...
Hannah, I haven't seen you recently either... Though my parents say that you came to the office for food during the parade... And awesome necklace, btw.
Braden, you and I need to church shop! I don't think that either of us is happy with the place we're going right now... Maybe we can work a deal with our parents or something...
Kaylyn needs some help to get set up with her you-know-who. We need to come up with a plan for her to help get her going... We'll talk about it...
So yeah... I think that's it for today... Oh! They started filming New Moon! Maybe Hannah will come see this one with us... Seeing as it's mainly based around Jacob.
So anyway, this otaku shall say goodbye! And so does Greg!
So yeah, that realization kinda depressed me earlier... But whatever, you know? If you like it... So anyway...
Lekey, did my mom really say that? She didn't say a thing to me later!! Grr... I bet she was laughing about that for awhile... But yes, I enjoyed the play. Though you'll never get an exact answer from me if you ask me why.
Tay-Tay, I was trying to get ahold of you. We haven't hung out in like, forever! You need to come over sometime soon. Maybe next weekend...
Hannah, I haven't seen you recently either... Though my parents say that you came to the office for food during the parade... And awesome necklace, btw.
Braden, you and I need to church shop! I don't think that either of us is happy with the place we're going right now... Maybe we can work a deal with our parents or something...
Kaylyn needs some help to get set up with her you-know-who. We need to come up with a plan for her to help get her going... We'll talk about it...
So yeah... I think that's it for today... Oh! They started filming New Moon! Maybe Hannah will come see this one with us... Seeing as it's mainly based around Jacob.
So anyway, this otaku shall say goodbye! And so does Greg!
Just Enjoy The Show
Okay so I really like the "Top 10" list thing. I'm going to make one or two. I'm working on a music one....
I will give you a preview, song number 3 is "The Show" By Lenka. It's a cuuuute song. I just added it to the playlist. Here's the chorus:
I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why
I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show
It's a REALLY cute song! EEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!
So. Ummmmmmmm....
I hope y'all weren't too miserable in the parade, bandies! (Heheh, bandies. Sounds like band-aids!)
Um. I don't have all that much to talk about. Let's see. Hannah, you have strategic placement in theatre. *TeeHee* ("Is it bleached?")
Leklek..... You are mah homie. K? K. Um... I felt your energy! Your energy is warm! LAAA!
Laurlaur! Um, guinea pigs! That are punky! Um! And that you are allergic to! RAhaha!
I'm-a going crazy! Uh. Calming down.
So......................Hot N Cold is like the best song to dance crazily to. JSYK. (I speak from experience...)
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (Common word)
I really don't have anything else to say, so I'll stop wasting your time. See y'all tomorrow!
Snow! (hey oh)
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Its snowing outsiiiiidddddddeeeeeee! Although that's usually where snowing takes place. :D
Good job, band peeps. I see-d you in da PARADE! Which, incidentally, was very fun. Tahni was a freakin' chaperone, which took away from some verrryy convenient opportunities... dag.
Things are good for me, how bout you all? Lots of schoolwork, tryin to maintain my sanity, and remembering to watch out for windows by the computer lab at break.
Laura, did you enjoy Beauty and the Beast more than the expected amount? Your mom leaned over and asked me "Did you set this up?" when she saw the seating arrangement. hehheh.
Taylor: I'm learning 'The General'. Its pretty much, like, INCREDIBLE!
Not much else to say... hope you guys are all doing well. I'll find out tomorrow, I suppose. LOoOoOoOooooOOOve yoooouuuuu!
Good job, band peeps. I see-d you in da PARADE! Which, incidentally, was very fun. Tahni was a freakin' chaperone, which took away from some verrryy convenient opportunities... dag.
Things are good for me, how bout you all? Lots of schoolwork, tryin to maintain my sanity, and remembering to watch out for windows by the computer lab at break.
Laura, did you enjoy Beauty and the Beast more than the expected amount? Your mom leaned over and asked me "Did you set this up?" when she saw the seating arrangement. hehheh.
Taylor: I'm learning 'The General'. Its pretty much, like, INCREDIBLE!
Not much else to say... hope you guys are all doing well. I'll find out tomorrow, I suppose. LOoOoOoOooooOOOve yoooouuuuu!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I'm here to kick ass and drink cups of tea, and I'm all out of tea...
Super special awesomeness! It's 4:30 in the morning YAY!!! No one is online!! YAY!!! I'm Fudgin' bored!! YAY!!
But in all seriousness what's up with you all?? I'm listening to that one black parade song. ('cause there is so many of them.) As of today I officially love 6th graders, they give me stuff. And love Gerard Way! ;D
I'm searching for a good picture of Gerard to post right now...
So, something I find funny... uh, there's this one part in the black parade video where Gerard is slapping himself, it's funny.
Uh fact of the day: Gerard Way has low self-esteem, so lets all give Gerard a big hug!

But in all seriousness what's up with you all?? I'm listening to that one black parade song. ('cause there is so many of them.) As of today I officially love 6th graders, they give me stuff. And love Gerard Way! ;D
I'm searching for a good picture of Gerard to post right now...
So, something I find funny... uh, there's this one part in the black parade video where Gerard is slapping himself, it's funny.
Uh fact of the day: Gerard Way has low self-esteem, so lets all give Gerard a big hug!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas is 20 days away!
Nice post Laura. Stupid oven. Just like a stupid shiny Volvo owner. Hehe. Life is good for me. I'll develop hypothermia tomorrow, but I'll live, as a huge icicle. Hehe! ;D
We have 10 days of school left. The paper is due soon, but I'm almost done. Then I'll type it.
I have a two-week final for Computer Apps. YAY! I know I did awesome on my Integrated Science and Geometry tests, I don't know about World Civ quiz though. I did okay on that.
I still can't believe Laura is still allergic to guinea pigs in their stuffed animal form. Hehe.
Today, it was like *catches Greg* "Achoo!" HEHEHEHE!
Twilight movie gross revenue update:
As of December 2, 2008, the film has received $143,670,148 worldwide.
We have 10 days of school left. The paper is due soon, but I'm almost done. Then I'll type it.
I have a two-week final for Computer Apps. YAY! I know I did awesome on my Integrated Science and Geometry tests, I don't know about World Civ quiz though. I did okay on that.
I still can't believe Laura is still allergic to guinea pigs in their stuffed animal form. Hehe.
Today, it was like *catches Greg* "Achoo!" HEHEHEHE!
Twilight movie gross revenue update:
As of December 2, 2008, the film has received $143,670,148 worldwide.
Guinea Pig!!!
I luv my guinea pig that I made in Life Skills! His name is Gregory Chester Guinea. Or Greg for short. He's cute! And punk rock!
So, now that my spaz moment's over, I would like to- *oven timer rings* Oh, just a minute... *Goes and pulls out chicken fingers, then puts them back in and puts 5 more minutes on the timer* Right, so now then, I would like to talk about... Well, I don't really know... I lost my train of thought...
Oh well, I'll remember eventually... Anyways, all seems to be well again for the most part. So far as I've se- *Oven timer rings again* Grr... Stupid oven. *Goes and take out chicken fingers, turns off oven and runs back to computer* Right, now where was I?
Um... Yeah, well, everything seems pretty good... Hannah's got her eyes set on the new guy. (Who was at the library the other day, btw.)
Lekey's seems to still be loving life. And is now smart enough to not see the jacket in front of the computer lab windows during break. (The walls have eyes!!!)
I was a bit worried about Tay-Tay, but things seems to be fine and back to normal now. Or at least, as normal as things can get with us...
Braden... Nothing seems to be going on with you recently, or at least not that I know of... So... Keep on being awesome!
Kaylyn needs to accept her invite...
And I think that's it...

And... Now my computer won't load photobucket... Of course... So... See ya!
(Btw, my timer really did go off. I didn't randomly make that up.)
So, now that my spaz moment's over, I would like to- *oven timer rings* Oh, just a minute... *Goes and pulls out chicken fingers, then puts them back in and puts 5 more minutes on the timer* Right, so now then, I would like to talk about... Well, I don't really know... I lost my train of thought...
Oh well, I'll remember eventually... Anyways, all seems to be well again for the most part. So far as I've se- *Oven timer rings again* Grr... Stupid oven. *Goes and take out chicken fingers, turns off oven and runs back to computer* Right, now where was I?
Um... Yeah, well, everything seems pretty good... Hannah's got her eyes set on the new guy. (Who was at the library the other day, btw.)
Lekey's seems to still be loving life. And is now smart enough to not see the jacket in front of the computer lab windows during break. (The walls have eyes!!!)
I was a bit worried about Tay-Tay, but things seems to be fine and back to normal now. Or at least, as normal as things can get with us...
Braden... Nothing seems to be going on with you recently, or at least not that I know of... So... Keep on being awesome!
Kaylyn needs to accept her invite...
And I think that's it...
And... Now my computer won't load photobucket... Of course... So... See ya!
(Btw, my timer really did go off. I didn't randomly make that up.)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I'm copying Hannah! *wink*
Top Ten Favorite Movies
1. TWILIGHT (of course)
2. The Dark Knight (by .001 of a point)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
4. Wall-E
5. Get Smart
6. Mamma Mia
7. The House Bunny
8. Made Of Honor
9. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
10. Indiana Jones: Kingdon of the Crystal Skull
***#9 and #10 were basically the same except different actors and franchises.
Top Ten Favorite Songs
1. Decode - Paramore
2. Spotlight - Mutemath
3. When I Caught Myself - Paramore
4. Disturbia - Rihanna & Full Moon - The Black Ghosts (tie)
5. Bella's Lullabye - Carter Burwell
6. I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry
7. Nothin' Better to Do - LeAnn Rimes
8. Brave - Idina Menzel
9. I Stand - Idina Menzel
10. So What - Pink
Favorite Album
1. Twilight Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (It's the soundtrack of my life!)
1. TWILIGHT (of course)
2. The Dark Knight (by .001 of a point)
3. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
4. Wall-E
5. Get Smart
6. Mamma Mia
7. The House Bunny
8. Made Of Honor
9. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
10. Indiana Jones: Kingdon of the Crystal Skull
***#9 and #10 were basically the same except different actors and franchises.
Top Ten Favorite Songs
1. Decode - Paramore
2. Spotlight - Mutemath
3. When I Caught Myself - Paramore
4. Disturbia - Rihanna & Full Moon - The Black Ghosts (tie)
5. Bella's Lullabye - Carter Burwell
6. I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry
7. Nothin' Better to Do - LeAnn Rimes
8. Brave - Idina Menzel
9. I Stand - Idina Menzel
10. So What - Pink
Favorite Album
1. Twilight Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (It's the soundtrack of my life!)
Hannah's Top 10 (for several things) for the year of 2008!!! :D
So this year is reaching it's end (and it's been a helluva year i might add.) But anyway just read the title of my post and you'll get what I'm doing.
10. Twilight (I had to put it on here or else you guys' would've ripped out my soul.)
9. The Happening- FREAKY!!! (what page am I on?? lol)
8. Kung Fu Panda (Jack black is the shiz.)
7. Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skulls (better than I thought it would be.)
6. Baby mama
5. The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (WAS F'ING HOTT!)
4. Death Note: the movie (I had to put this on here)
3. Iron Man (I LUV YOU TONY!!! <333)
2. Made of Honor
1. The Dark Knight!! (F- YES!)
10. Duffy
9. Adele "19"
8. Metro Station
7. Coldplay "Viva La Vida"
6. Natasha Bedingfield "Pocket Full of Sunshine"
5. AC/DC "Black Ice"
4. David Cook
3. Katy Perry "One of the boys"
2. Juno Soundtrack
1. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE "THE BLACK BLACK PARADE IS DEAD!" (I bet you all didn't see THAT coming now did you?)
And Lastly,
10. Pocket Full Of Sunshine- Natasha Bedingfield
9. Disturbia- Rihanna
8. I kissed a girl- Katy perry
7. 4 Minutes- Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake
6. Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
5. David Cook- Time of My Life
4. All American Rejects- Gives You Hell
3. Jason Mraz- I'm yours
2. White Horse- Taylor Swift
1. Gotta Be Somebody- Nickelback
And That's My List. Thank you for reading and I'll be back next year.
10. Twilight (I had to put it on here or else you guys' would've ripped out my soul.)
9. The Happening- FREAKY!!! (what page am I on?? lol)
8. Kung Fu Panda (Jack black is the shiz.)
7. Indiana Jones and the kingdom of the crystal skulls (better than I thought it would be.)
6. Baby mama
5. The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (WAS F'ING HOTT!)
4. Death Note: the movie (I had to put this on here)
3. Iron Man (I LUV YOU TONY!!! <333)
2. Made of Honor
1. The Dark Knight!! (F- YES!)
10. Duffy
9. Adele "19"
8. Metro Station
7. Coldplay "Viva La Vida"
6. Natasha Bedingfield "Pocket Full of Sunshine"
5. AC/DC "Black Ice"
4. David Cook
3. Katy Perry "One of the boys"
2. Juno Soundtrack
1. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE "THE BLACK BLACK PARADE IS DEAD!" (I bet you all didn't see THAT coming now did you?)
And Lastly,
10. Pocket Full Of Sunshine- Natasha Bedingfield
9. Disturbia- Rihanna
8. I kissed a girl- Katy perry
7. 4 Minutes- Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake
6. Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
5. David Cook- Time of My Life
4. All American Rejects- Gives You Hell
3. Jason Mraz- I'm yours
2. White Horse- Taylor Swift
1. Gotta Be Somebody- Nickelback
And That's My List. Thank you for reading and I'll be back next year.
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