Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snow! (hey oh)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Its snowing outsiiiiidddddddeeeeeee! Although that's usually where snowing takes place. :D

Good job, band peeps. I see-d you in da PARADE! Which, incidentally, was very fun. Tahni was a freakin' chaperone, which took away from some verrryy convenient opportunities... dag.

Things are good for me, how bout you all? Lots of schoolwork, tryin to maintain my sanity, and remembering to watch out for windows by the computer lab at break.

Laura, did you enjoy Beauty and the Beast more than the expected amount? Your mom leaned over and asked me "Did you set this up?" when she saw the seating arrangement. hehheh.

Taylor: I'm learning 'The General'. Its pretty much, like, INCREDIBLE!

Not much else to say... hope you guys are all doing well. I'll find out tomorrow, I suppose. LOoOoOoOooooOOOve yoooouuuuu!

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