Hey guys! Sounds like everyone's doing well... Not much going on over here. I got enough money over Christmas to pay off my library fine though! Finally...
Remember: Book-lover + Procrastinator = Extremely high library fines
I may as well have bought the books for all the money I spent on fines... Okay, so it wasn't that bad, but still... It wasn't pretty... And then, I find out that I can renew books over the internet!! If they'd told me that earlier, I'd have been able to save myself some money... Seriously, I think it's a conspiracy. They see me coming in the door and go, "Yes! Let's put out all the new fantasy books on display and see how many we can get her to check out! She'll never remember to return them all and we shall get lots of money!!! Muhaha!"
Seriously though, I always find the books that I've been looking for on display... They're never on the shelves, but always right out there, waiting for me to pick them up. Curious, isn't it? But no more! I shall now renew them over the internet! And My fine will never become that huge again! I'll go right now... On second thought, I leave that 'till tomorrow...
So anyway, now that I'm done with my little rant, what's up with you guys?
Tay- Post the second you get home, okay? We totally need to hang out! Oh! I finally read Peeps by Scott Westerfeild, and it was totally awesome! Though the parasite references kinda creeped me out, especially since I had a stomach ache earlier... And to make it worse, some guys are drilling a hole down on the area between our land and the neighbors, and the drill keeps making the ground shake a bit... It's kinda scaring me... What with that big, gaping hole in my backyard... *shudders* Oh well, I guess.... I've read much worse. But still...
Braden- I'm glad things seems to be going a little better. At least you can go every so often, right? Better than not at all. And as soon as you get your license, you can go all the time. And I'm texting you while I'm writing this! Though I probably won't be once you read it...
Hannah- We absolutely must spring you so we can take you shopping. One of my gifts was a shopping spree so I must absolutely spring you and we must go shopping with you, and Tay, and Braden, and Lekey, okay? Absolute must.
Lekey- How's New York? Miss you lots! Did you get us awesome Canadian stuff from Chinatown? What are you doing for New Year's? Find some cute guy to see the jacket with as the ball drops!!! Especially if you're there as it drops... Maybe you'll get on TV and we'll see you! Heehee!
Hmm... If you couldn't tell yet, I'm extremely hyper right now for no apparent reason... Though I did eat a few too many butterscotch candies while stuck in my parents office this afternoon... That must be it...
Hey, has anyone talked to Kaylyn recently? I haven't heard anything from her... Maybe I'll call her later...
So... Yeah... That's all I really have to talk about right now....
.... Yup... All I can think of for the moment... Call or text me!
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