So, now that my spaz moment's over, I would like to- *oven timer rings* Oh, just a minute... *Goes and pulls out chicken fingers, then puts them back in and puts 5 more minutes on the timer* Right, so now then, I would like to talk about... Well, I don't really know... I lost my train of thought...
Oh well, I'll remember eventually... Anyways, all seems to be well again for the most part. So far as I've se- *Oven timer rings again* Grr... Stupid oven. *Goes and take out chicken fingers, turns off oven and runs back to computer* Right, now where was I?
Um... Yeah, well, everything seems pretty good... Hannah's got her eyes set on the new guy. (Who was at the library the other day, btw.)
Lekey's seems to still be loving life. And is now smart enough to not see the jacket in front of the computer lab windows during break. (The walls have eyes!!!)
I was a bit worried about Tay-Tay, but things seems to be fine and back to normal now. Or at least, as normal as things can get with us...
Braden... Nothing seems to be going on with you recently, or at least not that I know of... So... Keep on being awesome!
Kaylyn needs to accept her invite...
And I think that's it...
And... Now my computer won't load photobucket... Of course... So... See ya!
(Btw, my timer really did go off. I didn't randomly make that up.)
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