This is the blog of the former and current Phunk Siblings. Here we discuss among ourselves our lives and emotions. You may not get any of it if you're not one of us!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
YAY!!!! School is tomorrow! *shoots self in head while smiling*
I'm so sad. I found this awesome coat at Rue 21 and I've been looking for a coat like the one Rob wears in the movie, but not exactly like it. It was AWESOME! I want it! :( *tear*
Lekey: JASPER!!!! See the jacket with Jasper and/or Jacob. Hehe. Or Ethan. Rue 21 rocks! Glad you finally got to see Twilight and I would really love to go to the Quaker meetings and such and such (SAYF!). Today my church was veyr boring. Tiring atmosphere.
Laura: So glad you're back and saw Twilight with me again. I think I might have to see it one more time or more. Hehe. I got distracted for one second a few times. Can't wait for the 2-DISK DVD!!! and Little Ashes!
Taylor: There are purple jeans at Rue 21. Hehe.
Hannah: Glad you saw Twilight, and that icon was funny.
Heather: You've got to admit that I should play Edward in our Twilight spoof. I found a very similar coat today at Rue 21 to the one Rob wore in the movie. It's awesome! I love it! I want it! AAHHHH!
Peace. Love. Happiness.
Oh and btw, after 10 days in the theaters, Twilight has made $119.7 million dollars!
A post
I'm fine I miss you guys a lot, nothing to terribly exciting has happened to me in quite sometime so i guess life is treating me well, I've actually been rather happy lately which i think is good, break was boring as crap, thank the lord it's almost over. I guess I'll see you guys in the morning.
I love this picture.
The General
I'm about to go see Twiliiiiight! *makes excited motions*
Hannah: That's horrible, and what a way to find out. I'm really sorry, you know if you need to talk I'm here for you. I hope you liked Twilight though! Lovelz, lovelz, lovelz. All for you.
Laura: I know what the present iiiiisss! Or presents are, rather. Anyway, we missed you a LOT, and never have I been more thankful for texting than this week. Twilight is gonna be fun. :)
Braden: Hey! You're cool! And taking me to see Twilight! By the way, I really admire your ability to figure out your own beliefs, separate from your parents and the church you grew up in. If you think Quakerism is the way to go, I'm right there to help you. :D
Taylor: You rock my world. Just because I can't think of anything to say to you right now doesn't mean a thing. We can stay on the phone for two hours and still have lots to talk about the next day, right? Lovelz you!
This is a pointless post... except the Hannah and Braden parts of the message, there was nothing that super-important to say.
So, .....................................
bye for now.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I believe the rafter didn't knooow the waste!
More about life...
That was an article I found online. If you haven't, look at the slide show. It's hilarious!
Hannah: I'll understand when you'll be in a sad mood on Monday. I can sympathize. I commented on Mike's Gaia just like you asked me to.
How was Twilight? Tell everything. I'll understand if you didn't like it, but I loved it at least and so did Laura and Taylor.
Guess what? I FINISHED MY NOVEL THAT I WROTE! Laura can read it first I guess. I'll try to post a link below or I can send it to via email/attachments. It's 18 pages on computer paper, but I'm not printing it. Hehe.
Hope all of my sisters didn't get sick on Thursday from all of the turkey and pumpkin pie! Hmmm.
Song that I have on my mind right now: Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine. It's in Twilight during the prom scene and it's on the soundtrack. I love it! It's the perfect love song for the prom in Twilight. No spoilers just to let you know Lekey. ;D
Friday, November 28, 2008
Post 150
So anyway, I'm in a hotel in Georgia at the moment. So I've been stuck in the car with my family for about nine hours... Talk about torture. Though I pretty much ignored everyone and read the whole time...
Speaking of which, I've just read a GREAT book. It's called Frostbite and it's the second in the Vampire Academy series, and let me tell you, it was a wonderfully written book. And I shall loan them out, being the private library that I am. *grins*
Wow, I got off track... Well, going to important things, hannah. I'm so sorry that you had to hear all that. It must be awful having all these people you know dying... But you have to know that we're here, k? Anytime you need any one of us, we're just a phone call away, understand?
And I'm so happy that you saw Twilight!!! Did you like the movie better? It left out quite a bit of the brooding and kept to the action scenes, which helps hold your attention more, I think...
As for Braden, awesome post, but one problem. The book was WAY better than the movie. Just how it goes. You can't hold the depth of a story on a screen, only through words and the human mind.
As for Tay-Tay's post, I'm sorry you got left in the cold... Why didn't you go inside and call home though? Though I guess that's the lazy way out when you can just walk... But still, the lazy way is an excusable way when it's freezing outside...
Speaking of temperature, I'm cold again... *sighs* If I didn't miss you guys so much, I'd have stayed in sunny Florida. By the way, I have small presents for all of you! I won't tell you what they are, but here's a hint. They're pretty, small, and didn't cost me a cent. Which is really good, seeing as I'm close to broke here... Need another hint? Think of what I could find in Florida that I couldn't in Kentucky. It's probably not too hard to guess...
So anyway, I luv you all, and hope to see you soon!
And One More Thing
It's called "White Horse" By Taylor Swift
Lyrics Plz?
I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around
And Uh... Shit, I forgot what I was going to say...
Still can't remember....
I'll think of it later.
so how are you all?
But anyway on to a more serious matter, after I got home (about an hour ago.) I checked my e-mail (as I always do.) and I got a message from Shyla's mom, and Shyla's friend, (the one who blamed herself for shyla's death because she was the one driving the car the night it happened.)Killed herself this morning... So don't expect me to be in a particularly good mood on Monday.
And if you think this is bad for me, Just think about how Shyla's old Boyfriend feels, not only did he lose his girlfriend but he lost his closest friend, in the same F**king year too. I'm not saying you have to but it would be really nice of you all if you would leave a comment on his Gaia Profile He should be the first comment and if he isn't then his username is XoXThe EndXoX, tell that you're friends of mine.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
By the way, I did find that song about a month ago. I heard it on the radio. It had just debuted then though, so I couldn't find it in to put on our little music player... I forgot that I could post it on the blog though... And didn't Hannah post something about that song earlier? *Pulls up blog and checks* Yup! She did, way back before. Thank you for posting it though. It's a very encouraging song.
Sounds like you guys are okay back home. I feel so disconnected here! Like I'm missing everything, though it doesn't seem like there's been much to miss... *Sighs*
Oh well... I hope you all are doing well. We really need to get together, by the way. I'll be back Saturday afternoon, but we could do it on Sunday... Anyone know where we could meet? Our little coffee shop could work I guess... Or someone's house, preferably... Any ideas?
So, I should probably go. Well, see you guys later!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to do it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Monday, November 24, 2008
28 Reasons Why Movie Twilight Was Better Than Book Twilight!
1. First of all, the demands of compressing a 500-page book into a two-hour movie mean that most of the boring scenes of Edward brooding about stuff have been cut. In fact, for the entire middle third of the movie, Edward seems happy most of the time, which Robert Pattinson frankly plays a lot better than he does the dark, serious looks.
2.The movie adds an amazing sequence in which Edward takes Bella to the top of an enormous tree for a view of the mountains and river below. It actually totally rules.
3. In the movie, vampires make an unnecessary but awesome whooshing sound when they jump around.
4. Bella's new friends in Forks have been given the Catherine Hardwicke treatment: They're cooler, funnier, more multicultural, and way more interesting than they are in the book, where they're mostly there to serve as distractions that Bella ignores on her way to Edward. For instance, Eric -- described in the book as "a gangly boy with skin problems" who's "the overly-helpful chess-club type" -- turns into a hip, attractive Gaysian. And when everyone goes to the beach, they don't just take boring walks to the tide pools; they go surfing!
5. Who knew Charlie's mustache was so awesome?
6. At the movie, you get to hear teenage girls shrieking, "I love you, Edward!!!" before the opening credits even begin.
7. We predict at least one actual Team Edward vs. Team Jacob riot in a movie theater somewhere in America; the rivalry gets much more visceral with audience members cheering the arrival of their heroes.
8. While the baseball scene can't completely avoid seeming like the campy miscalculation it is, we love that the vampires wear old-timey baseball uniforms.
9. There are jokes! Like, people tell jokes! Instead of just glumly or romantically talking about things! Bella and Edward even tell jokes to each other!
10. We guess because the movie was made by non-Mormons, there's a joke about Speedo-stuffing! And two jokes about boobs.
11. For no apparent reason, the alluring young waitress who can't stop flirting with Edward in Port Angeles has been transformed into a weird hipster chick with a hilarious bouffant.
12. When Edward explains to Bella that he can read thoughts, he points around the restaurant and tells her what everyone's thinking about: "Money ... sex ... sex ... money ... cat."
13. In a touching ode to primitive research technology, Bella actually reads a little bit about vampires in a book! Before going straight to Google.
14. Unlike in Twilight the book, in which Edward's afraid to even describe a hunt, we actually get to see Edward chase down a deer in the movie.
15. When Bella visits Edward's family, they charmingly attempt to cook her a meal. "We finally get to use the kitchen!" Dr. Cullen says.
16. The wall of the Cullens' house features a cute mural made up of dozens of the vampires' high-school graduation caps.
17. Due to Edward's chastity, at every point in the movie where you're expecting a sex scene, the filmmakers are forced to show long sequences of Edward and Bella lying down and staring soulfully at each other. They're even shot just like sex scenes! It's impossible to explain just how funny this is onscreen.
18. It really drives home the book's overarching message of the dangers of female sexuality when we actually see flushed temptress Bella, late at night in her bedroom, forcing herself upon Edward and the poor innocent vampire flinging himself against a wall to keep himself in check.
19. When Bella's mom hears that her daughter has a boyfriend, she demands, "Are you being safe?" We foresee a whole new tie-in line of armor-plated Twilight condoms!
20. At no point in the movie does the scene where Edward makes Bella faint appear.
21. Also, the scene where Edward calls Bella drunk doesn't appear in the movie, thank God.
22. In general, we're just so relieved that the movie did away with most of the 1,000 scenes in which basically this exact thing happens: Bella: "Don't go!" Edward: "I should go, but I can't." Bella: "I am happy!" Edward: "You're an idiot for being happy." Bella: "You are still totally gorgeous OMG OMG."
23. The other vampires - Laurent, Victoria, and James - don't just appear out of nowhere on page 375 because Stephenie Meyer belatedly realized something needed to happen. They make appearances throughout the movie, hunting and killing humans, which gives the movie not only little bursts of much-needed action but at least a game attempt at some suspense.
24. There's an actual fight scene between Edward and James, instead of Bella just passing out and getting told about it later. Mostly it's just them throwing each other through windows and crap, but in a story that's totally starved for action it's nice that they tried.
25. The movie answers in seconds a burning question the book never bothered to address: Do vampires in Twilight have reflections? Spoiler: Yes, they do!
26. Uh, Alice jumps onto James and TOTALLY BREAKS HIS NECK!
27. Movie prom is set in a gorgeous, opulent building with a twinkling gazebo for Edward and Bella's final dance! Book prom takes place in the gym.
28. "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb," Bella says. In the book, you just roll your eyes. In the movie theater, everyone cheers wildly.
Go to to see the real thing. It has pictures!
Response to Laura's letter!
Anyway, How are things back home? I'm so proud of Hannah for handling that so well, by the way. Perfect techniquie. Apologize, explain, then put up something funny to lighten the mood. I applaud you! And forgive you, if you didn't catch that in my applause. Plus, I will take extra care to limit my Twilight chatter around you, so as to relieve your stress at hearing about it so much.
As of now, such petty fights are behind me! This vacation is just what I need to rejuvinate and get away from whatever drama we have going on. When I get back, I shall be refreshed and ready to be your optimistic fortune cookie once more!
If you couldn't tell, I'm in a better mood than I've been in for weeks. As I said, a relaxing vacation was just what I needed. Hopefully, the fact that all of the near relatives on my mom's side of the family are nearby won't make more tension for all of us... (My grandparents = My mom x 10.) Yeah. All I need to say. My aunt Kit is here though, so that should ease things out... But we'll see...
So yeah, I send warmth through to all of you! Talk to me about what's going on back home! I feel disconnected being so far away... Thank god for internet and cell phones! But I gotta end this now... My dad's gonna disconnect the internet here in a minute....
Miss you guys!!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hannah: You amaze me. That would be REAAALLLY hard to say, and you pulled it off with grace. Dayumm. Better than I could have done. Impressive.
Not trying to sound like I'm giving you guys my 'lordly approval' or something... I just wish to express my admiration for all of you.
And now I hafta go. We'll cya on Monday, except Laur-Laur who is partyin it up in warm, sunny Florida... *is jealous* Come back sun-tanned and relaxed, friend. :D
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Holy Shiz.
Anyway I'd like to clear things with you all.
First off I'd like to apologize to those of you whom I may have pissed off on Friday, I had no right to bash Twilight. You all respect my interests the least I can do is not bash Twilight.
Secondly, after reading some of you guys' posts I'd like to say a few things about that one day at lunch (you know the one.) What made me mad about what Kaylyn said wasn't the fact that Jerry is gay, it was that Shyla was gay (well she was bi.. basically the same thing.)
Now that's cleared.
Uh stuff to waste space!!
(I thought these were the shiz, you don't have to read them)
The Ten Commandments of Gerard Way
1.Thou shall never let them take you alive.
2.Thou shall drink Starbucks coffee
3.Thou shall play World of Warcraft as an Undead Warrior
4.Thou shall admit that they are not okay freely
5.Thou shall unleash the fucking bats
6.Thou shall strike violent poses
7.Thou shall stay out of the light
8.Thou shall suck thy enemies blood
9.Thou shall overcome thy weaknesses
10.Thou shall not be afraid to keep on living
The Ten Commandments of Frank Iero
1. Thou shall run around until thou can no longer breathe
2. Thou shall eat skittles
3. Thou shall let the singer feel thou up
4. Thou shall wear a badge on thy shirt collar or hood
5. Thou shall get tattoos
6. Thou shall kick random objects if they are in thy way
7. Thou shall grin with all teeth
8. Thou shall change hair style every year
9. Thou shall wear sunglasses in situations of conflict
10. Thou shall burn everything and call it Cajun
The Ten Commandments of Mikey Way
1. Thou shall move as little as possible on stage
2. Thou shall choose coffee as thy poison
3. Thou shall straighten hair with dignity
4. Thou shall love sushi as much as thineself
5. Thou shall be the spiritual advisor to thy peers
6. Thou shall wear glasses as close to falling off as possible
7. Thou shall have epic battles with brick walls
8. Thou shall hate small spaces, large spaces and grocery shopping
9. Thou shall love unicorns with all thy heart
10. Thou shall be dangerous around toasters/heaters
The Ten Commandments of Bob Bryar
1. Thou shall never get mad at those more annoying than thou
2. Thou shall look cool with sunglasses
3. Thou shall declare that Gerard makes thou heart burn openly
4. Thou shall love cats
5. Thou shall walk in the other direction/lash out if a camera is shown
6. Thou shall T.P New York
7. Thou shall drum until thou can drum no more
8. Thou shall give out Mikey Way’s phone number
9. Thou shall be the hardest working drummer ever
10. Thou shall love Mr. Bean as thou equal
The Ten Commandments of Ray Toro
1. Thou shall head bang till thou can head bang no more
2. Thou shall stick thou hands in cupcakes
3. Thou shall hide thy contacts well (I never even knew he wore them)
4. Thou shall not like to read
5. Thou shall not bother to cook
6. Thou shall play until thou gets ‘Guitar Burn’
7. Thou shall hate thou hair when straightened
8. Thou shall sing back up as if it were the most important part
9. Thou shall ask Gerard to not do ‘that’ in thy direction
10. Thou shall be proud of thou afro
The Ten Commandments of the Black Parade
1.Thou shalt except death as it comes
2.Thou shalt sing and march without question
3.Thou shalt face fear and regret
4.thou shalt let go of thy dreams
5.Thou shalt give blood
6.Thou shalt fear thy sins
7.Thou shalt protect thy brothers in arms
8.Thou shalt darken thy clothes
9.Thou shalt not walk this world alone
The Ten Commandments of a Chemical Romance
1.Thou shall not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2.Thou shall be willing to die for love.
3.Thou shall seek revenge on those who wrong you.
4.Thou shall be a demolition lover.
5.Thou shall unleash the bats.
6.Thou shall protect thy lover from everything.
7.Thou shall respect the lords , Gerard , Frank , Mikey , Bob , Ray
8.Thou shall sing the holy hymns of the chemical romance.
9.Thou shall see beauty in bloody love.
10.Thou shall rock hard.
Uh, that's all. I think...
I'm about to go post a entry in my gaia journal it's a Interview with MCR It's fucking hilarious.
I'm about to head out to Florida, so I have to make this quick... But, somehow, I agree with both Taytay and Lekey. For one, I'm tired of not being respected when I try hard to respect everyone else. But, you know, I'm really getting tired of being angry and annoyed. Have you noticed all of my excessive book reading lately? Well, that's what I do when I'm trying to escape my life for awhile. And boy, have I needed to escape lately. It's the only way I've found to let go of whatever anger I'm holding inside behind locked doors.
But I really think that this whole talking thing would be a great way to get rid of anger too. I think that most of us have plenty that we need to get off our chests, and the best way is to talk it out. So here's what I first heard when I got online:
All is Forgiven - Default
As if the wait was not enough
and one can only take so much.
You broke in to pieces.
Seems hopeless now but at least you know
the tables can turn around
and time will repair you.
And the rain comes and goes
and all is forgiven.
Can we learn to let go
so all is forgiven?
You're on your knees reaching
out reaching for someone
to lift you up right off the ground.
Is anyone out there?
You cant breath your choking.
You'll make it through just keep holding on.
I know that it won't be long 'til somebody saves you.
And the rain comes and goes
And all is forgiven.
Can we learn to let go
so all is forgiven?
When the clouds burn away
all is forgiven.
Will the night turn to day
So all is forgiven?
Don't stop the rain from pouring down.
Let it wash the pain where it can't be found.
And the rain comes and goes
and all is forgiven.
Can we learn to let go
so all is forgiven?
When the clouds burn away
all is forgiven.
Will the night turn to day
so all is forgiven?
oh... all is forgiven
oh... all is forgiven
So, I've gotta go, but I'll be in touch. Bye!
I was off. By a lot. See, this whole debacle is a result of the issues repeatedly mentioned. And I think its good. It's time. I don't think anyone is to blame, and we all have our problems.
But the first thing I heard when I got on:
I have seen the others
and I have discovered
that this fight is not worth fighting
I have seen their mothers
and I will no other
to follow me where I'm going
Go now, you are forgiven
Talk about synchronicity. Which I am wayyy into right now. Thanks Dispatch.
So... I don't know, it seems like even though we're in this HUGE mess, we can get through it. "This fight is not worth fighting". Or maybe it just shouldn't be a fight. We do have problems, but we are different from other groups in that we realize it and feel like we should, even want to, address them.
The get-together idea that keeps being thrown around might be able to happen at my place. I don't know how eager my 'rents would be to host what will no doubt end up a drama-rama.
So. It seems like this is for the best. That we can be honest, even though it does piss off people who we love and care about. Let's keep this up, because you guys are my favorite people on earth and I don't want to lose you to our main issue of never adressing problems.
So much more to say, and I can't type another word. Love you all. We can work it out, we can work it o-uuuut.
~I sort of did, but you know, it wasn't nice to just do these things every second of the day all week.
~It's a big turn-off and I don't like it.
~We need to get together. I agree. My house is too open. I can hear my parents in the family room, when I'm up in my bedroom. Not good.
Ta ta for now my Phunk sisters!
People shouldn't be retarded and constantly bash something of others' interests every single second!
It's just retarded.
Those who disrespect me, get it straight back in their face. Maybe even worse!
It was not Eragon at all. It was mainly the awesome workings of Catherine Hardwicke and Stephenie Meyere combined (which literally it was!)
Those who haven't even read the books or have seen the movie DEFINITELY DO NOT have the right to critcise it just because they hate that series.
I have no problem if people have different views/interests, but when you actually say something about it, it says that the person doing the bashing/criticising doesn't care how others feel about it and they use it as a mechanism to make themselves feel better. To have a freakin' laugh.
I personally DESPISE it!
I just can't stand biased people or prejudice people. It's my #1 pet peeve. Treating others like crap because they are different from you, which is exactly how I feel right now!
I'm not trying to be mean.
I'm expressing how I feel about being made fun of, and HAVING MY PROPERTY TORN!!!!! THAT WAS RETARDED! At least I was generous enough to not make them buy me a new copy.
Friday, November 21, 2008
And that's all I'm going to post about that subject for now... But trust me, you'll hear my opinion on the movie eventually. Just not right now, as we do have issues to discuss...
For one thing, thank you Taytay, for venting your anger. You've satiated mine, (for now) which saves me the effort of typing it all up, then having people get mad at me. Which I think that they probably are anyway, so I guess it wouldn't really matter... But still...
Just be glad it wasn't me who lost their temper. It would have been about 10x harsher and would probably include a bit of cussing. I have a much (MUCH!) longer fuse than most people, but that just makes things so much worse when they finally come out. Cause I spend so much time repressing my anger about things that when it does come out, there's a lot packed in there to get out... And boy did I come close today...
But anyway, I agree whole-heartedly with Taytay, so I'll spare you another lecture from me. All I want to say is that if you can't even respect and help your friends, how can you expect anyone to help and respect you? That's my fortune cookie thing for today.
The only thing with the whole issues thing is that every group of friends has them. It's not just us. It doesn't stop that from being a big problem, but it least it's comforting that there's at least one person out there that's going through the same problems as you are.
And yeah, our group has quite a few problems. And I think that our main one is our strategy for dealing with them. The whole "Ignore it and it'll go away" thing just puts things away for a little while, but it always comes back in some shape or form. It's really not solving anything.
We keep having certain temper problems, insane mood swing issues, boy troubles, bad grades, and definitely trust issues. And I think that most of it comes from our inability to address it. We really need to get together with our entire group and just talk everything out.
Don't get me wrong, the ignore tactic is definitely necessary and effective in some cases. It can work for personal or temporary things, like reigning in your temper *raises hand guiltily* or dealing with things you don't like.
But for our big issues, we really just need to get together. So someone, please step up and do this. I can't host it, for obvious reasons (Not to mention nosy parents!). So someone who can host a get together, please do! I can help plan, we just need a place to have it in!
So anyway, I'm gonna go for now. But before I do, here's what your fortune cookie has to say:
1.) Think before you act. Apologize for what happens when you don't.
2.) Keep your true friends close.
3.) Don't bother with your enemies, they're not worth it.
4.) Remember that we're only teenagers. We've barely begun to live our lives.
5.) Things tend to seem more important than they really are.
6.) The possibilities for the future are endless. Don't act like they're set in stone.
7.) Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy it while it lasts.
8.) The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.
9.) There is no such thing as perfect, so embrace that which is not!
So, that's that. I'll see you guys in a week! I'll still post on the blog from Florida though, and text and call and stuffs... So It'll be just like I'm there! Especially if you text during class or lunch. I'm available if needed, so I'll say adieu! Bye!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Phunk sisters help!! I have religious issues!
This one was the biggie that did it for me (meaning that I now know what I want to be).
He said, "Same-sex marriage. Where is the harmony in that?" I got so pissed! I did not think he would ever say that. I know it's his so-called opinion, but that is just plain gay bashing right there. I wrote down: "All types of marriage = HARMONY, DIVERSITY, and EQUALITY"
Please help me learn about the Quakers.
Are Quakers liberal? I'm sure of it. I just want to know. Well since Quaker means friend, then it means that they are open, peaceful, and tolerant of others.
Oh yeah. On SNL last night during the weekend update segment, Seth Meyers said that Barack Obama was elected president and it will finally be pronouced "nuclear."
Haha! Instead of "nucular."
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bored... music survey thing...
This is actually pretty cool. it's like a playlist for your entire life, from now until you die
your day...
how..'s your day been so far?:
I'm not okay- My chemical Romance
what was waking up like?:
the pokemonn theme
the bus ride to school?:
Crazy train- Ozzy Osborne
the first half of your day?:
Janies got a gun- Aerosmith
the fast food song- the fast food rockers
the second half of your day:
Bad day- Daniel Powter
hanging out at home?:
Mr.lonely (but for me it'd be ms.lonely)
school stuff...
what's the latest gossip topic?:
High school never ends- Bowling for soup
who are you friends with?:
Together forever- ( i don't know who sings it, all I know is that it's a song from pokemon.)
what do your friends think of you?
I am- Bon jovi
what do your enemies think of you?:
Crashed- Daughtry
do you have a 'significant other?':
Lessons learned- Carrie underwood
and what do they think of you?:
I hate everything about you- three days grace.
what do your teachers think of you?:
Crazy- Gnarles Barkly
sorry about all that 'what do they think' stuff... onto home life...
any parental arguments at home?:
Numb- Linkin park
what were they about?:
The last night- Skillet
any sibling fights?:
Shut up- simple plan
and what were they about?:
crushcrushcrush- Paramore
what do your parents think of you?:
Teenagers- My chemical Romance
what do your siblings think of you?:
I don't care- Fall out boy
what does the rest of your family think of you?:
problem child- AC/DC
what do you do when you get home from school?:
Grow up- Simple plan
during summer vacation?:
Vacation- vitamin C
enough of that... randoms, anyone?
what's the best book you've ever read?:
I'll be there for you- the remembrants
what were your first thoughts upon reading the book?:
How to save a life- the fray
do you dislike homework?:
House of wolves- My chemical romance
how much?:
The doom song- GIR!
what kind of fun stuff do you do on the weekend?:
November rain- guns 'n' roses
[does anyone but me find the hilarity in that? :|]
is it really all that fun:
Hell Yeah- Motgomery Gentry
have any pets?:
Who let the dogs out?- The baha men
(that song won a flippin' grammy)
now for the soundtrack of your life section...
background during intro-commentary:
Disenchanted- My chemical Romance
waking up:
Walkin on sushine- (there's been so many remakes, I don't who did it first.)
riding the bus.
I write sins not tragedies- Panic! at the disco
meeting your friends at school.
We're all in this together- you guys should know (roflcopter)
getting beat up by the local thug.
Fight for all the wrong reasons- Nickleback
meeting your first 'true love.
Beautiful soul- Jesse mcartney
awkward first kiss.
This kiss- Faith hill
the usual high school drama, gossip, and all that jazz.
on the outside lookin' in- Jordin pruitt
sophomore year.
If everyone cared- Nickleback
getting back at aforementioned thug.
side of a bullet- nickleback
junior year.
seventeen ain't so sweet- metro station
Don't cry- guns 'n' roses
senior year.
now that we're done- metro station
Let it be- The beatles
highschool graduation.
time of you life- Greenday
Yellow Submarine- the beatles
parties, fraternaties/sororities.
Dance, Dance- Fall out boy
first apartment.
Jailhouse rock- Elvis
Time of you're life- greenday
running into your first 'true love' again.
Don't stop believing- Journey
awkward dating of the aforementioned true love.
love like this- nastasha bedingfield
proposal to true love/true love proposes.
Love is a sweet thing- Faith Hill
Far away- Nickleback
The empiral march babee!
buying a house.
Our house- I don't know who sings it... :'(
successful jobs.
If I had a million dollars- Barenaked ladies
with arms wide open- Creed
children are growing up.
Landslide- Fleetwood mac
mid-life crisis.
Crazy- Guns 'n' roses
becoming senile.
hit me with your best shot- pat benatar
awful disease-catchingness.
Untitled- Simple plan
hospital time.
Thunderstruck- AC/DC
getting better.
Holiday in cambodia- the dead kennedys
you're getting old.
Wish we were older- Metro Station
kids taking care of you.
How far we've come- matchbox twenty
nursing home/escaping the nursing home!:
wanted dead or alive- Bon jovi
spouse dying.
Just a dream- Carrie Underwood
beating aforementioned thug with a cane.
Getting away with a murder- Papa roach
robbery in the nursing home!/dramatic death scene.
Time of dying- Three days grace
Helena- My chemical Romance
end credits.
The end- My chemical Romance
Friday, November 14, 2008
My coronation/life issues!

What the hell did I do now?
anyway how are you guys? Can't be any worse than me.
I have another song for the playlist. (and guess what?) IT'S NOT BY MCR!!!! AHHHH!!! :O
It's "gotta be somebody" by Nickleback
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
(pointless post)
Still pissed.
Next time could you all do me a favor and not put a bunch of shit on my fucking lunch when I go to the fucking bathroom? That's all I ask of you guys. >:X
I can't think of much to say.
So... Hannah. I think we're all sorry for what happened at Lunch yesterday, but seriously, it was supposed to be a joke. I know Kaylyn overreacted, but so did you.
PS. Where were you today?
Heather, I misseth you... Uh... you must have been cold! >:D
Laura... Uh... I have no complaints. Democrats make better lovers. Who ever heard of a good piece of elephant? (LOL)
Lekey... I miss you even more. Sorry for making you feel awkward... Tell me about this ignoring thing? Plz?
So there's someone else in our school that likes t.A.T.u.! :D That's really cool. I'ma throw some lyrics in here for fun.
You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does
That's from "How Soon is Now?" By guess who? Yep, you're right.
Sayf was fun.
And... I'm making Hannah a good grades plan. :D
You guys need to look up Eddie Izzard. Laura can tell you he's HILARIOUS.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
It's been awhile...
First of all, I'd like to put up this video in honor of veterans day. I just happened upon it on YouTube. And I know that some of you guys are against war in all shapes and forms, but the thing is, no matter how stupid and pointless war is, it's there, and people are dying in it. So I think that we should at least honor those who fight, even if we wish that they didn't have to. And this video is more about the horrors of war rather than the false glory of it. So, here it is:
Song: When Angels Fly Away
Artist: Cold
Movie: Jarhead
Yeah, they should've really put this in our veterans day assembly rather than that silly "I Took a Flag to a Pawn Shop" thing. Veterans day should be honoring the people who already died in war, and the few who made it back. It shouldn't be used as a big recruitment thing to trick people into thinking that war is full of honor and glory, cause it's not.
But sometimes, it's necessary. I mean, we wouldn't even have the freedom to post that war is pointless here on a public post, if it weren't for the war that freed America. All the Jews in the world probably would have died if we hadn't fought WWII. But I'm not saying that war is a good thing, just that it's sometimes necessary and unavoidable as long as greed and violence exists in this world.
Peace would be wonderful, but it's currently not plausible. I and I know that most of you are going to disagree with most of this post. *cough* Quakers *cough, cough* But that's how I see it, so do with it what you will.
So, let's try and lighten up the mood here... Um... Twilight comes out soon! (Sorry Hannah, I know that didn't help any...) But for the rest of us, yays! Something to look forward to!
And, um, what else is going well for all of us? Um, Lekey seems to be doing well with her bf, as does Tay-Tay. Um... I need to talk to Hannah more, since I'm not sure what's going on with her lately... Braden's now part of the phunk! So welcome your new phunk brother! We really need to send him a request to join our blog, by the way... And yeah... Sadly, that's all I can think of at the moment... So someone post with something good that's happening! Really! This is pretty depressing...
So yeah, I think that I'm done... And I think my parents might kill me if I stay on the computer much longer, so I'm gonna have to skip the icons part of my post... So, see you guys later!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
(Takes 2 sec. to get HTML code)
This is the part of the title that says "frankie has good taste"
And I decided not to put the picture the would mentally scar you all. (I'll post it later) ;)
But anyway, Taylor I have all of your 'Helena' needs right here. (when I say all I mean the lyrics.
Long ago
Just like the hearse you die to get in again
We are so far from you
Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and not goodnight
Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and not goodnight
Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?
What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and not goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long and not goodnight
That is all.
And! Lekey there is not a thing called "Too Much MCR" but there is a thing called "not enough MCR"
Sunday, November 2, 2008
There is such a thing as 'too much MCR'...
I miss you guys... This weekend seems long. Didja notice anything new on MySpace? :DDDD
Soo... we need to send Braden an invite to the blog. And lets throw out a random topic since there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about!!!!
Get ready...
Almost here....
Heeere it iiiiiis:
INSIDE JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We've got a million of 'em, what are some of your faves?
Mine: "Go look at Lekey's jacket!"
Meaning: well, if you don't already know it, you'll prolly find out soon. It's funny. *teehee*
This may have been the most pointless posting in a looong time. Later peeps.