Sunday, November 9, 2008

It's been awhile...

Yeah, it's been awhile since I posted... Well, since the incident that seems to have become taboo on this blog, and that I'm not really comfortable posting the details of on the Internet anyway... So, I decided to put up a post today.

First of all, I'd like to put up this video in honor of veterans day. I just happened upon it on YouTube. And I know that some of you guys are against war in all shapes and forms, but the thing is, no matter how stupid and pointless war is, it's there, and people are dying in it. So I think that we should at least honor those who fight, even if we wish that they didn't have to. And this video is more about the horrors of war rather than the false glory of it. So, here it is:

Song: When Angels Fly Away
Artist: Cold
Movie: Jarhead

Yeah, they should've really put this in our veterans day assembly rather than that silly "I Took a Flag to a Pawn Shop" thing. Veterans day should be honoring the people who already died in war, and the few who made it back. It shouldn't be used as a big recruitment thing to trick people into thinking that war is full of honor and glory, cause it's not.

But sometimes, it's necessary. I mean, we wouldn't even have the freedom to post that war is pointless here on a public post, if it weren't for the war that freed America. All the Jews in the world probably would have died if we hadn't fought WWII. But I'm not saying that war is a good thing, just that it's sometimes necessary and unavoidable as long as greed and violence exists in this world.

Peace would be wonderful, but it's currently not plausible. I and I know that most of you are going to disagree with most of this post. *cough* Quakers *cough, cough* But that's how I see it, so do with it what you will.

So, let's try and lighten up the mood here... Um... Twilight comes out soon! (Sorry Hannah, I know that didn't help any...) But for the rest of us, yays! Something to look forward to!

And, um, what else is going well for all of us? Um, Lekey seems to be doing well with her bf, as does Tay-Tay. Um... I need to talk to Hannah more, since I'm not sure what's going on with her lately... Braden's now part of the phunk! So welcome your new phunk brother! We really need to send him a request to join our blog, by the way... And yeah... Sadly, that's all I can think of at the moment... So someone post with something good that's happening! Really! This is pretty depressing...

So yeah, I think that I'm done... And I think my parents might kill me if I stay on the computer much longer, so I'm gonna have to skip the icons part of my post... So, see you guys later!!

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