I'm currently blogging while sitting on the porch of our hotel, staring out at the beach and comfortably wearing a tank top. I love this place! The only way it could be better would be if you guys could come and replace my family... And one of us could legally drive... Believe it or not, but I've already managed to get sunburnt, but you know, it wouldn't be the beach if I didn't get burnt at some point... But I miss you guys! *Hugs through internet* Hmm... If I can hug you through the web, maybe I can pull you through so you can be here! *Grabs people through their computer and tries to drag them through* Dang it! It won't work!
Anyway, How are things back home? I'm so proud of Hannah for handling that so well, by the way. Perfect techniquie. Apologize, explain, then put up something funny to lighten the mood. I applaud you! And forgive you, if you didn't catch that in my applause. Plus, I will take extra care to limit my Twilight chatter around you, so as to relieve your stress at hearing about it so much.
As of now, such petty fights are behind me! This vacation is just what I need to rejuvinate and get away from whatever drama we have going on. When I get back, I shall be refreshed and ready to be your optimistic fortune cookie once more!
If you couldn't tell, I'm in a better mood than I've been in for weeks. As I said, a relaxing vacation was just what I needed. Hopefully, the fact that all of the near relatives on my mom's side of the family are nearby won't make more tension for all of us... (My grandparents = My mom x 10.) Yeah. All I need to say. My aunt Kit is here though, so that should ease things out... But we'll see...
So yeah, I send warmth through to all of you! Talk to me about what's going on back home! I feel disconnected being so far away... Thank god for internet and cell phones! But I gotta end this now... My dad's gonna disconnect the internet here in a minute....
Miss you guys!!!
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