Sunday, November 2, 2008

There is such a thing as 'too much MCR'...

Good lord, for serious!!! 'Teenagers' is awesome, but hello, how many emo-poppunk anthems can one playlist hold????

I miss you guys... This weekend seems long. Didja notice anything new on MySpace? :DDDD

Soo... we need to send Braden an invite to the blog. And lets throw out a random topic since there is absolutely NOTHING to talk about!!!!

Get ready...

Almost here....

Heeere it iiiiiis:

INSIDE JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We've got a million of 'em, what are some of your faves?

Mine: "Go look at Lekey's jacket!"

Meaning: well, if you don't already know it, you'll prolly find out soon. It's funny. *teehee*

This may have been the most pointless posting in a looong time. Later peeps.

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