Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new beginning, a better beginning...

Barack Obama is officially the President of the United States. I believe the time has come for real peace, real love, and real happiness.

Bush was a good guy, but once 9/11 hit he didn't know what to do, but he just kept his mind on one thing: War/Invasion of Iraq and didn't even think about the future and the economy.
I really did not like how some people acted today at lunch when I went in there.

Laura, you were mature about it. Kudos.

Kaylyn and Isaac were just irritating.

Jon-Jon was just Jon-Jon and won't accept the fact that Obama is the President and he probably will still bash him, but it's sorta fair because a lot of people bashed Bush, but yet again Obama has just started being President like 4 hours ago and Bush had 8 years to do good things, but he wasted those 8 years and almost completely destroyed the economy and made all of the Middle Eastern countries hate our guts and want us dead. But it's still a bit unfair that he's doing it towards a new president. It's just annoying to be around him most of the time now. I guess there are just only a few people in our school that have grown up!

Oh yeah, do you guys have any classes with Ryke or Rike or however you spell his name. The little kid who's like 10 or 12 and in high school. He is unfortunately in my 3rd period and he is annoying as hell. He had to be escorted out by Officer Brandenburg he was so disruptive. He was getting up a lot, talking to Cheyenne in a voice in which I could hear him from across the room, he throw textbooks down the stairs, and he should've just gone back to the elementary side or 6th grade wherever he belongs.

I really want to go to Gatton now.

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