Why is it that whenever I'm finally starting to feel better, something happens to make me either upset or angry?
Honestly, what's wrong with posting like normal? If you want to talk in real life, then you start the conversation. We'll respond! If you start a convo on the blog, it'll be responded to on the blog.
The blog always was meant as a way to communicate when we couldn't see each other and as a way to vent. It's an easy means to get a message out to all the phunk family and let them know how you're doing.
It's not what you've made it out to be!!! If you're going to do the same thing that Heather and Hannah did and "leave" us, then think about what we're gonna feel.
This is the only way we have to make sure everyone else is doing okay when we can't talk. School is not exactly the best place to limit all our communications to. There is absolutely nothing to prove by doing this. And I can tell you now that it won't change anything.
You and I made this blog Tay. Don't just throw it away! It's the last tangible thing that we have to tie all of us together...
I don't trust myself enough to finish this post. I'm just ticked. Things aren't the same, and will never be the same again. And I just want to hole up in my room away from all of this stupid, pointless drama.
Sorry if I bothered anyone with this. If it helps, I have two annoying little boys running around in the room over my head, so most of this anger is because of them... The other part is the part of me that's sick of everything... And there's the part that's PMSing... So don't take much of it personally..
On a brighter note, I suppose, Faith is doing well! She walked around her stall today, and though I think something's wrong with her front foot, I think it'll work itself out in time... She's an absolutely adorable midnight-black calf and is really the only thing that can cheer me up right now... I'll keep fighting for her survival. I have faith in her...
So... I'm going. We all really need to talk... You could come over tomorrow after my doctor's appointment... We shall see...
Your friend,
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