Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 - The Year of Hannah

So how are you guys? I'm finally glad that 2008 is over (worst year of my life). And this year I actually have resolutions.

1. I'm going to find someone so I'm not lonely anymore.

2.Improve my grades.

3. Do something amazing, and life changing.

4. Travel more.

5.More money, more money, more money.

6. Go to a concert

7. Leave everything bad that has happened to me in the past, and leave it in the past.

And here comes the confusing part of my post. The part were I ruin everyone's lives by saying,Hannah of the phunk....

Is no longer'Hannah of the phunk'.

Yes, I am resigning. As sad as it is I did put put serious thought into do doing this, and I decided that this was best for not only me, but for you guys as well.

So here's my resignation (and I will indeed be serving it in drag.)

I love you guys, and I sincerely thank you guys for for putting up with my crap for so long.



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