Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Okay... I'm sitting at my parent's office, bored out of my mind... This happens way too often... At least I have computer access this time... But whatever...

I'm sorry that people are bitches Taylor... Honestly, you won fair and square, and it's been a year now... But, we just have to ignore it and move on with our lives... Not much else we can do in this situation. If you fight back, it'll never end.

But, if it gets too bad, I'm the girl to come to when it comes to secretive revenge... *grins evilly*

And Lekey, it really doesn't matter much. Nobody who reads this blog knows who you really are except a few of our friends to whom we've given the URL to. So it doesn't matter too much... *turns away and laughs at Taylor's comment for a few seconds before turning around and composing herself*

Anyway, I'm in a frustrated and depressive mood right now, topped off with a big bottle of Ale 8. And now I'm in a weird mix of hyperness and depressiveness... It's really quite odd... So I'm gonna randomly talk about things for awhile...

Anyway, a lot of good and bad things have been going on... For me at least... I'll list a few...

1.) I'm still single. (doesn't bother me as much as it does most people, but annoying all the same.) 2.) I'm bored out of my mind. (Right now, and in school. But not with you guys...)
3.) My mom got me a freakin' personal trainer. (NOT NICE!!! I'm sore all over...)
4.) My mom STILL won't leave me alone for more than 5 minutes. (I think she's afraid I'm going emo or something... Wonder what gave her that idea?)
5.) I need more caffeine. (Must. Have. Mountain. Dew.)
6.) I don't want to do pointless homework. (Why does a robot need to know about the Ottoman Empire anyway?)
7.) Did I mention I'm still single? (I think it was somewhere up there...)
8.) I forgot my iPod at home. (This stupid computer doesn't work without headphones...)
9.) I want this to be an odd numbered list... (I, unlike SOME people, like disorder.)

1.) I have friends who love me. (*hugs*)
2.) I now am bored enough to actually respond to the texts that I get in class. (It's funny how so many teachers never notice...)
3.) My awesomely crazy aunt is here for the week. (It's like dealing with an older me... And a lot of Courtney... ;) *smiles mischievously*)
4.) I can let my frustrations out in this blog. (Just not in so much detail...)
5.) My Aunt brought her cute little dog Baxter! (He's soooooo cute!)
6.) I've got a plan to annoy my mother... (It involves chocolate, and the lack thereof... *Grins evilly*)
7.) I get to make another odd numbered list! (Yay imperfection!)

So... That made me feel a little better... But I should probably go ahead and end this post, seeing as it's everlasting again... But not before my signature icons!

See you guys!

P.S. Check out the "Random Facts" Thing! It's pretty weird...

1 comment:

Tim said...

See,laura i try to help her with that but nothing i ever say is even remotley important i suppose. What can i do to be there for her more?