Monday, September 8, 2008

hahahaha HA!

What a wonderful world, huh? Laura, I completely ADORE your last post. Actually a lot of things make me smile right now that usually don't. Everything seems the same but better. Lalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaa! Is it always like this, all surreally happy? Its like a drug substitute. Next up, Hannah and Laura. I am on the case, because I don't have to worry about anything else now.

So, do you guys understand why I was spazzing out all day, especially in the gym? YAAAAAY! Laura I think your boyfriend ESP is malfunctioning. Although idk who could have seen that one coming... :) Hopefully it'll start working again soon, because you and Hannah will be needing it.

The immensely unimportant RHCP dude has a name that will not be revealed for the entire internet to read. That would be extremely embarassing. *Shrinks away in horror*

Taylor and Heather, I am proud to sort of join your clan. Hopefully y'all are glad to have me. AHAHAHAHA this rocks.

I never have any cool icons like you guys... dang. So I pull this truly ridiculous posting to a close with a digital hug for some of my favorite people in the world.

You all are some of the most trustworthy and kind people on this planet. I WUV you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

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