Friday, September 26, 2008

Faith, love, and optimism

Oh my god... I am happier than I've ever been! (mainly because of Acedemic team practice) Heather, you were'nt there, but I hung with tory (and Isaac because he was just there) pretty much the majority of the time. It made me so Happy, and now I know that I know I can talk to him without being worried about anything, and it makes feel like maybe, just maybe this whole operation just may work! The Optimist inside me has finally taken over and has given me faith! And I'm going to stick with the whole operation until either He asks me out or until I get the courage to ask him out. Things are fianlly starting to turn around. and it feels SO good!!

Okay, so I'm getting a little ahead of myself, with all these pictures but I'm pretty sure you guys did these things too. (at least I hope so or else I'm gonna feel like a total idiot.)

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