Saturday, June 26, 2010



So, how have you all been? :)

It's been awhile since I've posted anything of consequence on this thing, and I find that I rather miss it... Don't you?

Though you've all probably gotten your FaceBook message about that. *grins innocently*

So anyway, I'm glad that Hannah has brought this blog back to our attention. *applauds hannah for that*

That reminds me... I need to upload that video of Hannah clapping in front of the Knight and Day movie poster... For almost a full minute... Hilarious movie, by the way. So go see it! Preferably with Hannah. She makes it more entertaining. Though I warn you, keep your cell phone ready so that you can call for a ride when you get kicked out. :D


Anyways, life has been fairly interesting for me lately. Bad and good interesting. I'll start with the bad so that I can end with the good...

So, my grandma has cancer... For awhile now. Most of you have probably been told at some point, but I have a thing against complaining about things seriously. I mean, I can complain about school or my hair or something because it doesn't really matter to me, and it's sometimes entertaining to tease people by complaining about random things, but I don't have much to say about the things that really matter for whatever reason.

Anyways, she's not supposed to make it through the month... Though she has been doing better lately. You see, we did this thing... Commonly known as an exorcism... Because there's this theory that the main causes of severe diseases are demons...

So we come into my grandparent's house and there's this Catholic Priest there... Sending away the demons within my grandma... (Needless to say, that's the strangest thing that I have EVER walked in on...) But it IS a cool theory, when you get into it. Ask me about it sometime if you want to know more.

But grandma has been able to eat since then, so hey. If it helps... *shrugs*

Oh, in other news, my uncle has ALS and my aunt is having heart issues... Dad has become borderline diabetic and my brother's grades are dropping, causing my mom to go mad... And while all this has been going on, all faith I've ever had in our government has been utterly shattered. (Talk to me for more on that one...) Oh! And I'm trying to prepare for one of the biggest moves of my life.
Um... Yeah...
It all hits the fan at once, doesn't it?

I think that's it... Maybe more, but I don't want to think more about it...
So if I've seen distant lately, this is why...

But now you're all caught up!


Happy things!

Um... Lekey and Braden: Our Midsummer "celebration" was great! We should do that for all those holidays... We'll get better as we go, I'm sure. :)

Oh! And UK has been scouting me! Which is good because they have one of the best engineering programs in the state and should take my hours after Gatton... *is excited* But we shall see. Much can change in a year or two...

I'm headed off to VAMPY in TWO DAYS!!! I shall be studying physics. And it shall be fun! And when I get back, Hannah, I and whomever else wants to go must see Avatar: The Last Airbender. It must happen. *nods*

By the way, hilarious story there, Hannah! I think I remember that day... With "your" Braden. LOL! And, just to say about your last post, don't worry too much about finding your niche. You just have to look for it.

Here's your challenge for the three weeks that I'm gone: Go to the library nonfiction section. Look through the books and find just one topic that has some sort of interest to you(Photography, music industry, acting, computer science, Star Wars: Behind the Scenes, anything.). Grab any books that may seem interesting. At least look through every book you grab. If it's boring, you can drop it. But I want you to read most of at least one of them. Can you do that?

Just remember, this is a "for fun" thing. You don't HAVE to read anything that you really don't want to. Don't worry about memorizing facts. Being "book smart" is over-rated. It's the theory and technique behind the books that matters. :)

So yeah. That's it for now, I think... I'll probably talk more about my thoughts on Gatton later in the summer, but I'm tired right now...

So anyways, Love you guys!

Have fun in India Lekey!

And Same to you in Oregon, Taya!!!

And for now, I bid you all adieu.

~Laura(Still of the Phunk)~

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