Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer plans and life!

I'm excited for Thursday (of course!)
SAYMA will rock.
I get to see my Friends from Nashville, Chattanooga, Atlanta, etc., and meet North Carolina Friends! I'm so pumped, especially to meet Colin (Ulin.) He's pretty attractive, but I know he's straight. I can tell. Don't care. I can be his friend/Friend/Phriend!
July plans include West Virginia family reunion (that one I enjoy) and my cousin's wedding a week before.
August plans include Sliding Rock in Ashville (I get to go there twice this summer. Maybe I'll see North Carolina SAYFers. Probably not. Oh well.)
Then Sophomore year begins. Hopefully it's like the beginning of Freshman year (fast pace), and like that all year (NO ICE STORMS ALLOWED!!!!!!)
So yeah. There totes needs to be new, hot, bi/gay students (for moi') maybe even a foreigner in my classes that totally digs me (like the G-FES only in my grade and slighty older than I am by like days or months.)

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