This is the blog of the former and current Phunk Siblings. Here we discuss among ourselves our lives and emotions. You may not get any of it if you're not one of us!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Random Rantages I s'pooooose.
I need to hear from Heather. NOW. It's driving me insane.
And I need to send Kay-Kay an invite to the blog. *to do list*
LEKEY! Slut shorts! LOL!
So, we seem to have a little club, me, Lek-Lek and Heh-Heh. And KK, I suppose. Whatever.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Here we go again...
Be careful not to make him uncomfortable at first by coming on to him too obviously, and just cheer him up whenever you can. Then, once he's over his break up, who's gonna be the first person that comes to his mind? YOU. You would've helped him when he needed it most, and that always leaves a big impression on someone. And this is the second phase of the full MHTL plan.
And, sadly, I don't have time to put up icons, as my dad's trying to drag me out of the door at the moment... So see you guys later!
I'm sorry, I can't control how I feel.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Here is what I've been thinking about lately... Isn't it strange...
- How polar opposites of emotion can exist in such close quarters?
- How comfortable some people seem with themselves?
- How humans have the capacity to feel this much emotion without exploding?
- That people can care soooo much?
- How blessed I feel that I can.
My dearest, most beloved friends, I can't express how glad I am to know you. Please don't hesitate to call me or message me or randomly show up at my house if the need should arise. it is my goal to always be there for you guys.
Moving on to lighter topics: Hannah, you always capitalize 'him' when you are using that pronoun to refer to Tory. I know you like him a lot, but hes not God... chiillll! Oh, and whaddya want for your birthday??? Please hasten to reply. Thanks.
Well, I seem to have run out of words earlier than expected. Loooove you guys. :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Good mood gone.
Birthday Party, Monday, Meet at my Crib yo.
So Yeah, you get the jif man, (no, not the peanut butter). Meet at my place at 5:00 p.m. SHARP!!! If you come any later than that you will not be allowed into the party. And Yes there will be cake/Ice cream/Guitar Hero/My dad Possibly being a show off and playing his guitar... Then Those of who are coming to my aunts old crib, for the sleepover will be leaaving my house around 6:30 to 7:00. Get it? Got it? good.
'Till then, Peace, love, and Happy pik-cha's lol. (pictures)
Who else is glad its fall? Not necessarily fall break, just fall.
Everyone says that spring is the time for love, but in respect of the Phunk, I think fall is helping us out more than spring ever did.
*Heather: I love you. Sorry about your parents. Just know that we're ALWAYS here for you no matter how far away we are. Got me? You'd better.
*Taylor: piiiie. Me and you girl, we are gonna hang out this week. Especially since I'm missing Sayf for homecoming... heheh. OH! You should just come with me! There's a good idea.
*Laura: Still workin' on it. You really should consider my last suggestion... but if you won't, then we'll keep looking until we find the perfect 'one'. LOL. :)
YAY PHUNK LOVE LIVES!! YAY PHUNK! YAY FALL! You guys really are the best friends anyone could ask for.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Faith, love, and optimism
Okay, so I'm getting a little ahead of myself, with all these pictures but I'm pretty sure you guys did these things too. (at least I hope so or else I'm gonna feel like a total idiot.)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What did I do?
Now, on to other cheerier topics.
Haha! Heather! We got to CORRECT YOUR GRAMMAR!!!!!! It is "Zack and me!" HAHAHAHAHA
This thing says scheduled outage at 4:00 PM Pacific time, which is 8 here, and it's 7:56, so... I better post quick. I'll talk to y'all later.
1) He's still dating Terra (God knows why)
2) i just can't talk to him it just feels weird.
3) And plus it's hard to even be "just friends" when you can't even talk to someone.
4) And is it like me to be nice? The correct answer is NO. Because I'm a selfish person Whom everyone can't stand, not even you guys, and don't lie and say you can stand me because you can't.
5) If I did talk to him I'd probably break down crying.
And it hurts me so much to that we can only ever be "Just Friends" because I waited for him for such a long time and I think I desrve him.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Parents Suck.
P.S Laura I like that one icon I'm sure you know which one I mean. *wink* *wink*
Monday, September 22, 2008
Go Now, You Are Forgiven
Well, she's not.
Most of you witnessed this revelation in the gym this morning.
It was very strange, and I really wished I was more awake at the time.
I was about to go up the bleachers and she said, "Taylor, I don't hate you." And then she went on about how Bethany had told her how bothered I was when I found out she'd said some things about me. All I could say was, "Thank you."
And then, because I had a really weird dream a while ago in which I hugged her, I asked for a hug. And I got one.
So now, I feel forgiven. I feel like a good person again.
It's a nice feeling. Now I can concentrate all my healing energy on you guys, who unfortunately have more problems than me.
Let's not forget the Full MHTL Operation. Or the Full MTLH Operation. Whichever y'all want. :D
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Black Widows Attack!
#1 rule for a flat stomach
Anyway, that's the least of my worries. Okay, no its not, but I want to post about something else right now. I have 2 tests and a quiz tomorrow. Scratch that, two quizzes. So who is having a blast at school??? *dripping with sarcasm* Was middle school seriously this much work? Cuz I don't like it. I want to spend time with important people in my life, like you guys! Instead I'm stuck running from cross country straight to like 2 hrs of homework.
Laura, I told you. We will find someone for you!!! I don't know who yet, but who knows? Maybe the sensitive hot emo guy of your dreams will magically show up this month somehow. Or maybe you'll start realizing that theres this person... and you kinda love to spend time with them... and you think they like you too... and then, magically, one day after cross country, you guys will have this weird almost dating thing going on!!! Oh, wait. That's me. But I guarantee something similarly delightful. It fills the heart with estatic joyness. Until someone's parents go all parent-y!! Then you're like, CRAP.
Most likely you will not have this problem. Because you are like a parent's dream. Except to your own. And I mean that in the best of ways. :)
I think that two people need to get on this blog and frickin POST!!!
That's all for now. byeees.
Gasparani Was EVIL!
Sorry for putting certain words that start with a B really big in my title Laura. I guess you got your revenge with the random fact about how the snakes have two penises. I, personally, didn't know snakes had them at all, because you can't see them when you hold one... Maybe they were female snakes. Although we did have a discussion about how maybe mermaids had a little flap.... *gets off on a tangent* Sorry.
Laur-Laur, your posts are long because you always make lists. If you didn't press "enter" so much, they would be the same length but not as long! Or something.
So, I'm trying to decide if it was worth it to miss school in order to sing some 500 year old Latin song written by some dead Italian guy named Gasparani a million times. Although the food was delish and I had several million cookies. And ice cream. And pizza and fries and chicken tenders and chocolate pudding and grape juice. :D Just thought I'd make you all jealous. Except Laura. And shame on Hannah for texting during class! *shame finger* And while you were doing a make up test! Gasp!
I love all you guys.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm sorry that people are bitches Taylor... Honestly, you won fair and square, and it's been a year now... But, we just have to ignore it and move on with our lives... Not much else we can do in this situation. If you fight back, it'll never end.
But, if it gets too bad, I'm the girl to come to when it comes to secretive revenge... *grins evilly*
And Lekey, it really doesn't matter much. Nobody who reads this blog knows who you really are except a few of our friends to whom we've given the URL to. So it doesn't matter too much... *turns away and laughs at Taylor's comment for a few seconds before turning around and composing herself*
Anyway, I'm in a frustrated and depressive mood right now, topped off with a big bottle of Ale 8. And now I'm in a weird mix of hyperness and depressiveness... It's really quite odd... So I'm gonna randomly talk about things for awhile...
Anyway, a lot of good and bad things have been going on... For me at least... I'll list a few...
1.) I'm still single. (doesn't bother me as much as it does most people, but annoying all the same.) 2.) I'm bored out of my mind. (Right now, and in school. But not with you guys...)
3.) My mom got me a freakin' personal trainer. (NOT NICE!!! I'm sore all over...)
4.) My mom STILL won't leave me alone for more than 5 minutes. (I think she's afraid I'm going emo or something... Wonder what gave her that idea?)
5.) I need more caffeine. (Must. Have. Mountain. Dew.)
6.) I don't want to do pointless homework. (Why does a robot need to know about the Ottoman Empire anyway?)
7.) Did I mention I'm still single? (I think it was somewhere up there...)
8.) I forgot my iPod at home. (This stupid computer doesn't work without headphones...)
9.) I want this to be an odd numbered list... (I, unlike SOME people, like disorder.)
1.) I have friends who love me. (*hugs*)
2.) I now am bored enough to actually respond to the texts that I get in class. (It's funny how so many teachers never notice...)
3.) My awesomely crazy aunt is here for the week. (It's like dealing with an older me... And a lot of Courtney... ;) *smiles mischievously*)
4.) I can let my frustrations out in this blog. (Just not in so much detail...)
5.) My Aunt brought her cute little dog Baxter! (He's soooooo cute!)
6.) I've got a plan to annoy my mother... (It involves chocolate, and the lack thereof... *Grins evilly*)
7.) I get to make another odd numbered list! (Yay imperfection!)
So... That made me feel a little better... But I should probably go ahead and end this post, seeing as it's everlasting again... But not before my signature icons!
See you guys!
P.S. Check out the "Random Facts" Thing! It's pretty weird...
Okay, two things to say: TAYLOR, I appreciate your little postscript, which is on the internet for the oh, I don't know, ENTIRE FREEKIN' WORLD to see!!! Thanks a lot, I love you too.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Some People Are Bitches.
Because Autumn and Bethany told me at AKG...
That someone has been saying some things about me...
And even though she wrote a note that made me think otherwise, I'm now pretty damn well convinced that she is a BITCH.
Okay. I'm PRETTY sure you know who I'm talking about. I'll tell you more later, if I feel like repeating it. *sigh*
I guess I could have put all that in my last post, but I was too worried about y'all. :D
I believe I'm done.
PS Lekey, your boobs are unclean. :D
PPS I saw this ad, on Gaia, and it was one of those things where you have to choose yes or no and get a prize, and the question was, "Are you on Team Edward?" I WAS LIKE YAAAAAYYYYY!!!
I found some Icons!
On the brighter side, SAYF IS IN LIKE 3 DAYS!!! We're gonna have a couple new additions to our rowdy band of Quaker teens this time too. How exciting!!! Sayf has been a central part of my life ever since I went to my first retreat. I sincerely hope ya'll find the same levels of warmth, caring, acceptance, and compassion that I was delighted to discover there my first time. It's going to be great having you there. :)
Until next posting, I remain faithfully yours,
Lekey S. L.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Alright. My heart weeps for you, but Berea is a tiny town and there's a whole six point whatever billion people out there that you've NEVER MET! Remember, we still have 3 and 7/8 years of high school plus 2-4-6-8 years of college(I put 8 for Laura. It takes time to be a robot)plus the REST OF OUR LIVES! My philosophy is that the reason people mostly meet their spouse in college is because you generally meet them BECAUSE you share interests and stuff. COLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGECOLLEGE! It'll be here before you know it. Also, the lovely "one" might move here in Junior year for all you know. That would certainly be more convenient.
Well. I hope THAT helps. I'm just helping Laura's point. Laura, you can be the book writer! Me and Heather can edit. :) YAAAYYYY GRAMMAR NERDS!!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
An Unforseen Event!
So then... I suppose it's Hannah next? Yes Lekey, I know that you said me too, but my ESP doesn't work on myself, unfortunetly... Or more like I don't let it work on myself... But whatever...
hahahaha HA!
So, do you guys understand why I was spazzing out all day, especially in the gym? YAAAAAY! Laura I think your boyfriend ESP is malfunctioning. Although idk who could have seen that one coming... :) Hopefully it'll start working again soon, because you and Hannah will be needing it.
The immensely unimportant RHCP dude has a name that will not be revealed for the entire internet to read. That would be extremely embarassing. *Shrinks away in horror*
Taylor and Heather, I am proud to sort of join your clan. Hopefully y'all are glad to have me. AHAHAHAHA this rocks.
I never have any cool icons like you guys... dang. So I pull this truly ridiculous posting to a close with a digital hug for some of my favorite people in the world.
You all are some of the most trustworthy and kind people on this planet. I WUV you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I know some that have never been married, but they've had plenty of dates... And just haven't found the right one yet. We're 14! We have all of our lives to find a guy! Look at the difference in ages with Taylor's parents. The person we're meant to be with could've not even been born yet! Though at this point, that kinda seems gross... Okay forget that...
But the point is, who cares if we don't have a boyfriend! We don't need them!
Oh, who am I kidding... I care. I'm single too, remember... But, I think that I am right, whether it helps or not... We just have to have patience... A lot of patience... *sighs*
Man, now I'm depressing myself... Sorry if I'm not being a very good fortune cookie... But this cookie is sick, tired, and has about 8 little boys running around the house that are going to spend the night with her brother... All of this equals bad fortunes... So, as an advance warning, I'm probably gonna tell it like it is today, rather than sugar-coating things like I tend to do...
But I'll try to be a little optimistic. I'm glad that you're liking school better now Lekey. Don't forget the G-FES... And the RHCP guy... We really need to do more research on him, by the way... How much do we know, anyway? We never even call him by his name... Um... What is it again?
Oh well... But you do sound kinda like a book of proverbs Heather... Honestly, you were way worse back before you got a boyfriend. And with the whole "we're just 14" thing, I could say the same thing to you, only under a different context... But I suppose I should just be glad that he's making you more optimistic...
You know, if you think about it, maybe things become bad just so they can get better... What was that our teacher said? "When something is destroyed, you just rebuild it better." Something like that...
Remember, the bubonic plague had to occur before the Renaissance came into being. The English colonies had to start a revolution before the United States could be born. A darkness must fall before the dawn can come... So why can't that work in our lives?
Thing is, it can. Remember, you have to be single before you can find the right guy.
Wow, I didn't think that I could be that optimistic... But I hope it helps a little... Anyway, this looks really long, so I should probably end it here with my usual icon advice.... So see you later!