Friday, August 15, 2008

School's out! (Or well, In...)

School again! I'm sorry to say that I was actually looking forward to school... Summer was so boring... Or well, not until those last few weeks... Before that, too many things were going on, so I couldn't get bored... You all know what I'm talking about...

Hey! Does this mean that we get to do the iron motion to Heather now? Let me tell you, it may not bother you at first Heather, but it really gets annoying after awile. *grins evilly*

So, who likes High School? I'm personally bored to tears, but that's probably 'cause we've only been there for all of two days and the teachers have nothing to teach us yet until everything gets settled... But whatever...

Somehow, we've already managed to get ourselves into drama... *Cuts her eyes toward Heather and does ironing motion*

Hey, didn't my horoscope at the library say that two of my friends would get into an argument this month? Wow... It is WAY too accurate... Hopefully it's prediction about September will be true... *Smiles and spaces out for a second before shaking her head to bring herself back into reality*

But now's not the time to be thinking about that... Now we must begin resolving conflicts! I'm glad that all of that mediator training will get put to good use. I mean, I never did anything when I was supposed to be solving problems... We just kinda sat around and played games for a whole hour... At least I got out of class for it...

Man! I got off topic again! Is it possible to develop ADD as you get older? 'Cause if it is, that's totally what I'm doing... And that's off topic again, isn't it? *Sighs*

Oh well, I'd just better quit while I'm ahead...

But one more thing. I did change the blog template again. I loved the new one, Tay-Tay, but it was kinda disorienting... All the colors were purple and really similar... No real contrast... Stupid little pet peeve of mine... So much purple... *Shudders* So it's this now, but you are welcome to change it as you please.

And that's it... For now, at least... So see you guys later!

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