Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn!!!!

Yes! It's finally out!!! *squeals* The final book of the Twilight series... And I loved it! I also know that if I say anything more about it, then you guys will kill me. At least, those of you who haven't finished it will... But I will tell you that I cried at the end. :'( But that was just because it was over, and we'll never read any more about our favorite vampires... And werewovles...

That is, until the Twilight officail Guide comes out... Which, I will be getting my hands on, by the way... But that's only to be expected...

Anyway, I think I'm done for now... We need to have some disscussion time for this book though, so you guys had better get it and finish it NOW!

And that's all I have for today folks, tune in tomorrow to watch me glue the book to the faces of my friends so I can have someone to dissucss it with! :)

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