Monday, July 13, 2009

I lurv the Koala <3

So I haven't posted in a while, so I decided to post today.

I've been pretty bored lately, Friday wasn't boring though, Friday was very fun.

SO, I came across the most amazing thing on the Internet. It takes a shit load of forever to load, but it SO worth it. It's for the Kradam obsessed people of the blog, which is pretty much everyone. (except Lekey.)

I lurved it. It's where I found the most hilarious Adam quote EVER. Which I probably told you all about. =]

Anyway. Laura's supposed to be back this weekend, yes?

Damn, if she does come back this weekend, I won't be able to hang out with her.
I'll be in Somerset. Oh, well I enjoy my family reunions. My family is so entertaining. :3


Taylor: I'll be sure to send you more fanfiction. Especially the one's that are so cute that it'll make your head explode. And $5.00 says that you and I are the only one's who'll actually understand the title of this post.

Lekey: You is a stalker. That is all.

Laura: I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH. >_< We so need to hang out next week. =P

Braden: How have you been lately?

I guess that's all. =/



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