That's right. Me! Well, in two days at least... Not really sure what exactly I'm doing for it though... Oh well, it'll come to me.
Anyways, I like the whole hanging out idea. Except that I might not have enough time to do that on my birthday. I have tennis, and then Braden and I have to play in the band... So yeah. Grr... It's gonna be a busy day...
So can we hang out on Monday? Or well, tomorrow? I'm not doing anything then...
And do I really have to wear a skirt tomorrow? It's gonna be freezing cold... *sighs* I'd rather put aside this dare until warmer weather, honestly... But that's totally not to give me a chance to get out of it! Really! *laughs nervously*
Whatevs... We shall see...
And theres one more person who knows how Taylor feels! I did the exact same thing, only with Math. I hate that feeling... But just remember that we're only freshman, and I'm sure that you'll kick Artisic ass in the next few years! You've got the talent, Tay. (You too Braden!)
So... Did I mention that there's only one day until my birthday? I think that I may have... *scrolls up* *gasps* I did! How could I possibly have mentioned it twice? It's totally not a ploy to get you all to remember it or to give myself another chance to put in a little more sarcasm into this post! Really!
But yes. It is. In two days. (And I'm totally not happy about it. Not at all) ;-)
And so, I shall leave you all in my sarastic brilliance. To go watch anime! Yays!
I shall see you all tomorrow! In a skirt too! (Me in a skirt. Not you guys. That would be weird)
Love ya!
~Laura (of the phunk)~
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