Saturday, April 26, 2008

yes i has an account bloggy thing! get on my myspace profile... it's cool.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Finally... A cruise ship for me...

Yessssss! I gots me a cruise ship!
AKA I have a boyfriend!!!!
Hello Laura! I'm comin' on board!
So we me and Terra were talking about how I should ask him out, and he HEARD us. So when I was about to leave, he starts looking at me like he wants me to say something. Only I couldn't. Cuz I was scared. And then I mustered up a LOT of courage and I just said, "You know..." and he was all, "Yeah." So I go, "Please?" And he said yes!!!!!!! :D
Boys always think they make the first move, but it's really the girls that do...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

New Names!

Hey guys, I think that we're just going to start using our own names from now on. For one thing, it's easier to talk about things this way, plus it cuts down on the amount of people posting. Also, Lekey, who doesn't have a character, can join now... We're still the Phunk Sisters! Just using our actual names. :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

You forgot someone!

Ah, very nice, Sana. I will hold off on the constructive criticism...
Except you forgot Lekey!